Chapter 5: Makeover.

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A/N: Let's pretend that Derek didn't seduce Erica to accept the bite, because that is the one thing I will never forgive him for.
The other day in P.E, they had to go up the climbing wall. It was Alli and Scott's turn and Carol could hear them talking about the new mysterious creature:
-It had a tail. -Scott said. -I don't have a tail.
-Maybe you just haven't grown it yet. -Alli teased.
-I'm not growing a tail. Ever.
Then they started teasing each other, and eventually, Allison made Scott slip and fall, causing everyone, including Carol and Scott himself to laugh.
-McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. -Coach said, laughing as well. -Right? All right next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go. The wall.
But soon after Stiles came down, Erica started hyperventilating and pleading for help.
-Erica! Dizzy? Is it vertigo?
-Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner year. -Lydia said.-She is just freaking out.
-Lyds! -Carol scolded.
-Erica! -Coach called.
-I'm fine.
-Maybe it's not safe, you know she's epileptic. -Allison reminded.
-Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?! Epileptic? Erica, you're fine. Just, just kick off from, from the wall. There's, there's a mat to catch you. Come on.
And so she did.
-See, you're fine. You're on the ground. You're all right, let's go. Shake ot off, you're fine.
As she walked away, people started laughing and snickering. Carolinne stared at them all with a "keep doing that, I dare you" look on her face, and soon it stopped. She caught up with Erica and asked.
-Hey, are you ok?
-I'm fine. -She answered timidly.
-Look, don't care about them.
Erica wasn't sure why she cared. Carol was popular, and intimidating when she wanted, but she was always nice.
-Thank you.
Later, she was talking to Lydia and Allison about their plans for the next night, when suddenly, Carol felt something weird. She ran back to the gym shortly after Scott, who got there in time to keep Erica from hitting the ground. She'd tried to climb the wall again, but without any protection.
-Put her on her side. -Alli instructed. -Put her on her side. How'd you two know?
-We just felt it. -Scott explain.
-Someone get help, she's having a seizure!

That evening, Jackson was out with some friends, and her parents were working late, so she was alone. She was sitting in the couch, eating cookies and reading "All american Girl", when someone rang the bell.
-Derek. And Erica?
-Hi Carol.
-Why are you... Oh no, you didn't.
-I did. -He told her. -I bit her.
-She accepted it.
-Of course she did! Anyway, it's sreqdy done now, so forget it. Get in. Why are you here, by the way? -She asked, as they walked inside and she closed the dooe.
-I want your help.
-I need you to give her a makeover.
She looked at him, then at Erica, who said:
-He told me you were the perfect girl for this.
Carol smiled at Erica as her face lightened with excitment. She looked back at Derek, who recognized that same glow in her eyes from the day they'd watched The Exorcist toghether.
-Are you saying you want me to have my Heather Chandler moment with my personal Veronica Sawyer???
-I have know idea of who those people are, but why not?
She she let out an excited scream and kissed him.
-Should I take that as a "yes"?
-It's an "absolutely yes"!!! -She replied, smiling from ear to ear. -I've been waiting so long for this opportunity!
-All right, I guess. See you later.
-Bye! -She waved excitedly.
Once he was gone, Erica turned to Carol as said:
-So that's your boyfriend?
-Oh no, Derek's not my boyfriend, we're just...  Friends with bennefits.
-Really? You look good toghether.
-Thank you, I guess... It's just complicated.
-Do you mind me asking why?
-Of course I don't mind. You see, I can't imagine myself as a girlfriend. It doesn't fit who I am, and it requires me to change certain aspects of my personality that I'm not willing to.
Erica nodded in understandment, and Carol continued:
-Anyway, let's talk about you now. Erica, I'm not here to make you beautiful, you already are beautiful.
-Do you really think so?
-Yes, I definitely think so! To be 100% honest, your hair will require some effort, but it will be gorgeous as well!! Now we have to see what kind of skimd and what kind of hair you have, then we are going shopping, and finally we are coming here again to apply some of the products.
-I don't know how to thank you.
-You don't have too. The only thing you truly need is self-confidence, and I'm here to help you find it. So, are you ready?
The next day, in biology class, they were studying imunity and vaccination. When she was with Lydia walking to the caffeteria, Jackson aproached them:
-What the hell is wrong with you?! -He questioned Lydia.
-Show it to me. Show it to me, come on!
-Jackson, what on Earth are you talking about?
-She made me imune! She is the reason why nothing js happening.
-Are you out of your mind? -Lydia asked him.
-Nothing happened to you. It's like... It's like you, you're imune.
-I don't have a clue to what you're talking about.
-Lydia, keep going, I'll meet you there, ok?
-Fine. -She replied, and walked away pissed.
-Jackson, what's your damage?!
-It's... It's her. Whatever it is, blood, saliva... Whatever soul killing substance is running through her veins, she did this to me. She ruined this for me.
-Ok, first: I don't think this is how things work in this case, it's called "supernatural" for a reason. And second: If by chance you're right, and it is contagious, what makes you so sure it wasn't the other way round?
-You're saying I could be the reason she didn't turn.
-I'm saying it's possible.
Jackson stared blankly at her for a few seconds, turned arround, and left, clearly disturbed by Carol's words and by the situation in a general way.

