Chapter 11: Motel California (Part 2).

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Warning: Suicide attempts.

When they got to the room next door, it was locked.
-No, that was not locked before! -Lydia said.
-Forget it, we need to get Scott, Isaac, and Boyd out of here! -Allison was now starting to freak out as well.
-I'll open it. -Alice took out a paper clip out of her pocket. Cliché, yes, but that's what happens when you grow up addicted to thriller stories due to sharing your last name with Sherlock Holmes. Blame Arthur Connan Doyle for this.

Suddenly, they heard a weird noise coming from inside the room, like someone were using a handsaw.
-I'm not the only one who heard that, am I? -Lydia asked.
-It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on. -Allison stated.
-Liz, hurry! -Carol rushed.
-Got it! -She opened the door and they ran inside to see Ethan there, about to mutilate himself.
-Hey, no! Ethan, DON'T! -Stiles yelled, and he and Carol ran to take the handsaw away from him, and strugled fighting the Alpha until Lydia found the socket and disconeted the wire. But that didn't last long, because now, Ethan was using his own claws to hurt himself. Trying to stop him from cutting his own chest, Stiles, Carol, and the other, who had now joined the fight, accidentaly caused him to beat with his hand on a hot plate. For some reason, thar brought him back to reality.
-What just happened?! -He asked, and stormed out of the room.
-No, get away from me! I don't know what's happening.
-Just try to explain it to us!
-Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't know how I got there or what I was doing.
-Ok, you could be a little more helpful, you know? We did just save your life.
-And you probably shouldn't have. Why did you save my life?
-That's a good question. -Alice snorted.
-Because even though I hate you, Danny is really nice guy for whom I care very much, and he doens't deserve that. -Carol answered. Ethan didn't say anything, just walked away.
-What now? -Lydia asked to no one in special.
-I'll find Scott. -You guys grab Isaac and Boyd. -Allison instructed. -The best thing we can do is get them out of this place.

She walked away and Lydia turned to Stiles, who was staring at her in a weird way.
-What? Why are you looking at me like that?
-Oh no, I, I...
-All right. -He sighed. -Lydia, I didn't wanna say anything but this, everything we're going through, we've kind of been through something like this before. A lot like this.
-What do you mean? When?
-Your birthday party. The night you poisoned everyone with wolfsbane.
-Hold on, what?! -Alice looked at them in shocked. -When was that?
-About five months ago. -Carolinne answered.
-But why would you do that, Lydia?
-I was brainwashed and under Peter Hale's control.
-Peter Hale?! As in the guy we had killed?!
-That one. He used Lydia and Derek in this weird ritual to come back to life. But he's been harmless ever since. -Carol explained.
-Oh my God... When exactly were you planning to tell me that?
-We didn't think you'd want to know, since it's not relevant in our current situation. But if you really are interesred in being filled in with what happened while you were gone, here we go: Derek bit Jackson, but my brother had some indentity issues, which caused him to turn into a Kanima instead of a werewolf. He stayed like that for a while but we fixed him and he is now living in London.
-...You... fought a Kanima. And you didn't even think of calling me?
-I can't drag you to Beacon Hills every time a new threat shows up, you'd have to move here!
-Guys, did you here that? -Lydia cut them.
-Hear what?

The strawberry blonde started walking towards the parking lot, followed closely by the others until she stopped right next to a drain.
-Lydia, what do you hear? -Stiles questioned as she kneeled down.
-A baby crying. I hear... I hear water running. Oh my God! She's drowning the baby! Someone's drowning!! -She got up and stared blankly at the parking lot, panting.
-We have to go to Isaac and Boyd's room, now!!

The ran to the boys' room, and Lydia was right. Boyd was in the bathub and had a safe with him to keep him underwater
-He blocked it, he blocked the drain with something! -Stiles yelled, deperate. Carolinne took the safe out, but Boyd remained motionless and underwater.
-What do we do now?!
-Is he dead? How long can a werewolf stay underwater? -Lydia asked.
-You think I know that?
-Not much longer than a human. -Alice informed. -But long enough.

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