Chapter 6: Detective and loneliness.

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At school, the following day, Scott amd Carol approached Erica and he asked:
-Two's not enough for Derek, I know he need at least three. So who's next?
-Why does there have to be a next when we've already got you two?
-We're not joining. -Carol said.
-Why not? I mean, I kimd of understand Scott, but you? I mean, you can hook up with the guy, but you can't join his pack?
-Thinking a guy is hot doesn't mean I have to adhere to his lifestyle.
-Who is next? -Scott asked again.
She tilted her head to the side, smiling with sarcasm.
-You know, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online?
-That's... Cruel. -Carolinne reflected.
-I don't care. -Scott said, but Erica kept talking:
-It happened during class. I started seizing at my desk and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth, until some genius reads the card on my key ring which tells him not to cause it would break my teeth.
-Do you know what happens next? I piss myself. And they start laughing. You know, the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them. Until some brilliant JERK-OFF... -She pushed him agauns the locker behind him. -Has to go and put cameras in everybody's phone. But look at me now, Scott. -She put her hands on the sides of his neck. -Oh, that's right. You only have eyes for her. -She referred to Alli, who was watching the whole thing from away. He grabbed her hands and strongly removed them from his neck, making her smile and breathe heavily. When Erica finally walked away, Scott shook his head and sighed.
-We need to find out who it is. -He said.
-I know, and we will.
-Trust me, Scotty. We'll know it by the end of the afternoon. -She smiled and looked at him with a raised brow, the well known I-have-a-plan face.
-You're scaring me.
-Last time a handled things on my own, I got professional hunters on our side of the war. Just leave me to it. -She walked away, leaving a confused Scott behind. The truth is, there was a reason why Carol always knew so many things about so many people, and that reason was called Beatrice Elena Mitchell. Ever since they were just little kids, the girl had always been extraordinary playing the detective. You want secrets about someone? Ask Beatrice and she'll give you a full biography on the person. Two days after helping Carol contact Alice, Bea had figured out everything about the supernatural, and confronted both girls about it. It was kind of scary, but very usefull: one text was the solution to her problems.
Carol: Heyy! B, I'm.sorry to ask this so suddenly, but I need you to keep an eye on someone.
Beatrice: Hi! No worries, whom?
Carol: Derek Hale.
Beatrice: You want me to keep an eye on your current affair?!🤨 Never thought of you as the stalker kind of girl.🤔
Carol: It's not like that!😅 He plans on recruting one of the students, I need you to figure out who it is.
Beatrice: Consider it done.
Carol: Thanks!😊
Beatrice: Your welcome!😘
And litteraly, LITTERALLY 5 minutes later, her phone beeped.
Beatrice: Vernon Boyd.
Carol: That was abnormally fast, even for you. 😶😶
Beatrice: It didn't take much digging, to be honest. Just as I finished talkking to you, I saw Derek at the school, so all I had to do was follow him. He caught Boyd alone and took him somewhere with nobody arround. I stopped when it got too far away  because he would hear me. But I think it's too late to do anythinng.
Carol: You did right, and yes, it probably is.Thank you.

At lunch, she was with Alli, and they picked the table right next to Scott's.
-I know how it looked, but she came up to me.
-I'm not jealous. -Allison replied, and Carol looked at her with a raised brow.
-You're not? -He asked, and they knew he was smiling.
-She's with Derek now, isn't she? Like Isaac. You can't get caught in the middle of this. Don't you feel what's happening? My grandfather coming here, Derek turning Erica and Isaac, it's... It's like battle lines are being drawn.
-I know.
-There's always crossfire.
-What am I supposed to do? I can't just stand by, I can't pretend to be normal.
-I don't want you to be normal, I want you to be alive.
Allison got up and left, right at the same time Stiles arrived.
-Scott, Carolinne, do you see that? -He pointed at a certain direction.
-What? It's an empty table. -Scott said.
-Yeah, but whose empty table?
-Boyd. -Carol answered. -I was about to tell you that before Stiles got here.
Scott's eyes widened, and he got up quickly.
-I'm gonna ho to the ice rink and see if he's there.
-There's no point, Scott. It's already done.
-How do you know that? How did you even find out it was him?
-It doesn't matter, what matters is that I told you I'd find out, and I did. And now I'm telling you that there's nothing you can do about it because he's already been bitten.
Scott took a deep breath, and stared at the ground for a little while, before saying:
-I can still convince him not to join Derek. You come with me to the ice rink, and Stiles, if he's not at home, you call me, got it?
Stiles didn't answer, and Scott asked:
-It's just... Maybe we should let him
-Agreed. -Carol said.
-You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?
-We can't. -Scott protested.
-You got to admit, Erica looks pretty good. You know, the word "sensational" comes to mind.
-Thanks to me! -Carol stated.
-How do you think she's gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?
-All right, all I'm saying is maybe this one isn't totally your responsability.
-They all are. And you know, this thing's gonna get out of control, that makes me responsible.
-All right, I'm with you. And I also got to say this newfound heroism is making me very atracted to you?
Carol frowned and Scott chuckled:
-Shut up.
-No, seriously. Do you want to just try making out for a second? Just to see how it feels.
While the three laughed, Scott pushed him away and when they were walking away, Carol turned to him and said:
-Scott, if Boyd is already a Werewolf, what's the point of not letting him join Derek's pack? We're stronger in numbers, right?
-You and I haven't joined.
-Because we chose not to, not because somebody else convinced us. Besides, Derek kind of did them a favor. Isaac was abused by his father, and Erica was miserable and self-conscious.
-Look, Carolinne, if there is a war, then I can't let these innocent people get caught in the middle of it. They're just teenagers, just like you and me.
He started walking again, and Carol shook her head, knowing that this couldn't end well.

