Chapter 19: Chaos, strife, and pain.

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-Hi dad. -"Stiles" greeted when the Sheriff entered the loft. -You wanna handcuff me? -He questioned when he saw what Noah held in his hands.
-If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put this on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others. -He said. Without protest, he lifted his hands and let Noah handcuff him. But there was something wrong with his eyes; with its eyes.
-You're not my son. -Noah shook his head in disgust and the Nogitsune broke free off the cuffs.

That's when all of the others walked in. Allison shot it with the stun gun, and it literally grabbed the electric current and made her drop the weapon; Derek attacked it, but it beat him; Carolinne threw a dagger at it, but the demon grabbed it and threw it back at her, and she also grabbed it. That's when Chris Argent pointed a handgun at the Nogitsune, ready to shoot to kill.
-Argent, listen to me. Don't do this. -The shriff pleaded.
-Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list.
-A Nogitsune and an innocent teen. -Carol sided with Noah. -Don't do this. -She tried convincing him, while Noah pointed his own gun at Chris.
-You're not going to shoot my son.
-You said yourself, Sheriff: that's not your son.
-Put it down. -He ordered. But Chris pulled the trigger, causing Carolinne to hold her knife close to his neck.
-Dad, he's gonna shoot me. -The Nogitsune said wuth watery eyes and a trembling voice. -He's going to kill me, Dad.
-Shut up. -Carol growled at it with her eyes glowing bright red.
-Don't listen. -Chris told Noah without looking at the man.
-Put it down. Now! Do it! Put it DOWN!
-Pull the trigger. -The thing provoked Chris. -Come in.
-Shoot me.
-I said SHUT UP. -The Alpha growled again, this time with her fangs out.
-Dad. -Allison called.
-Put the gun down! Argent, you PUT IT DOWN!
-Strife... -Allison whispered to herself.
-Put it down! PUT IT DOWN!!
-Stop, stop it! -Allison told them. -This is what it wants, this is exactly what it wants.
-Not exactly. -The Nogitsune turned to her. -I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out; because you're not gonna kill me. You're here to protect me. -He smiled, and exactly in that moment, the Oni materialized in front of them.

Each of the four figures pulled out a Katana and both armed men began shooting two them, while Allison and the two werewolves fought the others. And the chaos took care of the loft while they waites for Scott and Kira to arrive. The bullets didn't seem to hurt them, and neither did blades and claws; dodging their moves was getting harder. One of them cut Derek's shoulder, and they would have hurt the two girs as well, but suddenly they dissapeared. Just like that.
-What happened? -Scott asked when he and Kira got to the loft and found the group but not the enemies.
-They vanished. -Allison told him. -They disappeared.
-And so did Stiles. -Noah added. -He's gone, too.

-How's your shoulder? -Carol asked Derek once the others were gone.
-It'll heal.
-Shouldn't you oatch it up?
-No, I'm good.
-If you say so...
-Hello, you two. -Peter arrived at the apartament with no warning and no invitation.
-What are you doing here? -Derek asked, annoyed.
-It's good to see you, too, nephew.
-You'd better not start showing up in people's houses out of nowhere, Peter. Your sociopath side is showing. -Carol turned to him.
-You make me sad, Blondie. I thought we were friends.
-I do think you're cool. But you're still a sociopath.
-In my defense, it was the fire that caused me to be like this.
-Yeah, that's not how it works. One doesn't become a sociopath, it comes in birth. The fire triggered your darkest side and gave you an excuse to set it free, but it was always there.
-I don't like the way this conversation is going.
-Oh, don't be like this. I actually feel like it's part of your charm. Look, I should get going; Derek, are you coming with me?
-I'm gonna stay here. Still wanna figure somethings out.
-Ok, then. -She shrugged.
-See you tomorrow. -He pulled her to a kies, and then she left.
-Hey, Derek?
-What? -He rolles his eyes. He wasn't in the mood to wasting his patience of Peter now (or ever).
-Do you think I was born a sociopath?
-How should I know? -He scoffed. -And no offense, but I don't care.
-Offense taken.
-How bad. But I don't care about that, either.

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