Chapter 11: Not your kind of club.

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Derek ran after Jackson and quickly dissapeared from their sight.
-No way he's gonna hurt my brother.
-He's an Alpha, Care. -Scott said. -You can't run as fast as him.
-And who said I was gonna run?
She walked to the garage and 5 seconds later she passed by them with her motorbike, going the same way the other two had.
She was faster tgan she's ever been, and it didn't take long for her to spot Derek. As soon as he heard her coming, he sped up, and so did she. She had to stop when they reached a railing, but at this point, she was just behind him, and she jumped right aftee he did. When the distance was starting to grow again, the Kanima jumped from the ceiling and landed between them.between them. He hissed at Derek, who flashed his eyes and growled in response and was about to attack him when Carol got in the middle.
-Get out of my way. -He growled.
-Or what?
He pushed her to the side and started fighting with the Kanima. She flashed her eyes and tried to pull him back, but he was much stronger than her, so she tried Jackson instead, just in time to push him away from Derek's punch. The Kanima climbed the wall and blew something up in the ceiling before jumping back to the ground, and Chris Argent showed up out of the blues shooting him until he fainted.
-NO! -Carol screamed.
-He's not dead.
-But you will be!
-I still have a gun, you know?
Suddenly, Jackson was back on his feet and he threw Chris to a wall. He ran away as Gerard and Scott arrived. Scott and Carol ran to where Jackson had gone and arrived at a club, and finally Stiles arrived, coming from behind and scaring both of them.
-Wait, wait. Sorry, I'm sorry. Did you see where he went?
-We lost him. -Scott told him.
-What? You couldn't catch his scent?
-I don't think he has one.
-All right, any clue where he's going?
-To kill someone.
-Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now. What, Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, ok? Sarcasm is my only defense.
-I can teach you knife throwing. -Carol offered.
-Uh, no, thanks.
-Just help us find it. -Scott said.
-"It" is my brother.
-Not "it". Jackson. -Stiles corrected.
-Yeah, I know, I know.
-All right, but does he know that?
-Did anybody else see him back at your house?
-I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway.
-Yeah, but that's just the thing. How did he pass the test?
-I don't know.
-Maybe it's like an either/or thing. -Stiles suggested. -I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right?
-That's actually more like a lizard than a snake. -Carol said. -Not all animals are immune to their own poison.
-Ok, my point is, when's the Kanima not the Kanima?
-When it's Jackson. -Scott concluded.
-Uh, guys... -Stiles called, looking up. They went to stand where he was and saw a tail.
-See that?
-He's inside.
-What's he gonna do in there?
None of them knew the answer to that, until Scott remembered something:
-I know who he's after.
-What, how? Did you smell something?
-Armani. -He nodded, and they saw Danny walking inside.
-Why would he go after his best friend? It makes no sense. -Carol said.
-Nothing about this whole situation makes sense. I mean, he doesn't know who he is, but he knows that he's not supposed to attack you.
-Hey, Scott, we... We're not gonna hurt him, right?
-The only reason we got this far is because we wanted to avoid exactly that.
-Because you thought it was Lydia.
-No, because no matter who it is, he doesn't deserve to die. Jackson is far from being my favorite person in the world, but this particular thing is not his fault, and he will not die for it.
-Thank you. -She said, and he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. -Now, we should get in through the back door.
They went to the the other side of the building, and the door was locked.
-Aw, come on. -Stiles whined. -All right, maybe there's like, like a window we could climb through or some kind of... Handle thaf we could rip off with supernatural strenght. -He said when Scott broke the doorknob. -How did I not think of that one?

