Chapter 5: Survivors, dark comedy, and lost chance.

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-These are ultrassonic emitters. -Chris explained while setting them up. -It's one of the tools we use to corral werewolves pushing them into a direction we want them to run. -He turned them on and Carolinne felt like her head was going to blow up. -Gives off a high-pitched frequency that only they can hear.
-No kidding. -Isaac complained. Argent saw the four werewolves covering their ears and turned off the emitter.
-These are gonna drive them to the school? -Derek questioned.
-And then it's up to you to get them into the basement.
-Does anyone else want to rethink the plan where we just, uh, kill them? -Isaac asked.
-Murders and a boiler room? That's starting to sound Jason Dean. What's next, we blow up someone and go get slushies? -Carol said.
-It's going to work. -Scott assured. -It'll work.

They each planted the emitters in strategic points and waited for Boyd and Cora to show up at the school. Carol and Derek were setting the last ones when they heard Peter arrive.
-And the hunted become the hunters.
-Peter. How lovely.
-Hello, Blondie. You guys really think a few hight-tech dog whistles are ginna help.
-I don't see you offering a hand. -Derek said.
-Personally, I'm trying to cut down on futile endeavors.
-Well, Peter, the "whistles" did bring you here, didn't they? Too bad I don't have any cookies. -Carol stated.
-I'm ofended.
-Cora's alive. -Derek told him.
-Let's throw the reunion party when she's bot an unstoppable killing machine.
-I can stop her.
-Sure you can, by killing her. Which happens to be the point of this little exercise: Deucalion wants you to kill them, he wants you to get rid of his baggage making it easier for you to join his pack. The fact that it was supposed to happen in the vault, and not up here in the open, doesn't change his plan, it just means that Boyd and Cora are gonna kill a few innocent people first.
-And I should just let them? I should be ok with innocent people dying?
-Unless you're ok with killing your own.
-You are. -Carol pointed out.
-Blondie, I usually like you, but today you're getting on my nerves.
-I can catch them. -Detrk argued.
-Oh, come on! How much damage can they do? So they off a few homeless people, a drunk stumbling out of a bar too late, so what? Let Scott deal with it, let him be the hero of his morally black and white world. The real survivors, you and I, we live in shades of grey. Then again, even if you did kill them, you're still an Alpha. You can always make more werewolves.
-You're sick, Peter. -Carolinne stated. -People are not colateral damage, and they are not backup plans.
-Your life is way too easy, Blondie, you are not in position to speak here.
-Neither are you. Derek and Cora may be survivors, but you are just a self-centered murderer. Not being in the vault doesn't change Deucalion's plan but it changes our perspectives, we can trap them. You can either be useful and help us or get your ass out of the way. And if you're going with the second option, you'd better do it quickly before I do it for you.

He raised a brow at her and shrugged, stepping back.
-Fine, then. But don't say I didn't warn you, you're gonna end in a pool of you're own blood.
-Then you can come an lick it up, baby. Lick It. Up.

He walked away, disappearing in the woods.
-Lick it up? -Derek stared at her.
-Pop culture reference. And it's not the first time I quote or refer to that movie. In fact, earlier today I mentioned blowing up people and getting slushies.
-What kind of movie is that?!
-Dark comedy.
-I'm missing the comedy part.
-Watch it and you'll get it.
-Uh, no, thanks. Anyway... Are you ready?
-I was born ready.


It was working. Boyd and Cora did go to the school, but weren't going through it. They were going over it, therefor not falling in the trap.
-The red doors, someone has to get them open. -Chris said, and Derek took care of that.
-Someone has to drive them inside. -Scott stated.
-I'll go. -Chris offered.
-No, we're faster. -Isaac and Carol ran to catch the two other Betas. But when they got there, Boyd and Cora were already going inside the building, all theh had to do was lock the door. They looked up and saw a girl satanding there with a bow. She ran away without talking to them.
-Alli. -Carol smiled proudly.

Once the Betas were already inside, Scott, Chris, and Derek were able to corner them.
-Come and get us. -Derek said, and he and Scott started running to the boiler room. Isaac and Carol walked inside the building after knowing it was safe to open the door and Carol went downstairs to check on Scott and Derek. But when she got there, she only saw Scott.
-Where's Derek.
-Uhm, well... There was... There was someone else in there.
-What? Whom?
-I don't know but...
-Derek went in to help them.
-He's in there?!
-It's an innocent person, Carolinne!
-Stop screaming!
-He knew the risk. He told me to shut the door behind him.
-And you choose now, of ALL MOMENTS, to do what he says?
-When you put it like that...
-Oh, my God... Open it, I'm going in.
-No, no way!
-Look, ok, I made a mistake letting him go alone, but I'm not making the same mistake again. You are not going.
-He's an Alpha.
-But there's two of them and one of him!
-It's almost mornimg.

She tried to opwn the door by herself, but Scott was faster and grabbed both of her arms. He held her unable to move, as she grunted and grwoled, glowing eyes and fangs out, trying in vain to get rid of his grip. Finally, Isaac arrived:
-Guys, the sun's coming up.

Both of them sighed with relief. Scott opened the door and they rushed it to see how much damage had been done. They found Derek bloodied, panting, and covered in deep claw marks.
-There's a teacher. -He told them. -I'll take care of her. Get them out of here.
-What about you? -Carol asked.
-I'm ok.
-If you had a mirror, you wouldn't say that
-I mean it. -He got up. Instead of following Scott and Isaac out while they carried Cora and Boyd, Carol went to see what teacher it was. She saw Mrs. Blake sitting there in shock, and stayed hidden while Derek went to talk to Jennifer. She also saw when Derek offered the woman a hand and the way they looked at each other. She saw the little smile in both of their faces while they kept helding each other's hands for longer than necessary. She got out of there before any of them realized.

It shouldn't have bothered her. I mean, no ring, right? No, Carolinne had moved on and so had Derek, they were not toghether, and if she could go arround England, France, Germany and Holland kissing europeans and come back to Beacon Hills to make out with Brett, then Derek could hold Jennifer Bkake's hand and do anything he wanted with her. Kiss her, sleep with her, whatever. Carolinne was in no place to complain and she was perfectly aware of that. Besides, it's not like would evee admit to anyone that seeing that was unconfortable. Why was it uncomfortable? She'd sworn to herself to push away anything she felt for him, and Carol had 100% of control over that, or at least she thought so. Her whole life, she'd dodged anything that felt remotly like falling in love, because Carolinne Jane Whittemore did not fall in love. She didn't get attached.

But the thing is, Carol was that kind of girl used to having the world at her feet. She almost always got what she wanted: clothes, shoes, makeup, jewelry, purses, perfumes... And guys. Derek wasn't really wrong when he called her an "almighty siren", she usually had no trouble at all luring a guy of her choice to her charms. Was it wrong? Maybe, but she always made it clear to them that she didn't want to date anyone and they were fine with that. She was a player and a proud one. So she never really lost them; if she wanted, they'd be back, and if they wanted, she'd be back, because really, they weren't looking for commitment either. Like her, those guys were players looking for fun, and that system just worked well for all of them. So, subconsciously, she was relying in the fact that Derek would still be there for her if she changed her mind, and seeing him with Jennifer made her understand that he wasn't. And only then she realized that by giving up on him, she had lost him. For the first time in her lifr she had lost her chance with a guy; and that was the one guy she'd actually felt something deep for.

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