Chapter 22: Bad Feeling.

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-Yep, definitely Argent. -Flora Holmes confirmed after taking a close look at the bullet. -Where did you find this?
-In the woods. Ethan and Aiden were shot with several of these.
-Are you hurt? -Jeffrey asked.
-I got a graze shot, but it's healed.
-Healed? This is laced with wolfsbane.
-She's resistant to wolfsbane, Dad. -Liz reminded him.
-Ah, right. That's a nice trick you pulled.
-The great Katerina Petrova was my inspiration. -She smiled.
-What were you doing in the woods? -Flora asked her.
-We were looking for Lydia. -Carol sighed.
-Lydia's missing?!

Carolinne explained to them everything that had happened ever since Alice hed helped her get the scroll from Katashi's silver proesthetic finger. Kira's mom being a Celestial Kitsune, what the scroll said about changing the host's body, the Nogitsune taking over Stiles completely, Derek, Isaac, and the twins being posessed, Meredith, and how now they had managed to separate the Nogitsune from Stiles but it had Lydia somewhere and they didn't know how to find her.
-CJ, why didn't you tell us sooner?! We could have helped!
-There was nothing you could have done, Liz, and I didn't want you guys to risk your lives for nothing.
-Of course we could have done something. The upcoming wave of supernatural occurences is the reason why wr moved to Beacon Hills. -Flora argued.
-But we don't know how to destroy this thing. We couldn't have asked you guys to shoot it dead before because it would have also killed Stiles, and bullets certainly won't take it down now!
-Then we find a way toghether. -Jeffrey told her. -From now on, you must let us know everything that happens regarding the supernatural, ok?
-Yes. I'm sorry I kept you in the dark. Ypu guys have been so helpful with the knowlwge on mythology and hunting skills, and I'd hate myself if you got hurt helping me.
-It's our job, it's in our blood.

She nodded in acceptance and her phone rang.
-We know where Lydia is.
-Oak Creek.
-Great, I'll meet you guys there.
-What is it? -Alice asked
-They know Lydia's location, she's at camp Oak Creek.
-So, what are we waiting for? -Flora quiclky got up from the couch, followed by Jeffrey and Alice.
-Do you guys know how to get there? Because I have no idea where it is. -Carol said.
-I do. -Jeffrey told her. -Come on, the sooner we get there, the better.
-Excellent. Oh, my phone again. -She picked it up. This time it was Detek.
-Hey, Care?
-Hi, I can't talk, they found Lyds.
-Yeah, that's why I'm calling you, Allison just called Chris and told him, but you have to wait for us.
-There's no time!
-Care, it's too dangerous.
-It's fine, I'm with Lizzie and her parents.
-Carolinne, don't go yet. Just wait a little bit.
-I can't! Look, Lydia is my best friend, I'm not gonna wait another second to save her. And Allison is also my best friend, there's no way I'll let her fight without my help. Derek, sorry but I have to go, bye!
-Just-- she had already hung up. -Fuck...
-She's not waiting either, is she? -Chris looked at him sadly.
-No, she won't listen.
-Stubborn teenage girls... -The hunter sighed. -I have a bad feeling about this.

Back in Carol's side, the Holmes picked their most powerful guns, and got to Jeffrey's car. The camp was about 40 minutes outside of Becaon Hills, and they got there toghether with Scott, Isaac, and Stiles, who'd come in Stiles' jeep. Allison and Kira were already there. Without saying anything, all of them looked at each other.
-We've done this before, guys. -Scott broke the silence.
-More than once. -Carol added. -We beat Peter, we beat Gerard, we saved my brother, we beat the Alpha Pack, and we beat Julia.
-That's right. And a couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember? That was a total stranger. This is Lydia.
-I'm here to save my best friend. -Allison stated.
-Me too. -Carolinne joined.
-And I'm here to save mine. -Scott finished.
-Well, I just didn't feel like doing any homework. -Isaac joked, and they laughed a little.
-I was in the mood of shooting some demons. -Alice said.
-And we are here to help. -Jeffrey added and his wife nodded.
-Let's do this.

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