Chapter 8: Genetic experiment gone wrong.

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She arrived at the Principal's offuce and saw Erica there, dragging Stiles somewhere, and she followed them to the pool area, where Derek was waiting.
-Ah. Yeah. Derek. -Stiles grumbled.
-Stiles. Carolinne?
Only than Erica realized her presence:
-I did not bring her.
-You let her follow you.
-Why can't I be here?
-That's not what I meant.
-What you meant, is that whatever it is that you're doing, I wasn't supposed to know.
-Because, you're gonna complain about my lack of aproaching skills. Anyway, what did you see at the mechanic's garage, Stiles?
-Uh... Several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting.
Derek smiled sarcastucally and litteraly pressed the air out of a basket ball with his fist.
-Let's try that again.
-Ok, calm down, will you? -Carol tried, and walked to where Derek was.
-All right. -Stiles started. -The thing was pretty slick-looking. Uhm... Skin wad dark. Kind of patterned. Uhm... I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Ok? Cause I have somebody I really need to talk to.
Derek looked at him with an expression that said "no", so he continued:
-Uhm, all right, fine. Eyes. Eyes are yellowish and slittes. Uhm... It has a lot of teeth. Oh, and it'sgit a tail too. Are we good now?
-That depends. -Carol said. -Is it something like that? -She pointed to a spot right above Stiles' head.
-Whoa! -He explained and ran to stay next to the rest of them as the thinget out a shriek. It threw Erica against a wall, while Stiles and Derek ran. Carol went to check on Erica instead of joining them, and before she could get to the girl, it showed uo in front of her and she fell back. But it didn't attack her. The thing just stayed there looking at her and she tilted her gead to the side in confusion.
-You won't hurt me. -She mumbled.
-Carolinne! -Derek had come back and he pushed her as far away as he could before the creature scratched the back of his neck.
-Derek, your neck. -Stiles warned.
-Oh shit. -Carol complained. -Come on, come here. -Carol and Stiles each tokk one of Derek's arms and dragged him.
-Where is it? -Derek asked. -Can you see it?
-No, just hurry!
-Call Scott.
But in the process, Stiles dropped his phone, and as he leaned down to get it back, he dropped Derek as well. Carolinne would have been able to keep holding him kf he hadn't fallen excatly to her side, which was also the pool side.
-STILES, you son of a--
Carol was now strong, so she managed to keep them both from drowning, but she was still much smaller than him.
-Stiles, a little help please!
Stiles analyzed the possibilities fir a secind and jumped in the water to help them.
-Where is it? Can you see it? -He asked.
-No. -Derek said.
-Ok, maybe it took off.
Loud hissing could be heard and the other two turned to him.
-Maybe not.
-Can you both get me out of here before I drown?
-You're worried about drowning? -Stiles asked. -Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth?
-Did you notice that I'm paralyzed from the neck down in EIGHT FEET OF WATER?
-Hold on! -Carol said and pointed to the creature right ouside of the pool.
-What's it waiting for? -Stiles quwstioned.
-It's waiting for us to go out. Because for some reason, it won't come in. Which means, I'm sorry Derek, but I have a feeling we'll have to stay here for a little while.
The thing put it's hand in the water and quickly pulled it back like it burned.
-Wait, do you see that? -Stiles showed. -I don't think it can swim.
-Stiles, I can go get your phone.
-NO NO NO NO, don't even think about it, Carol! -Derek yelled, half because he didn't want her out there with that thing and half because the idea of his life depending on Stiles was not very encouraging.
-Why you? -They asked.
-Because it won't attack me.
-You can be sure.
-I can. It didn't hurt me when it had the chance.
-Carolinne, don't do this. -Derek warned.
-I'm sorry. -She said, and left them, which cause Stiles to nearly drown and take Derek with him before adjusting to the new scenario.
She swam to where the phone was, right next to the creature. As she lifted her arm to get out of the water, it hissed at her, making her back off for a moment. But she tried it again, with no hesitation this time. It hissed at her again, but it didn't attack her. She took the phone and ran to the opposite side of the pool while dialing Scott's number.
-I can't talk right now.
And he turned off.
-I'm gonna kill him. -She said, and jumped in the water again to help Stiles and Derek.
-Tell me you got him.
-He didn't even let me talk.
-Why won't that thing hurt you?
-I have no idea.
-Maybe it likes you. -Stiles sugested. -Or maybe it trusts you. Or both.
Finally, Scott arrived, which meant they could get out of the water.
He was fighting the giant lizard when it used its tail to take him down and throw him against a wall, breaking a mirror in the process. Scott took a piece if the mirror and wad ready to use it as a weapon, but appearently, the thing was shocked by its own reflex, because it just stared at it for a while and went away.
-I found the bestiary. -Scott said.
-And I found out that whatever the hell that is, it likes me.
-It wouldn't attack her. -Derek explained.
-Why not?
-Stiles thinks it trusts me. Now, show us that thing.

-Is that even a language? -Stiles asked  as they tried to read the bestiary.
-It's archaic latin. -Carol said.
-How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is? -Scott complained.
-It's called the Kanima. -Derek arrived with Erica.
-You knew the whole time. -Stiles acused.
-No. Only when it was confused by its own reflection.
-It doesn't know what it is. -Scott concluded.
-Or who.
-Well, what else do you know? -Stiles asked.
-Just stories. Rumors.
-But it's like us?
-A shapeshifter, yes. But it's not right. It's like a...
-A genetic experiment gone wrong? -Carol frowned, remembering Coach.
-An abomination. -Stiles said, also remembering that same conversation.
Derek nodded, and he was turning away to leave when Scitt called him:
-Derek! We need to work toghether on this. Maybe even tell the Argents.
-You trust them?!
-Nobody trusts anyone. That's the problem. While we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people! And we still don't even know anything about it!
-I know one thing. When I find it, I'm gonna kill it.

That night, Carol was in her house, when someone knocked on the door. When she opened, she saw Derek standing there.
-Still wanna watch that movie? -He asked.
-Absolutely. -She smiled and inveted him in. He followed her to the attic, where she found the DVD and started the movie. It was, like, the sixth time she watched that movie, but it was just so good. He couldn't help but smile when she said the most iconic lines along with the characters, and she laughed at how disgusted he was when Hannibal Lecter ate the security guard's cheek. And by the end, they were both happy, because inspite everything that was wrong with the rest of their lives, it had been fun.
-Ok, but why the cheek? -He questioned.
-They explain that in "Hannibal Rising".
-There'd another movie?!
-There are three more movies. The most disturbing is the second one.
-What about it makes it worse?
-Many things. But it's still very good, only... Bloody.
-And you're gonna make me watch it, aren't you?
-Aham. Give it a chance, Sourwolf.
He rolled his eyes at the nickname.
-Just put that damn thing before I change my mind.
-Wait, now?
-Do you have anything better to do?
-No. -She smiled. -I definitely don't. Now, one word: lobotomy.
It took him a second to realize what that meant.
-God, no.
-Too late! -She laughed.
And it was amazing. Derek reached the conclusion that Carolinne was a creep, Carolinne reached the conclusion that Derek needed to watch more gory movies in his life, and each of them reached the cinclusion that toghether, they could actually make that work.

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