Chapter 6: Nightmare, enemies. Or not.

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A couple hours after she got home, Stiles called her.
-Hey Stiles! Scott was awesome, right?
-Yeah, but you're about to get angry.
-Laura's autopsy indicates animal attack. Derek is "human". He's free.
-You have to be kidding me.
-No. They tested DNA again, and it's definetely her. But he's been let out.
-How lovely... Honestly, let's talk about that tomorrow, ok? I really don't want to go crazy right now.
-See you tomorrow then.
The next morning, she got to school and went straight to find Allison and Lydia. She obviously wanted to know the details from the previous night. While talking to the girls, she got a call from Scott.
-Carolinne, please tell me you know where Allison is.
-She's with me now, why?
-Oh God, thank you. It's nothing, I got to go, bye.
Then he turned of. Not weird at all.
When the principal announced that classes were going to happen normaly inspite of the bus incident, she complained among with the other students and started walking to her first class.
When she bumped into Stiles, he filled her in about Scott's nightmare and hiw he was probably involved with the incident. Shit.
Lunch time. She was with Lydia, Jackson, Allison, Danny, Stiles and Scott. After Scott was bitten and Allison had shown interest in him, he and Stiles joined the "popular crew". Carol loved it, they'd always been friends with her and now they were all toghether.
And then she didn't like it that much anymore when she watched Allison and Scott's plan for a date turn into a "hang out" with Lydia and Jackson. Bowlling. Scott was almost as terrible as herself when it came to bowlling. Great.
-Lydia, what WAS that?- She asked, when they were alone, after classes had finished.
-What? I wasn't going to do nothing all night long again.
-But Allison and Scott were supposed to go on a date. Alone.
-Well, they can do it another time.
-You are impossible. Hey, I have to help Scott with something. See you later?
They walked inside the hospital and said hi to Melissa. Then Carolinne watched Scott's vain attempt to get the car for his date with Allison.
-There is a curfew, no car. But I will take this.- Melissa said, getting the lunch Scott had brought her.- Love you.
-Love you too...
-Bye Carol Jane!
-Bye Melissa!
When Melissa walked away, they went straight to the driver's room. Scott needed to know what had happened. He carefuly opened the door and the curtain arround the bed.
-Mr. Myers.
The man opened his eyes and slowly moved his head to look at Scott.
-Are you okay?- Scott tried.
When he focused the kids' images, he freaked out. Started trembling and breathing heavily, making both of the kisd confused.
-What the hell are you doing on here?- Melissa asked as she walked inside.- Get out now, go go go!
As the two walked outside of the Hospital, Scott looked more and more conserned. He looked at Carol and said:
-I need to find out if I did something. And I think there is only one person that can help me.
-No. NO! Scott, he is so uuugh, is this necessary?
-Yes, Carolinne, it is.
-I hate him.
-I don't like him either, but please, try and understand me.
-... Whatever, let's just go before I change my mind.
Derek was staring outside the hole in the window. The officer had just left and he was about to walk away when he spotted Scott walking in the house's direction. And the boy wasn't alone. He could have brought the Sheriff's hyperactive kid, but NO, it had to be that annoying miniature of a person. He analyzed her up and down.
Something about her made him feel sick. The way she walked. The way she dressed. Her voice. Her sassines. She didn't look that much like Kate, but there was a touch of resemblance. Her hair was curlier, but they were both blonde. Both had hazel eyes with a wicked sparkle. Their manners were quite similar too. Hell, even the way they spoke, bittersweet irony poisoning the words.
-I know you can hear me. -Scott said. -I need your help.
A few seconds later, Derek was standing at the front door. He avoided at all costs looking at Carolinne. Scott started talking.
-Okay, I know I was part of you getting arrested, and that we basically announce you being here to the hunters. I also don't know what happened to your sister. But I think I did something last night. I had a dream about someone, but someone else got hurt. And it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened.
-You think you attacked the driver?
-Did you see what I did last night?
-Can you at least tell me the truth? Am I gonna hurt someone?
-Could I kill someone?
-Am I gonna kill someone?
Scott put his head down, disturbed and defeated.
-Look, - Derek said- I can show you how to remember. I can show you how to control the shift, even on a full moon. But it's not gonna come for free.
-Hold on!- Carol finally spoke. -You want US to make a deal with YOU?!
Derek pretended to think for a second and then noded.
-Oh, f*ck me gently with a chainsaw. Come on Scott.
-You don't even know what I want.
-I don't make deals with sociopaths.
-Then why are you at my doorstep?
-I'm against us being here.
-Well, you are not the one who needs my help, so you don't really have a word in this.
-Maybe, but Scott didn't come alone. And he didn't bring Stiles. He brought ME, because he knows that I'm the only one with the balls to look you straight in the eye and challenge your 6 feet of bones, muscles, and arrogance. And by the way, I've done some research, and it turns out your "private property" is actually county property.
-Guys, enough. -Scott intervened. -What do you want?
