Chapter 13: Night School (Part 1)

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long ti update! And also, sorry that there is nothing really new in this chapter (when compared to the show) apart from Carol's presence. The chapters referring to episode 7 (This one and the next one) are kind of har to innovate because all of the characters are in almost every scene, and everything happens in the same place during only one night, so I didn't really have room to create anything.
-Lock it, lock it! -Scott desperatly instructed.
-Do I look like I have a key?
-Grab something!
Stiles took a quick look arround and spotted a pliers right outside. He looked at Scott, waiting for the friend to confirm, but Scott was against it.
-Stiles no, don't!
But Stiles was already opening the doors and walking outside to grab it. He got in his knees to reach it, and before he could get up, Carol and Scott saw the Alpha coming from behind the jeep.
-Come back, come back! Stiles!
-Stiles, run!!!
Stiles looked at it eith eyes wide open before turning arround and quickly getting inside just in time. He used the pliers to block the doornobs. Now the Alpha was somewhere out there.
-Where is it? Where'd it go?
They looked trough the glass but didn't see anything.
-That won't hold, will it? -Scott asked, worried.
-Probably not. -Was Stiles answer.
They heard a distant howling and ran into a near classroom.
-The desk!
The three started to drag the desk, but soon Stiles told them to stop because of the noise it made.
-Shh! Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out
-I know.
-It's your boss.
-Deaton, the Alpha? Your boss.
-Yes. Murdering psycho werewolf.
-That can't be.
-Stiles, we don't have any proof that it's Deaton. -Carol finally spoke. She hadn't said a word since they closed thr door because her mind was not there, but in what she'd just witnessed that thing do to Derek. One second he was teasing her about Twilight and staring at Stiles for calling him sourwolf and the next he was being thrown in a wall.
-Oh, come on. He disappears and that thing shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing? -Stiles snapped her out of her trance for a moment.
-It's not him. -Scott assured.
-He killed Derek. Carolinne Jane Whittemore SAY SOMETHING. -Stiles raised his voice, still whispering, trying to bring her back again. She looked at him, her hazel eyes showing a trace of emotion for the first time in the whole conversation.
-No, Derek's not dead, he can't be dead.-Scott said.
-Do you really think it killed him? -She asked.
-Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next.
Dead. Dead. About a week earlier, if someone had told Carolinne that Derek was dead, she wouldn't have given a damn. But now he was, and it hurt.
-So he's dead. -She said, more to herself.
-That's what I've been saying for the past couple minutes. Since when do you care, anyway?
She thought for a second and replied:
-Since... I got to know him better. We were... becoming friends.
-Becoming... What?! -Stiles frowned.
-Friends. -She repeated, this time with conviction. -He was my friend.
-What do we do? -Scott asked before Stiles could keep talking.
-We get to my jeep. We get out of here. You seriously think about quitting your job, Good?
Scott nodded and walked towards a window.
-No, they don't open, the school is climate-controlled.
-Then we break it.
-Which will make a lot of noise.
-Then... Then we run really fast... Really fast.
Then looking at the jeep, they realized something.
-Stiles, what's wrong with the hood if your jeep?
-What do you mean, nothing's wrong.
-It's bent.
-Like dented? -Stiles moved to where Scott was and looked at the jeep.
-No, I mean bent.
-What the hell-
His sentence was cut in the middle when something was thown at the window and broke it.
They sat in shock for a moment and looked at the object that could have killed them.
-That's my battery. -Stiles stated. He started to get up but Scott stopped him.
-Don't move.
-We have to move.
-He could be right outside.
-He is right outside.
Scott analyzed the possibilities for a second.
-Just let me take a look.
The three slowly lifted their heads to look outside the window.
-Move now?
-Move now.
They walked to the hallway, always carefull.
-This way.
-No, no, no, no.
-Somewhere without windows.
-Every single room in this building has windows!
-... The locker room.
-Or somewhere with less windows.
They ran to the locker room.
-Call your dad. -Scott told Stiles.
-And tell him what?
-I don't know, anything. There's a gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off.
-What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?
-They have guns.
-Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?
-Stiles is right. -Carol said. -We can't risk all of those innocent cops' lives. It's too dangerous, and besides, once they got here, they would see that there's nothing wrong, and there would be a lot of questions for us in the end.
-Thank God you're coming back to your senses. -Stiles sounded relieved.
-Then we... We have to... -Scott tried to thimk of something but it was pointless. -We have to find a way out and just run for it.
-There's nothing near the school for at least a mile.
-What about Derek'd car?
-That could work! We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car.
-And him! -Carolinne and Scitt said at the same time.
-Fine. Whatever.
They were on their way to the exit when Scott stopped dead in his tracks.
-I think I heard something.
-Like what?
-Shh, quiet.
-Guys, look.
The glass had marks in it.
Stiles ran inside one of the lockers, making an incredibly loud noise.
-No, no, Stiles!
Realizing that there was no other option, Carol and Scott did the same thing.
Through the cacks in the locker door, each of them watched as something or someone got inside and walked through the lockers. Than it (or he?) stopped right in fron of where Scott was and was opening the door when Stiles got out of his own hiding locker, making the man scream.
-Son of a bitch!!!
It wasn't the Alpha. Just the school janitor.
-Quiet. -Scott whispered, as if it made any difference after that.
-Quiet my ass! what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? -He complained, as Carol got out of where she was as well.
-Just listen for half a second, okay?
-Not okay. Get the hell out og here right now. -He started pushing the three teenagers out of the locker room.
-God, just one second to explain.
-Just shut up and go.
Then something pulled the man back inside, closed the door, and the next thing they saw wad blood and the man's silhouette behind the cloudy glass.
-No, no! -Scott tried to open it.
-RUN!! NOW! -Carol and Stiles grabbed his arm and forced him to run with them before he started moving in his own. It was inside. The clock wad ticking, and they had to come up with a plan to get the hell out of there.

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