Chapter 23: Deals with the devil.

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A/N: Over 3 thousand words??? Yep, I might have gotten a little carried away. Also, just a reminder that this is happening in the fall of 2011.
Flashback on:

2007; Scott had a crush on Carol, Carol had a crush on Scott, and neither of them were doing anything about it. So their respective best friemd decided that they would do something about it; actually, it was Stiles' idea, but he sure loved to have a reason to talk to Lydia, and he loved even more that she agreed to take a part in his plan. It was simple, really, but at the age of 13, they felt like real cupids. And in Stiles' head, it couldn't be better: his best friend would be with Lydia's best friend, which would build the perfect scenario to date Lydia, an amazing shortcut in his 10-years plan. Of course that he didn't tell her that part, though.

So there was Carol, outside the movie theater, waiting for Lydia.
-Carol? -She heard someone call, and it was a boy's voice, so definitely not Lydia.
-Oh, hi Scott. -She greeted with a smile when she saw him.
-Are you... Waiting for someone? -He asked.  -I mean, of course you are, or you wouldn't be stanting at the door, but, uh, who are you waiting for? -He added nervously.
-I'm waiting for Lyds, she was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. And what about you, what are you doing here? Other than watching a movie, obviously, because, it's the movie theater. -She chuckled hesitantly.
-I'm waiting for Stiles, actually.
-What a coincidence! -Then, her phone beeped. -Oh, Lyds just cancelled. Well, I guess it's just you, me, and Stiles, if you guys don't mind me joining.
-Of course not! Wait. -He grabbed his phone. -It's Stiles, he can't come either. So, it's... It's just you and me. If you still want to go.
-Yeah, sure!

Was it cliché? Yes. Obvious? Yes. Did the two dorks know that they had been set up?They had no clue. And for a long minute as they walked in and waited in the line, they didn't say anything to each other. Scott was normally shy and Carol was usually confident, but she wasn't expecting to see him, and she definitely wasn't expecting to go watch a movie with him.
-Uh... What do you want to watch? -He finally asked.
-I was thinking of "Dead Silence". What do you saw?
-Oh. Horror. I... Uhm... Why not?

They bought the tickets and the popcorn, and went inside the room. Carol never shared popcorn, she still doesn't, but she did that day. And they held hands during the movie, they went to a confectionery afterwards, and Scott, being the sweet gentleman he was, walked her home. Before he could go, she pulled his face gently and pecked his lips. They both blushed and smiled like fools.
-So... -She started.
-See you tomorrow?
-Ok! See you tomorrow, then.

He was already walking away, but stopped, turned arround, grabbed her arm and pulled her into a kiss. It was soft and sweet, kind of messy, but very good for two 13-year-olds' first kiss. It was better than they had imagined, and it was the beggining of a cute, genuine relationship that would last until the end of the summer.

Flashback off.

They were each other's first partners, first kiss, and first love. Scott and Carolinne weren't a couple anymore, but they were still good friends, and cared deeply for each other. And even if it was past, they had history, and it meant something. Carol had for him the kind of love that you have for family, she would always see him as one of the most important people in her life, and she would always remember their relationship fondly.

As for Derek... Where to even start? After Scott, Carol hadn't had another boyfriend. Through her eight grade, freshman year, and most of her sophmore year, she'd had meaningless affairs with several guys, but it was all for the fun, no strings attached, just friends with bennefits. Then she met Derek Hale, and with him, it was different; with Derek, she wanted more. He was the one who made her feel again, who melted the ice she'd built up around her heart. Derek had unlocked a part of her soul that she had never been in touch with, and even if it had taken forever for her to come with terms with that fact, she now knew that she was in love with him.

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