-You'll find out. But for now, I'm gonna give you what you want. Go back to the bus. Go inside, see it, feel it. Let your senses, your sight, smell, touch, let them remember for you.
-That's it, just go back?
-Do you want to know what happened?
-I just want to know if I hurt him.
-No, you don't. You want to know if you'll hurt her.
-Anyway... Thank you.
Derek walked back inside. As they got away, Carol yelled:
-Are you out of your mind?!
-I had no other choice.
-What is wrong with you? Did you have a brain tumor for breakfest?
-I can make a list of things that are wrong with me right now, Carolinne.
-Number one: You just made a deal with... THAT.
-You do know he can hear you, right?
-Duh. Like I give a damn.
-A little empathy and sensitivity woudn't kill you.
-Fine, Scott, whatever. I'm SO not having THIS conversation right now.
-Look... I know you don't trust him. I have my issues too but... He is my only option right now. So I'm asking you to trust ME. Can you do that?
-... Yes. I trust you.
-Thank you.
-But you are taking Stiles now, I promissed Lydia that I'd help her and Allison pick their outfits or your "date" later.
-You're ditching me to pick clothes? - Scott asked laughing.
-I'm ditching you to spend some quality time with my sisters.
-See you tomorrow then.
-See you tomorrow. Good luck.
A couple hours later, Carolinne was about to leave the gas station when she saw Derek's Camaro. Now, why did she stop to watch? Not even she knows how to answer that. But she was there when a group of men arrived and started provoking him. A group leaded by the guy she'd just seen in Allison's place. Alli's dad, Chris Argent. She watched as he kept on trying to get Derek angry. Talking about his car. Cleaning the windshield. Then mentioning that Derek had no family left, which she thought was very low of Chris. Even in their most heated arguments she wouldn't dare to touch that wound. She had no right. No one did. As Chris turned away, Derek said:
-You forgot to check the oil.
Chris then smiled, and looked at one of his guys.
-Check the man's oil.
The guy walked towards the car, and he was about to break the window, when something cut his hand and dropped the crowbar.
-What the hell?!
They looked at the object that had hit his hand. A dagger, a very sharp dagger with a "W" carved into the handle.
-You have a secret body guard now?- Chris asked, even tho Derek himself ooked just as confused as him. -Let's go.
As the men left, Derek held the dagger. Where had it come from? "W"...
-Whittemore!- He heard. That voice was unmistakable. Carolinne Jane.
-How long have you been there?
-You're welcome. Now, I know my dagger is gorgeous, but may I have it back? It's one of my favorites.
-Here. Nice throw by the way.
-I've been practicing. Where are you going?
-Why should I tell you?
-You never step a foot out of those woods, so I assume that whatever you are doing here, it has something to do with helping Scott. My guess is the hospital.
-You're very nosy, did you know that?
-I hear that every once in a while. So, am I right?
-Yes. I'm checking on the driver.
-I'm going with you. Scott's my friend and I have nothing to do tonight. Miraculously.
-Until less then a day ago you didn't trust me, now you're gonna get in a car with me?
-I am NOT getting in a car with you. I'll meet you there.
-Do you even have a veihcile?
-No, I'm hanging at a gas station because I like the smell. YES, I have a veihcile. A motorbike. Now hurry up and let's get where we're going.
When they got to where the man was, Derek said:
-Open your eyes.
No response.
-Open. Your. Eyes.
This time, the guy did.
-Look at me.
Again, the man did as he was told.
-What do you remember?
-How do you know my name?
-I'm sorry.
-How do you know me?
-I'm sorry.
Then he laid back down. Not really productive, but not entirely vain either.
When they were outside, Carolinne just staed:
-That was... kind of creepy.
-It doesn't make sense. How does he know who I am?
-Don't ask me, dude. I mean, many people know who you are. Rumors run quickly in small towns like this, but why was he appolagizing? That I can't figure.
An awkward silence took place as they were both heading the same way. Carol hated silence.
-So... Ney York, huh?
-When you and Laura left town, you went to NYC, right?
-How do you know that?
-People ask me that a lot. Anyway, what is it like? I mean, I've been there, but what is it like to LIVE there?
-I hated it. Too many things happenimg at the same time. Too many people. But that doesn't seem to be the kind of thing that bothers you.
-No, it's one of the things I love most about the city. That, and all of the culture. I want to go to college there. Columbia.
-Good luck.
-Thanks. Now, when you lived there, you were hurt, obvioulsy, you're family had just died. But did you ever give the town a chance to grow on you? Did you ever watch a musical, visited museum or the Central Park?
-No, I didn't. I never really wanted.
-You should try someday. New York is so beautifu.
-Yeah... I should. Maybe I will one day.
-Let me know... I can give you some tips, that place is my natural emvironament.
-Sure. Uhm, I'm going that way now.
-Oh, okay. See you arround then?
-See you.
As each of them follwed their own direction, none of them said a thing, but both realized that is was the first time they walked away without hating each other. Because maybe they could colive without being in constant state of war. Maybe he was more than just a freak. And maybe she was more than just a mini Kate. Maybe they weren't enemies after all.

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