Chapter 16: Respect.

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When Scott and Stiles arrived, Carolinne was already there:
-Sorry, are we late?
-Nah. Stiles, you seem kind of off.
-Yeah. -Scott agreed. -Are you ok?
-I'm fine, why?
-You didn't say anything the whole way here.
-I'm fine. Let's grabb the other bag.
-We can't remember? Deatin said you have to do it alone.
-Ok, this plan is really starting to suck.
Suddendly, Scott looked at Carolinne and he didn't have to say anything for her to know exatcly what it wad about. She'd felt it too: Allison.
-No. Not here, not now! -They took off, leavimg Stiles alone.
-What? Guys, what am I supposed to-- Plan offucially sucks!
As they got inside, they saw not only Allison with Matt, but also Erica and Isaac. Carolinne clenched her fists a growled, but Scott stopped her before she did anything she would regret:
-Don't. We made a deal.
-You made a deal.
-Carolinne, I know you don't trust them, but can you trust me?
She switched her gaze from them, to him, to them, to him again.
-Fine. I trust you. Now go talk to Alli and I'll keep an eye on them.
About three minutes later he came back, and he looked worried:
-What's wrong?
-They're here.
-They? Who are you talking about?
-The Argents.
-You've gotta be kidding me.
-No, Allison told them.
-She did what?! Why? They're going to kill him.
-Calm down, Care.
-Calm down?! Scott, they are going to kill my brother!!
-No, they are not. We won't let them. We protected Lydia from Derek, and we'll protect Jackson from the hunters.
-How could she do that to us? To me?
-She felt... Guilty for all of those deaths.
-So she chose to kill Jackson instead. -She concluded, bitterly.
-It's not like that.
-She was supposed to be my best friend!
-Look, I understand you feel bad, but you'll talk to her about it when you get the chance. Right now the most important thing is to save Jackson.
-Ok. What do we do?

-Why me? -Isaac asked. They had told him about the hunters and instructed him to inject the Ketamine in Jackson.
-Because we got to make sure that Argent doesn't completely ruin the plan. Ok, look, you better do it intravenously, which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here. In the neck is probably going to be the easiest. So you find a vein, jam it in there, pull back on the trigger. Be careful.
-Oh. -Isaac chuckled. -I doubt it'll even slightly hurt him.
-Good. -Carol said. -Cause if it does, I'm gonna hurt you twice as much.
-I meant you, Isaac. -Scott explained. -I don't want you to get hurt. Come on, Care, we have to do our part.
She followed him, but they didn't get far. As soon as they left through one of the back doors, they were both run over. Theast thing she hear before blacking out was the sound of heels clicking against the floor.

She had no idea how long it'd been when they woke up.
-What's happening?
When they opened their eyes, Victoria Argent was staring at them.
-You probably recognized this device. -Mrs. Argent started. -Pot used to be smoked in a rolled up piece of paper. These days it seems like all you kids are given a free vaporizer with your medicinal marijuana card. -She took a bottle with a purple flower inside and smelled it. -Hmm, this type of wolfsbane is one of my favorites. Lovely smell. You probably won't think so.
-What? -Scott asked weakly. -What are you doing?
-Isn't it obvious? I'm killing you?
-What happened to "We hunt those who hunt us"? -Carolinne questioned.
-My daughter happened. You two found yourselves in the right to be a part of her life. Werewolves! Having sex with her in Scott's case, and as for you... You didn't even try to hide it like he did. Hanging with her at school, going to my house!
-Alli... -She started weakly. -Is old enough... To know who she wants to hang out with. She's... 17, not 7.
-Oh, I see you keep your tongue sharp even in your final moments. I've always hated that about you. At least Scott over here pretends to have respect. You don't even bother.
-Respect is mutual. If you don't respect me... I won't respect you.
-I don't respect monsters! You're beasts, animals, abominations!
-At least we're not murderers. You... Won't get away with this.
-It's going to look like an accident. Like you had an asthma attack and couldn't get to your inhaler in time, Scott. Your school records show you have a pretty severe case of asthma.
-And what about... Carol?
-She overdosed.
-I don't use drugs... My parents... Know that. And they... Also know you're hunters.
-But how will they prove it, huh? If the school's most popular girl, who's always at parties shows up dead in a secret show, it won't be really hard to convince the rest of town that you decided to try something different, will it?
-Stop! -Scott pleaded as their eyes began to glow and their fangs and claws came out. They were coughing hard and it was getting harder to breathe.
-Too late. Looks like it's working.
She satayed there watching as the teenagers brethed wealky, life slowly drifting awauy from them.
Carolinne felt like her lungs were being torn apart and each breath stang like acid burning through her system.
-Alpha, Beta... But what are you, guys? Omegas. Don't you know that the lone wolves never survive without a pack? I've heard the cry of an Omega. It's a miserable sound. The howl of a lone wolf.
-I'm not... -Scott started.
-What? What is it?
-I' not... Alone. -He growled with all of his changes, the sound changing into a yell at the final seconds.
-And I... I'm not in this for being an Omega... -Carol said. -I'm in this... For being unprepared. But it won't... Happen angain.
And she meant it. In that moment, Carolinne was only sure about one thing: if she got out of there alive, she would never feel that again. That feeling of weakness, of being powerless. Never again.
-Allison... Please tell her I'm sorry. -Scott asked.
In that moment, Derek showed up. Carol was about to warn him about Mrs. Argent when Victoria stabbed him in the back.
-Knives... Are my thing. -Carolinne protested.
But Derek fought back. Scott and Carol couldn't see what was happening, but they heard when Allison's mother dropped the knife and she managed to get away. Derek got up from where she'd pushed him and pulled the teens out of there.

When Carolinne woke up, she was at Deaton's, right next to Scott.
-Thank you. -She heard Derek's voice. He hadn't realized she was awake, and she assumed he was talking to Deaton.
-What... How did I get here?
-Derek... You saved us.
-Yeah, I bit her.
-Victoria Argent?
-Wow... That's what I call "turning the tables".
-Carol? Derek?
-Where's Deaton?
-Right here. -Deaton came back. -You're both free to go. That was close.
-Thanks for the help. -Scott said.
-You're welcome. Be careful.
When they were all out, Scott siad goodbye and left, leaving Derek alone with Carolinne.
-Derek, thank you.
-It was nothing.
-It was everything. You heard Deaton, it was close. I'm alive because you got there in time. Thank you.
He looked at her nodded.
-You're welcome.
-Why did you do it?
-What do you mean?
-I mean, Scott is a part of your pack. Ot was your duty as an Alpha to save him But me? You don't owe me anything.
He shrugged:
-Perhaps even though you hate me, I still don't want to let you die.
She smiled sadly at him.
-I don't hate you. I don't trust you, but that doesn't mean I hate you. I did; that first day, when I found out your plan was to kill Lydia, I hated you with all my strenght. But I thought about it for a while and... I don't think you're a bad guy; I think you make bad choices.
-Killing the Kanima was the right thing to do.
-No, it was the easy thing to do. I get it, you're pragmatic. That's usually something good, but sometimes it can really blurr the line between right and wrong. The quick way to do something is not always the best one.
There was nothing left to be said. But she didn't want to go, and he didn't want her to.
-Uh, is your car here?
-Yeah, why?
-Can I get a ride back to the party? I need my motorbike.
-Oh, sure. Come on.
The ride there was silent. Not a word was said until the very last second. She thanked him, but when she was about to close the door behind her, she felt him hold hir wrist. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before pressing their lips togheter. And it felt so wrong but so right at the same time. When they pulled back, he just drove away, not giving her or himslef the chance to say anything.

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