-Where's Lydia? -She asked Stiles when she arrived at the caffeteria.
-I haven't seen her.
-Weird... I told her to meet me here.
She followed him to where Vernon Boyd was sitting.
-Boyd. You got the keys? -Stiles asked.
Boyd showed him just what he was asking for, but when Stiles tried to pull it, Boyd held it stronger:
-This isn't a favor. It's a transaction.
-Right. Yeah. Absolutely. -Stiles handed him 20 bucks.
-I said 50.
-Really? I... I remember 20, I don't know. I have a really good verbal memory. And I remember 20. I remember the distinctive "twa" sound. "Twa"-enty.
-I said 50. With a "fa" sound. Hear the difference? If you can't, I can demonstrate some other words with the "fa" sound.
-Oh, no no no, I think I'm recalling it now. Maybe I just got it confused with "fa"-ourty. -He hande another 20 dollars bill. Boyd didn't react.
-Come on, man, have you seen the piece of crap Jeep that I drive?
-Have you seen the piece of crap bus that I take?
-Oh, for heaven's sake, take 50 each of you and go be happy! -Carol put an end to the situation.
Boyd smiled and gave Stiles the keys, as Stiles laughed with happiness.
-I get 50 bucks for nothing?
-See if you can use it to fix one of Roscoe's problems.
-Carolinne, you can be a really good person when you feel like it.
They met Scott and Stiles gave him thw keys.
-Got'em. Pick you up right after work tonight, and we'll meet at the rink, cool?
But when Scott was about to answer, his eyes widened and he froze. Carol and Stiles followed his gaze to the entrance, and soon everyone did the same. They watched in awe as Erica walked in, stunning, sexy, and confident, attractive as hell. Carolinne smiled proudly as she got an apple from one of the boys sitting there and left like an actual supermodel.
-What. The holy hell. Is that?- Lydia showed up behind them.
-It's Erica. -Scott told her.
-It's the result of my work. My Veronica.
Scott and Stiles ran after Erica, followed by Carol. They kept going until the school door, and watched her get inside Derek's car. He smiled at them and drove off.
-You knew about this? -Scott asked her.
-He brought her to my place last night and asked me to give her a makeover.
-And you did?
-She deserved it, Scott.
-He shoudn't have done it.
-I know, but it was already done. Not helping her wouldn't change that, so I did, and I don't regeret it.

Later the girls were at Alli's, waiting for her to get ready when Chris knocked:
-Headed out?
-Studying. -She nodded. -Just studying, dad.
-I get it. -He whispered when she got closer to him. But we need you to remember what happened.
-You want me to stop being friends with them?
-Actually, we want the opposite. I know how this might sound, but we need you to keep an eye on Lydia.
-You want me to spy on her?
-We want you to look out for your friend. To make sure everything is ok with her.
They turned arround to see Lydia and Carol taking a selfie, and then Lydia pretended to kiss her phone.
-Seems ok to me. -Allison smiled.

Carol didn't really want go go, because she didn't want to be a third wheel (or a fifth will, in this case), but they insisted she'd join them. When they got there, things happened exactly as she expected: Allison  with Scott, Stiles with Lydia, and Carolinne with herself. Not that she usually minded being alone, but being the only one with no pair was weird, and oh boy, she could be making out with Derek. Inspite of that, it was fun to hear Stiles trying to be romantic and Allison helping Scott keep balance. Appearently werewolf abilities were great for lacrosse but not very useful for ice skating. Then she admired Lydia's graceful movements and pirouettes, as Stiles looked at the strawberry blonde in awe.
-Won't you join, me Care?
-Oh please, I can't dance in a normal surface, I'm certainly not going to try kt on ice. I think I'll just run instead.
As she kept on going faster and faster just for the sake of it, she saw Lydia take Stiles to make her company. Alli and Scott left the rink after he ran against the wall and Lydia kneeled down in the middle of the place, for no appearent reason. She got back on her feet and started looking at the ground, as if following a trail. And suddenly, she screamed, causing them all to stop what they were doing; Stiles was the first to get to her, and he held her from behind while looking at the rest of them, his face the visual representation of the one question in everyone's mind: "What is wrong with her?".

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