Chapter 3: Goal keeper and hot vampires.

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It was a little past dinner time when Carolinne heard glass and crockery breaking, and she knew it came from the Lahey house. She'd already heard it a few times before, especially now with the superhearing. She went to the window juat in time to see the boy running away in his bike and the father yelling at him:
Mr. Lahey got in his car and went after Isaac, disappearing from her sight in a few seconds. She felt bad for Isaac, he'd always seemed to be a nice guy.
With all that had been hapoening in town, there hadn't been a party in ages, and Carol was tired of spending her ecenings with homework, books, and TV, so she considered following them, they couldn't have gone too far. But unfortunately, it started to rain, so she decided it would be better not to, and just stay watching The Vampire Diaries instead.
-You really don't remember anything? -Alli asked Lydia at school the next day.
-They called it a fugitive state, which is basically a way of saying "we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days". But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds!
-Are you ready for this? -Allison asked before they walked inside.
-Please. It's not like my aunt is a serial killer.
-Ouch. -Carol said.
But once they entered the school, everyone there stopped to stare at Lydia.
-Maybe it's the nine pounds. -Alli whispered. Carol was not so subtle:
-What are you all looking at?! We get it, we're hot, now get back to whatever the hell you were doing.
Everybody slowly turned arround and started walking again, except for a group of boys.
-Drool, much? Take a picture, cause that's the best you'll ever get. -She said, approaching them slowly, and slightly sensually, a smirk forming in her cherry red lips, the shorts showing off her gymnast legs.
-You girls think too much of yourselves. Staring doesn't mean you're hot, it means your friend is a freak. -One of the guys said.
-I think your pants might disagree. -She looked down and laughed, which dragged the attention of a few people nearby.
She walked back to where the other girls were, the chuckles coming from behind her sounding like music to her ears.
-Let's go girls. You have class and I have a lacrosse practice to watch.

"What on Earth is he doing?!", she asked herself as Scott ran out of the goal area to smell another player. Yes, smell him.
-McCall! -Coach yelled.
-Usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal.
-Yes coach.
-Let's try it again.
But then he did the same thing to another player.
-McCall! The position is goal keeper. Not goal abandoner.
-Sorry, coach.
And another.
-Stilinski. What the hell is wrong with your friend?
-Uh, he's failing two classes, he's a little socially akward, and if you look close enough, his jaw line is kind of uneven.
-...That's interesting.
And another.
-It's Armani. -Danny said.
-My aftershave. Armani.
-Oh. It's nice.
-McCall! -Coach yelled again. -You come out of that goal one more time, and you'll be doing suicide runs till you die. It'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide. Got it?
-Yes, Coach.
Jackson was next, and he obviously knew something was wrong.
-Coach, my shoulder's hurting. I'm gonna... I'm gonna sit this one out.
He sat right next to where Carolinne was and questioned:
-What the hell is happening?!
-I have no idea.
Next in line was Isaac Lahey, and obviously, Scott went to smell him too. But when they collided, Scott didn't knock him down like he'd done with the rest. Both of them fell to the ground, and stared at each other. Carolinne could hear the growls, and only then she understood: Scott had been trying trying to find another werewolf, and appearently he'd just succeeded. Suddenly, Noah Stilinkski showed up with two officers.
-Don't tell them. Please don't tell them-She heard Isaac whisper.
The police went straight tp Isaac and started interrigating him.
-What are they saying? -Jackson asked her.
-Mr. Lahey is dead.
-Probably. And Stiles just told Scott that if Isaac is a suspect, they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours.
-But tonight is the full moon.
-Do you think he could have done it?
-Well... It's not impossible.
-And you have to agree with me, it would make sense. He definitely doesn't lack a motive.
-It appears that my first full moon will be spent trying to rescue abother werewolf in his first full moon. Great.
-But why would Derek choose Isaac?
-Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving.
-Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?
-Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a Witness. Wait! Carol, where's your brother?
-In the principal's office, talkung to your dad.
-What? Why?
-What do you think Stiles? You're not the only one who knows that the Laheys are our neighbors.
-Witness. -Scott stated.
-We gotta get to the Principal's office.
-They are probably gonna call me next.
-Did you see or hear anything?
-Yeah, I heard them breaking stuff, then I saw Isaac leaving in his bike and Mr. Lahey chasing him with the car.
-That's... Not very helpful for Isaac.
-I know, I won't say anything.
-Ok, but how do we get there now?
-Everyone please turn to page 73. -Mr. Harris ordered, when a pice of paper hit his head.
-Who the hell did that? -Stiles, Carol, and Scott, all pointed at each other, and problem solved.
-What is he saying? -Stiles questioned.
-The truth. -She admitted.
-Which is...?
-Isaac's father was a violent person and he phisically abused his son.
Jackson and the Sheriff walked out of the office, followed and Stiles quickly tried to hide behind a magazine.
-Hey Scott. Carol, follow me please.
-Boys, come on in.
And that's how they found out that the new principal was Gerard Argent.
Noah led Carolinne into an empty class.
-So, Carol, you and the Laheys are neighbors, correct.
-Did you often hear anything that indicated a fight?
-Yeah, stuff breaking, and ocasional screaimg.
The Sheriff sighed, disapointed. Carol knew that he didn't want to blame Isaac.
-What about last night, did you see anything?
-No. I'm sorry.
-Jackson says he saw something.
-Jackson went to take out the trash. I spent the night in my room watching hot vampires doing stupid things. So, unless you want me to explain every single reason why I love Stefan Salvatore, I'm afraid I won't be of much use.
-Carol Jane... You undersntand that I' have to take him, don't you?
-Yeah. But it still sucks. I truly don't think it was him, Noah.
-I'm sure you do, but... I'm just doing my job here.
-I know.
When she was out, Scott and her ran to try and catch the police cars before they left with Isaac, but it was too late. Thankfully, Derek arrived in his car:
-Get in.
-Are you serious? -Scott asked. -You did that, that's your fault.
-I know that. Now get in the car and help me.
-No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chace at getting him out before the moon goes up.
-Not when they do a real search of the house.
-What do you mean?
-Whatever Jackson said to the cops... What's in the house is worse. A lot worse.
-...Fine! -Scott finally gave in.
-I'll take the front seat. -Carol declared.
-What? Why? -Scott protested.
-One of the bennefits of being friends with bennefits. -She blinked. Scott rolled his eyes and got in the back seat as she took the passenger's. Neither Scott or Carolinne could imagine how awful what they were about to see truly was.

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