Chapter 9: The "animal" attack

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A/N: This is first half of the episode when Allison and Scott skip class for her birthday. There is nothing actually important related to the other characters, but I didn't want to cut it off, so I created some scenes with Carol. Sorry if it's boring or something, promiss next one will have more stuff happenung.
Carolinne was now in front of the movie store, with the police and the abulances, where her brother and her best friend had just been attacked by an "animal".
-Where's Jackson? Where's Lydia? Are they okay?
-Hey hey, calm down, Carol Jane. I just got here too. They are right there, and they look fine. Come on, let's check on them.
They walked to the ambulance close to where the two teens were. Lydia was sitting in the back of the ambulance and Jackson was complainting to someone about why he was still there.
-Jackson! Lydia!
-Are you guys okay? I came as soon as they called me.
-Yeah, we're fine. Lydia was in the car when it happened, and I got a scratch in the back of my neck, but apart from that I'm good too.
-Thank God.
-Why the hell can't I just go home?- He was talking to the Sheriff now. -I'm fine!
-I hear you, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just want to make sure you don't have a concussion.
-What part of I'm fine are you all having a problem grasping? Okay, I want to go home.
-And I understand that.
-No, you don't understand!
-Jackson! We're just worried about you. Get over it. -Carol tried reasoning with him.
-You too? Seriously?
-Yes, because if the EMT says it's better for you to stay, then we stay. Period.
He was about to say something when suddenly Stiles shouted:
-Oh woah is that a dead body?
Mr. Stilinski looked at him with the typical "I thought I told you to stay in the car" look that Carol knew so well. Everyone watched as the corpse was taken from inside the store. And taking a quick loot to the roof, she saw Scott and Derek. She texted Scott to update her later about what they knew, and he replied that she should meet them at the Hale House. She checked on Lydia, who was shocked but not hurt and made an excuse to leave.
When she arrived, they were arguing (for a change). At leats claws, fangs, and throwing people in walls wasn't involved this time. Scott was complaining about not having time to deal with the rest of his life and Derek was asking if he would rather do his homework or not die.
-You have less then a week until the full moon. You don't kill with him, he kills you.
-Okay, seriously? Who made up these rules?
-It's a rite of passage into his pack.
-You know what else is a rythe of passage? Graduating from high school!
-Shut up, both of you. -She said, making them finally realize that she was there.
They stared at her. She looked annoyed. Angry, actually.
-What do you want?
-I want to help you.
-I thought you already were. -Scott said, confused.
-I was helping with the plan. Now, I want to help execute it. I want ti be there whrn you take him down.
-Do you even have a plan?- Derek asked.
-Not yet, I was starting to work on it with Stiles when you showed up half-dead in our school's parking lot.
-Fine. But why the sudden interest in being a part of it?
-Because I've had enough. -She answered firmly. -Biting Scott was already a good reason to hate him, but attacking my brother and my best friend in one shot? Uh-uh. Bad move, very bad move. This little red eyed dog has just messed with the wrong bitch.
They just looked at her. Scott was more than familiar with her determination, but Derek was still getting used to it. It was the same confident behavior from the day they met. There was something about it that he didn't quite get yet. She continued to talk.
-I know you have a lot to deal with Scott, but this is the priority. Derek is right, it's killed or be killed. And I am not the one who gets killed.
-Yeah, easy for you to say with your perfect test scores.
-We can handle your scores later. It's one week. Then your life is all yours again.  Or you can give up and spend the rest of your existence running. But don't expect me to run with you. I don't run.
After saying that, she walked away, leaving a very annoyed Scott and a speechless Derek behind.
-Why does she have to be so freaking... Gryffindor? -Scott asked, more to himself.
-She actually thinks that she can handle an Alpha?
Scott let out a little chuckle and said:
-Don't let her lack of muscles and strengh fool you. She can.
Derek remembered the day in the gas station when she stopped the hunters from breaking his car. She did have a way with knives and daggers. NOT that he was impressed. He wasn't. Just, maybe he was. A little.
-If I hel you, can you stop him?- Scott got him out of his trance.
He then started to explain the teen about strenght in numbers and the power of pain. But the little blonde girl did not leave his head for a while.
The next morning, Carol was waiting for Allison to arrive.  She and Lydia had gotten there earlier, to set up a little something in her locker, but Lydia hadn't stayed at school. She was still in schock due to the events in the. previous night. As soon as she saw her friend, she ran straight to her.
-HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!!- She said.
-Sshhh! Thanks Care, really. But please don't make a big deal out of it. I don't want people to know it's my birthday. How do you know, by the way?
Carol gave her a mischievous smile. Her friends had learned never to ask how she and Lydia always knew everything.
-I have my ways. Anyways, who cares if you're a few months older then us?
-Litteraly everyone. Now let's get inside and don't tell anyone.
-Fine. Nice necklace!
-Thank you! It was a gift from my aunt.
-Wait! Allison, go, we'll catch up. There's something I have to do. -Carol said.
-Uh... Okay then.
There wasn't "something". She just didn't want to be there when she opened her locker, considering that well... In her and Lydia's deffense, they didn't know it was a secret.
Chemestry, the class she had a particular "pleasure" in attending. Nothing against the subject, many things against the teacher.
Before class started, Mr. Harris gave them a "friendly" reminder about the parent/teacher conferences that night. Student's who's average were required to attend. And he said he woudn't name those stundends, because of shame and blah blah blah.
-Has anyone seen Scott McCall?
No one replied.
-So much for being discreet, huh?- Carol said not loud enough to make a scene, but loud enough for him to listen.
-What did you say, Ms. Whittemore?
Her replie was an innocent smile, and he was about to say "Detention!" when Jackson entered the room, accidentally getting the teacher's attention to himelf. He sat right next to her, and Mr. Harris whispered that if he needed to leave early, he was excused. Then he started his class, and she almost bursted out laughing while Stiles tried to talk to Danny about something and eventually fell of his chair.

