Chapter 20: Posessed.

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Carolinne was tense during all the way to the building; she wasn't sure of what would be expecting her at the Argent's apartament. "Derek is acting strange", Chris had texted her. Strange how? Overly friendly? Not broody enough? Speaking in another language? Murderous?
-Oh, Geez... -Carolinne mumbled, catching the strong smell of accelarator as soon as the elevator stopped at the right floor. She hoped it wasn't coming from where she thought it was.
-Derek. -She heard Chris' voice and it was not happy. -Ok, listen, listen to me. Whatever's gotten into your head, this isn't the way to deal with it.
-You burn my family, I burn yours. -Was Derek's reply. -In fact, I'll burn the whole building down around you.
-What the fuck... -Carolinne sighed, as she stood in front of the door and looked for the spare key Allison had given her for emergency cases.
-That was Kate, you know I had nothing to do with that. -Chris continued, and Carol got inside trying not to make as little noise as possible. -I'm not your enemy, Derek, not anymore.
-Yeah, you are; you and Allison. Which is why, I'm not gonna light this yet. -He chuckled. -I'm not. We're gonna wait until she gets home, and we're gonna let her watch.
-DEREK! -Carol yelled, eyes wide open in shock at the scene in front of her. Christopher Argent was tied up to a chair, covered in accelerator, and Derek was in front of him, lighter in hands and a creepy smile on his face. -What the hell is going in here?!
-What does it look like to you?
-It looks like you are very, very high on something. Cocaine, to be more specific.
-Funny as always, aren't you, Care? -He scoffed, and the way he said her nickname, it... It was almost as if he was disgusted.
-This isn't you. -She stated.
-Of course it is. You were just too busy with your own life to notice. With your friends like Allison Argent. -There was that tone of disgust again.
-You don't mean this.
-I mean every word.
-Why are you acting like this?
-Derek, stop this. -Chris tried again. -We're allies now.
-You're not my ally, you're not my ally! You're a hunter. Why shouldn't I kill you? How many of us have you killed?
-But we go by a new code now.
-"Code". -Derek scoffed. -You never cared about that stupid code, you just want to kills us. But you will never kill anyone again, and neither will your precious Allison. -He held the lighter close to the other man's face. -You're never gonna burn another family.
-Derek, he didn't burn your family, Katherine did. -Carolinne tried to reason.
-They are all the same!
-NO, they are not. And I won't let you do this.
-What makes you think you're strong enough to stop me?
-Well, I am an Alpha.
-But you don't know how to use that strenght. You can't fight without your blades.
-I'm not gonna use my blades on you.
-Risky move.
-And you're not gonna hurt me.
-Don't be so sure, Care. You wouldn't be the first girlfriend I put down.
-What the fuck... -Chris summarized Carol's thoughts at how bizar this was getting. -But you're right about one thing, Derek: I am a hunter. Trained before I could even speak, and trained others. Do you know what the first lesson we teach is?
-Chris, don't. -Carol pleaded, already knowing the answer.
-We take our children, we bind them in a chair just like this. -He ignored. -Then we wait for them to get out. Most of them it takes hours, others? Seconds. -With that, he grunted and made an impulse which caused the chair to fall back and break. In seconds, he was untied with his gun in his hand. Him and Derek started fighting and before Carolinne could do anything, the hunter had his gun right under Derek's chin, finger on the trigger.
-CHRIS, DON'T! -Carolinne yelled in pure dispair, heart clenching in her chest and tears gathering in her eyes. -Please don't do this.
-I don't want to kill you, Derek. Don't make me kill you, please. -He asked.
-Of course you wanna kill me. Your a hunter, that's what your kund does. -The werewolf growled and tried to get rid of Chris.