-Boyd! -Scott called him when they got there. -I just want to talk. -But Boyd Ignored them. -Hey, come on, Boyd, please. Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything.
Boyd finally stopped to look at them.
-He told me about the hunters.
-And you still said yes? -Carol questioned.
Boyd stared at her, looking suspiscious:
-How do you know I've already said yes?
-I have my ways.
He narrowed his eyes at her as Scott continued:
-Whatever you want, we could have found other ways to get it.
-I just wanted to not eat lunch alone everyday.
-You didn't need a pack to have friends, Boyd.
-If you want friends, you can do... A loy better than Derek. -Scott said.
-That really hurt, Scott. -They heard Derek as he arrived with Isaac and Erica. And it kind of bothered Carol, because she knew that deep down, he wasn't being 100% sarcastic. -I mean, if you're going to review me... At least take a consensus. Oh, and thank you for the support, Carolinne.
-I'm only here to try to stop things from getting more messed up than they already are.
-You were supposed to be here with me, not against me.
-None of us were supposed to be here! Well, except for Boyd, because he works here.
-But we are. And you'll have to pick a side eventually. Maybe not today, but at some point. So, back to the subject, Erica, how's life been for you since we met?
-Hmm... In a word: transformative.
-Your welcome. -Carol said, properly taking credit.
-It wasn't just the looks, Care. I don't have seizures anymore, and I din't need any medicine with horrible side effects. But yeah, thanks for the glow up.
-Isaac? -Derek continued.
-Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great.
-Ok, hold on. -Scott protested. -This isn't exactly a fair fight.
-Then go home, Scott. As for you, Carolinne Jane... You can always change your mind.
-Just give up on that. As much as I like you, you're never going to get me.
-And why not? -He asked bitterly.
-Because I will not live under your authority, Derek! I am my own leader, and ain't no supernatural bite gonna take that away from me!
Erica smiled subty at that, secretly admiring Carol's strenght and persistance.
-Derek, I don't know what you told Boyd about friends, but I've already told you that what a pack builds is not friendship, it's strategic association!
-And I've already told you that you have no say in this. You know NOTHING about loneliness. You live in this pink, it-girl world surrounded by all kinds of people, people who like you, who enjoy being arround you. You don't get to say that a pack friendship is not good enough, because it might be "strategic association", but it's still partnership, and it is indeed way better than beimg alone, something YOU have never experienced.
She widened her eyes, shocked by the outburst. All of them were surprised, but no one said a word, because they knew both Derek and Carolinne well enough to know that the best thing was to stay out of that. With Derek's well-known explosions and Carol's bitchy comebacks, things were one step away from becoming really ugly. They were all expecting a sharp, ironical (and slightly Kate-ish, Scott feared), comment from Carol, but that comment never came. She just turned away and walked, knowing that she would likely regret saying anything. Carolinne was fulky aware of just how deep her words cuould cut, and though part of her loved to see their impact, the other part felt guilty for hurting people so badly. She was also aware of the subtle resamblance with Kate, and she'd learned to use it in her favor, like she'd done when talking to Chris Argent, but even if she could use it on Derek, she chose not to; the cold look on her face was enough to cause the effect she wanted. And inspite the fact that everyone else was surprised by her silence, Derek knew what she could have done if she wanted to. He'd know the risk he was taking the second he'd stopped talking, and the though of Carol spilling everything she knew sent a shiver through his spine. As she walked away, eventually disappearing from their sight, he wondered why she hadn't. But deep down, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to know.

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