When their last period, P.E,  was over, she went to meet Jackson, since she'd come in his car instead of her motorbike.
-Are we going home now, or do you have plans?
-I'm going to shower, and then we can go.
-I will never understand the concept of showering at school when you have bathrooms at home, but do as you wish.
-You know, some people find it more disgusting to go home all sweaty than to simply use the school shower.
-Ew. But whatever, I'll go talk to Stiles and wait for you outside.
She saw Stiles walking out of a classroom and went straight to him.
-Hi Carol. Have you seen Scott today?
-Nah, he's with Allison.
-Have you talked to her?
-Just once earlier. But come on, they were here this morning and now their both gone. They're obviously toghether.
-I've been calling him all day and he's hanging with his girlfriend? A text would have been nice!
-Give them a break.
-No, I'm calling him again.
And he did. This time Scott actually picked up.
-Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts?
-Yeah, like all 9 million of them.
-Do you have any idea what's going on? Lydia is totally M.I.A, and Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face. Another random guy is dead and you have to do something about it!
-Like what?
-Okay, I'll deal with it later.
And he turned off. Just like that.
-So, what did he say?
-That he'll deal with it later.
-Well that was productive.
-I'm gonna kill him. Hey, I'm goind to Lydia's to check on her. You wanna come?
-I'm waiting here for Jackson, but I'll stop there later.
-Ok then. See ya.
She'd been waiting for 5 minutes when she saw not Jackson, but Derek walking out of the school.
-Derek? What are you doing here?
"Oh damn" he thought. She was not  supposed to see him.
-I uhm, had to know if someone had seen something.
-That was... Not vague at all.
But it took her only one moment to realize what he'd just said.
-Hold on. You were talking to Jackson, weren't you?
-Maybe. -Was all he said. He knew she'd be angry. She sighed.
-Look: I know that catching the Alpha is important but this is not right, dude. You can't just go interrogating students and intimidating teenagers. And you can't just show up in our school everytime you feel like it.
-What am I supposed to do then?
-Let me, Scott, and Stiles handle that part. They are our friends, if we ask them about the attack, it won't be suspicious. If a random guy who looks like a mobster does it, they might find it weird. -She explained.
He coudn't deny that yes, she was right when she said that they were more... Aproacheble. But one thing, he couldn't ignore.
-A mobster? Really?
She laughed.
-Yes, really. I mean, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? The way you look at people, like you are thinking of all the possible ways to kill them makes you a pretty scary guy to be arround. Stiles is scared of you, and so is Jackson.
-Are you scared of me?
She smirked at him.
-It takes more than a bad boy attitude to intimidate me. I'm scared of arachnids, not people.
He let out a small chuckle, and she realized it was the first time she'd ever seen him laugh, or smile.
Then her brother arrived, and looked straight at Derek.
-I... should probably get going. -Derek said.
-Yeah, that's a good idea. -She agreed.
Derek walked away, while Carolinne and Jackson headed towards his car.
-Finally, man! I was starting to think you'd vaporized or something.
-Being confronted by Scott's new friend wasn't in my plans. What's his deal, Care?
-Being creepy and socially akward?-She shrugged.
-You know that's not what I mean. How do you know him?
-Through Scott.
-And Scott knows him because...?
-That's not of our buisness.
-But you know something. And whatever the hell it is that you and those two morons are hiding, it definetly has something to do with Derek Hale and why he wants so badly to know about last night.
-He won't be showing up here anymore.
-So I hope.

Carol went to Lydia's place about an hour after they'd gotten home. She was far less high on painkillers than when Stiles had come to her house, but still kind of doped. Carolinne felt bad seeing her best friend like that, but hoped that Lydia wouldn't remember one specific details of the attack after the effect of the drugs wore off.
"Red eyes, Care. I swear I saw glowing red eyes."

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