Chris was not going to pull the trigger, but Carolinne couln't rely in that, and she wouldn't be able to deal with it if he surprised her. So she attacked him first; she threw herself at the hunter with all of her Alpha strenght and got him away from Derek.
-Carolinne, he's going to kill us. -Chris argued.
-Not if I can stop him.
-How about a fight, Care? -Derek suggested. -Let's see who's the better werewolf, shall we?
-You're on it. -She agreed, and in the blink of an eye they were having a real battle in the apartament. It was quite a fair fight: Derek had more practice, Carol had more strenght. They were both struggling a lot, but in the end, Derek was right. No matter how much strenght Carolinne had, she din't know how to fight without her blades; Derek knew moves, he knew the best places to strike her and how to dodge more attacks than she did. After long minures of punches, scratches, and kicks that had left them both with quite a few bruises, he finally beat her. With one last knock, he pinned her to the ground and imobilized her.
-We have a winner. -He said with that creepy smile again and a hand around her neck.
-Derek... -She struggled to breath as his grip on her neck tightened. -Don't... Don't do this.
-Give me one good reason not to.
-You'll... Regret it. -She was trying her best to get rid of him as she knew that if he didn't let go of her, she could die. -I love you, and I know you love me, too.
-Derek, let go of her. -Chris pointes the gun at his head.
-Or what?
-Or I'll shoot you.
-No! -Carol tried to yell, but it came out a whisper as her lungs begged, screamed for oxygen.
-He's going to kill you, Carolinne.
-He's not. -She looked at him with a few tears running down her cheeks. She could barely speak without coughing now and all she could think of was how much he would hate himself for this when he came to his senses, how much her family would suffere, how much pain her friends would endure. But just when she was starting to lose hope, Derek let go of her neck and passed out. There was a black liquid coming out of his mouth.

Carolinne crwaled next to the wall and took off her jacket, taking in deep breaths while the pain in her chest and head faded away, being replaced with a wave of relief.
-What the hell was that? -Chris asked with a sight and sat down next to her, sweat civering his forehead.
-I don't know. -She replied, and her phone beeped with a text from Lydia. -They did it!
-The pack, they got the Nogitsune out of Stiles' body.
-Thank God... Wait, now?
-Yeah, now.
-This can't be a coincidence. They defeated the demon and suddenly Derek, who'd been acting like he was "on cocain" as you described, passes out? And what even is that liquid on his face?
-You think he was posessed.
-It makes sense, right.
-What? What happened? -They both heard Derek's voice. -What am I doing here?
-You... Don't remember? -Carol asked nervously.
-I... -He started, but then all of the memories hit him like a truck, bringing toghether a load of guilt. -Oh, my God, what did I do? I attacked you, both of you.
-It wasn't you. -Chris told him.
-What? -He sat up from the floor and another wave of guilt rushed through his body when he saw the purple bruises slowly fading from Carol's neck. -I'm so sorry.
-It's ok. -She assured. -Like he said, it wasn't you.
-What do you mean?
-You were posessed. -Chris explained.
-By the Nogitsune?
-Yeaah. But now it's gone, not just from you, but from Stiles as well. -Carol told him.
-And Isaac. -Chris said.
-Isaac was posessed too?
-Allison told me he was been acting strange this morning. Agressive.
-I hurt you. I could have killed you.
-It wasn't you, Derek, and I'm not dead.
-You could be!
-But I'm not, I'm fine. And so are you, and so's Chris. We're fine.
-How... How can one demon posess more than one person at the same time?
-I don't know, but maybe Deaton does. Let me call Scott.

She picked her phone and dialed Scott's number. But when he picked up, she found out that things were far from over.
-Carol, I was about to call you.
-What happened?
-The Nogiutsune, it's separated from Stiles, but it's still here. And it still looks like Stiles.
-Oh, so it's pulling a Lindsay Lohan now, how lovely.
-Judging by the way this conversation is going, I guess I should probably call Deaton myself. - Chris said, and Carol gave him a thumbs up in confirmation.
-Carol... That's not the worst part.
-Then what is the worst part?
-It's taken Lydia. It has her.

In that moment, Carolinne saw red. How dared it hurt Lydia? How dared it take her best friend?
-Carol? Are you still there?
-Did you hear me?
-I did. And I'll go there as soon as we're finished here. If this thing does as much as chipping Lydia's nail, I promisse you, I will end it myself. -She hung up and turned back to Chris and Derek. -Is Deaton coming?
-He's on his way. -Chris informed her.
-And you don't have to stay. -Derek assured.
-I'm not leaving you.
-I'll be fine, now you have to make ceratin Lydia will be, too.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, go.

She got up and left, determined to finish this once in for all. NO ONE would mess with Carolinne's best friend and stay intact. Now, the real war had begun; and there would be no Peace Treaty to stop it. Lydia would come out of this, even if Carol herself had to die to make sure of it.

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