-Dude, everyone in here is a dude! -Scott concluded five minutes after they'd gotten in. -Except for Carolinne. -I think we're in a gay club.
-Man, nothing gets past those kneen werewolf senses, huh, Scott? -Stiles said sarcastically.
-You two didn't know this was a gay club?
-You did? -They both asked her at the same time.
-Yeah, I've been here with Danny a couple of times. Hah, sometimes I forget you guys don't have much social life.
-You know what, why don't we go to the bar? -Stiles sugested before she could make another coment about that. -Two beers. -He ordered
-IDs? -Scott and Stiles both showed his IDs to the barman  -How about to cokes?
-Rum and coke? Sure!
-Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving anyway.
-What about the Lady?
-I'm good. I don't like soda, and I only drink alcohool in new year's eve. Besides, I wouldn't expect you to have Irish chocolate liqueur, anyway.
-Ok then. -He gestured for the other barman to go get the drinks.
-Irish chocolate liqueur? -Scott raised a brow at her.
-Baileys. It's delicious.
That's when the guy brought their drinks:
-That one's paid for. -He informed and nodded in a guy's direction.
They all looked at the guy, who raised his bottle of beer and nodded at Stiles.
-Oh shut up. -He said, and Carol and Scott giggled.
-We didn't say anything.
-Yeah, well, your faces did.
-Oh there's Danny! -Carol pointed when they turned arround.
-And there's Jackson. -Scott said looking at the ceiling. He was there, hidden in the shadows, right above the spot where Danny was.
-Stiles, get Danny. -Scott instructed.
-What are you two gonna do?
-Catch my brother. -Carol answered, and Scott brought his claws out.
-Works for me. -He left them to go get Danny.
Somehow, Jackson managed to trigger the smoke, and soon they couldn't see anything, and when their vision adjusted, he was already on the floor, putting quite a few people down, Danny included.
-Jackson! -Scott screamed, when he was getting ready to attack Danny.
Carol spotted Derek in the crowd, and he was getting closer to her brother.
-No, don't! -Scott warned when he realized what was happening.
But as soon as he stopped talking, Derek digged his claws into the Kanima's chest.
-NO!! -Carolinne screamed. -JACKSON!!!
Everybody started screaming and panicking and both the Alpha and the Kanima had already dissapeared when the lights were turned on.
Scott and Carolinne left the building through the top window and followed a trail of black blood until they found Jackson in his human form, laying in the ground, coughing and covered in blood.
-OH MY GOD! Oh God, Jackson, stay with me, please Jackson, please!!
-Ouch. -Stiles arrived.
-What do we do with him now? -Scott questioned.
-We put him in Stiles's jeep.
-Oh, come on! -Stiles complained, and she flashed her eyes at him. -Uh, sure, it's probably the best thing to do.
-Call your dad. -She said.

-McCall, Care, what are you doing here?
-Hey. - Scott greeted. The abulances and the police were already there. -We're just seeing if you're okay. And, you know, wondering if anything weird happened to you today. Besides being paralyzed from the neck down.
-Sorry, but we need to get him to the hospital. -The paramedic said.
-One more question, just one. Are you ok?
Danny seemes to think for a second:
-Did it happen to my ex too?
They looked back and saw Danny's ex being helped into an abulance.
-Then I'm great. -He said, and Carol laughed.
-I've always told you he was an ass!

-We couldn't get anything out of Danny.
-Ok, can we just get the hell out of here now before one of my dad's deputies sees me? -Stiles asked, ready to start driving.
-Too late. -Carol said as a police car parked right in front of them.
-Oh my God, Oh my god! Could this get any worse? -He asked. Carolinne opened her mouth but he quiclky added: -That was rethorical!
-Get rid of him. -Scott said.
-Get rid of him?! This is a crime scene and he's the Sheriff!
-Do something!
Stiles got out of the car and started talking to his dad while Jackson woke up and lifted his head.
-What's... What's going on?
-Jackson, Jackson, be quiet. -Scott whispered, and Carol brought his head back to rest on her lap. Scott and Carolinne listened to Stiles' conversation with the Sheriff and tried unsuccessfully not to laugh at that.
"Not exactly your type of club".
"Uh... Well, Dad, there's a conversation that--"
"You're not gay."
"I could be."
"Not dressed like that."
Eventually, Stiles dodged the situation by telling his dad that they were there to support Danny.

-Guys, we can't take my brother home. Not with my parents there.
-We need to take him somewhere where we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. -Scott said. -Or long enough to convince him he's dangerous.
-I still say we just kill him. -Stiles persisted.
-We are not killing him. -Carol and Scott told him at the same time.
-God! Ok, ok. I got an idea.
-Does it involve breaking the law?
-By now, don't you think that's a given?
-I was just trying to be optimistic.
-Don't bother.
-Does it involve hurting my brother?
-No. Unfortunately.
-Shut up.

They got Jackson in the back of a police car and chained him up. It took a while for him to wake up, but he was not happy when he did.
-STILES! MCCALL! I'm gonna kill you!
-I should probably go there. -Carol stated.
-That's a good idea.
She went to check on Jackson and when she saw her there, he asked:
-You're in this too? You, of all people?
-It's for everyone's safety, including your own.
-THIS is for my safety?!
-Yes, Jackson. You're the Kanima. You're killing people, and Derek wants to kill you.
-Get me out of here now!
-No. This hurts me much more than you can imagine, but I love you, and this is the best for you.
-You actually think Mom and Dad won't be looking for me?
-Not if they don't think anything is wrong. I had Stiles text them saying that you stayed at a friend's house last night and that everything is fine.
-You know my password?!
-Yeah, duh. I'm sorry, Jackson.
She left him feeling her heart shatter and went back to where the boys were.
-What now? -Stiles asked.
-Now we go to school and act like nothing is happening.

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