Chapter 22: Use the heart.

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So staying was the best thing to do, right? Wrong. Because just before the game started, she heard Gerard threatening Scott:
-Scott, can you hear me? -Scott lifted his head. -Ah, you can. Good. -She ran to stay behind the bleachers so that they wouldn't see her. Carol knew that Scott's intentions were probably good, but she just didn't agree with his plan, and the fact that he was lying to her and Stiles about it made her slightly angry. Hidden, she heard as Gerard kept talking. -Then listen closely because the game is about to get interesting. Let's put a real clock on this game, Scott. I'll give you until the last thirty seconds; when that scoreboard begins counting down from 30, if you haven't given me Derek, then Jackson is gonna kill someone. So tell me, Scott, who's gonna die tonight? Shoud it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you? Or the sheriff, your best friend's father? Or how about the pretty little redhead who managed to survive the bite of an Alpha? Or maybe one of these innocent teenagers with their whole lives ahead of them? Or should I do everyone a favor and kill that ridiculous coach? It's up to you, Scott, but you are going to help me take Derek down. Because if you don't, I'll have Jackson rip someone's head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood.

The referee blew the whistle and the game started. Carolinne ran to the parking lot as fast as she could (sorry, Stiles!) and rode her motorbike all the way to the old Hale House. Well, she rode all the way to the woods and had to run the rest of the way to the house, where she found Peter and Derek talking. Surpinsingly, they were both still alive, though Peter had a few injuries.
-Oh, look who's back. Hey there, Blondie!
-Carol, what are you doing here?
-Bringing information. Gerard is the new Kanima Master.
-You guys didn'y know that? -Peter asked, as the other two stared at him.
-You did? -Derek asked angrily.
-Yeah, I saw him kill Matt.
-And it didn't occur to you that we would have liked to know that? -Carol raised a brow at him.
-I assumed you knew. Anyway, you came all the way here just to tell us that?
-No, I came all the way her to warn you.
-About what? -Derek asked.
-Gerard has threatened to have Jackson kill someone if Scott doesn't turn you until the last 30 seconds of the game.

Derek sighed and Peter widened his eyes.
-What do you suggest we do? We can't just run. -Peter said.
-For the first time, I agree with you. -She told him. -I would never tell you to run, I'm a Gryffindor. I just wanted you to be preparen in case he comes.
-And what about you, Derek?
-I still can't believe Scott did this to us.
-Gerard threatened to kill Melissa. -Carol explained.
-Are you saying you think he's right?!
-I'm saying he had a motive. But if I thought he was right, I wouldn't be here. Peter, you said you were here to help. What can you offer us?
-Well, here you go. Derek, you tried to build your pack, you tried to prepare for the worst. You weren't ready, and because of it, Gerard is winning, he's taking his time, he's toying with Scott, he's going after your wolves, one by one. He's relishing in his victory.
-How about you tell me something I don't know?
-Oh, I'm going to. And it's gonna prove why you should trust me. Why you need to trust me.
-Can we please skip to the part when you become usefull? -Carol crossed her arms.
-I'm offended. But sure: I'm gonna tell you how to stop Jackson.
-What do you mean? How to kill him?
-Don't you dare kill my brother.
-Actually, I meant how to save him.
Carol and Derek exchanged a look before she nodded.
-We're listening.
-There's a myth that you can cure a werewolf simply by calling out it's Christian name.
-It's just a myth. -Derek rolled his eyes.
-Sometimes myths and legends bare a hint of truth. Our name is a symbol of who we are. The Kanima has no identity, that's why it doesn't seek a pack.
-It seeks a Master. -Derek concluded.
-And who else grows up with no pack or identity?
-An orphan.
-Like Jackson. -Peter explaines.
-That's not fair. -Carol protested. -He might not have his biological parents, but it's not like he grew up alone or in the foster care system. My parents, our parents have always loved him, and they did everything they could to make him feel that, I did everything I could to make him feel that, so don't you come here and tell me that he has no identity, because he does. He is a Whittemore.
-Then you have to remind him of that! Because right now, his identity is disappearing beneath the repitilian skin and you need to bring him back.
-Through his heart! How else?
-You know, in case you haven't noticed, Jackson doesn't really have too much of a heart to begin with. -Derek argued.
-Says the Sourwolf. -Carol argued back, winning a slighly hurt and surprised look from him. And she knew that he did have a heart, of course she knew. But so did Jackson, and she had to defend her brother. Peter continued:
-There is one person, one young lady with whom Jackson shares a real bond. One person who can reach him, who can save him. -He turned from Derek to Carolinne, staring at her while he finished. -You.
-His sister. -Derek mumbled to himself.
-Your best ally has always been anger, Derek, but what you lack most is heart. That's why you always know that you need Scott more tgan anyone. And even somebody as burned and dead on the inside as me knoes better than to underestimate the simple yet undeniable power of human love.

Derek felt like contesting them both for thinking he had no heart but kept quiet, and Carol was about to make a sarcastic comment about the last part of Peter's speech sounding like it had come out of a Nicholas Sparks' book when phone rang, and it was Lydia.
-Hey Lyds, what's up?
-Care, I don't know where you are, but you need to come back NOW!
-What happened?!
-It's Jacskon! The game ended, and, and suddenly everyone was running, amd he, he's hurt and there's blood.
-I'm on my way!
She turned off and told Peter:
-I can't stay now, but when I come back, tell me everything I can do to save him.

Both Hales stared as she took off and ran back to where she'd parked, silently cursing them for living in the middle of the woods where the motorbike couldn't reach.
-You know what's fun? -Peter started once she was gone. -Both you and Jackson are connected to the same person.
-How long are you going to insist on this?
-Until you stop denying it.
-There is nothing to deny!
-You are in love with each other.
-No, we're not.
-I don't understand why you two are so sttuborn about this. It's mutual, so why not jump into it?
-It's complicated.
-At least you just admitted that there is something.
-No, that was not what I meant.
-Wasn't it?
-Why am I even having this conversation with you?
-Because I was the one who told you that you're both lying to yourselves.
-And you're also the guy who killed my sister.
-Can't we get over that? -Peter asked, making it sound like the most ordinary thing in the world.
-No. -Derek got up. -We can not.

Back at the school, Carolinne Jane was about to have one of the worst nights of her life.

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