Chapter 10: Whatever it takes.

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When Carol was 13, she wrote fifteen personal rules that she promissed herself never to break. Rule number 1: Never cry for a guy. So she didn't; she didn't shed a tear, but it still hurt, it hurt that the first time she tried to let someone in he ended up betraying her. Luckily for her, Scott wasn't really counting on the possibility of convincing Derek, so they had a backuo plane. When Isaac and Erica arrived at the library, Scott, Stiles, Jackson, Allison and Lydia were already sneaking out, on their way to Scott's house. At least that wad the idea, but Scott got held up by Coach, so when Carol arrived, shortly after the rest of them, he wasn't there yet.
-If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott? -Lydia asked.
-Meeting us here. -Stiles said. -I think. I hope.
-Thanks for doing this. -Allison said to Jackson.
-I needed to talk to her anyway.
They got inside, and Lydia stared at Stiles like he was crazy when he locked everything.
-Uh... There's been a few break-ins arround the neighborhood. -He lied, and she nodded while he placed a chair blocking the doorknob.
-And a murder. -He added when she pointed at the chair. -Yeah, it was bad.
-Lydia, follow me. -Jackson instructed. -I need to talk to you for a minute.
-Seriously? -She sighed. -What is going on with everyone?
She followed him upstairs, leaving Stiles, Allison, and Carolinne alone.
-How are you doing? -Alli asked her.
-I'm fine. -She shrugged.
-I mean it. I shouldn't have trusted him and I've learned my lesson. What he did to us last time should've been enough to make me understand that he was not worthy.
-But still, I feel bad for you.
-Don't be. I was stupid, I should have stayed loyal to my own principals: people can't be fixed.
-Do you really believe that? I mean, I'm not a personal fan of Derek, but that's not true. If someone broke them, someone can fix them.
-Just because something was once whole, it doesn't mean that it can be put back toghether. You can't save the chick if you've already cracked the egg, can you?

Allison sighed, sad to see her friend so bitter:
-No. You can't.
-Oh, shit. -They heard Stiles.
-They're right across the street.
Carolinne and Allison went to join him where he was near the window.
-Great. -Carol's pain had already been fully replaced by anger again (rule number 11: Don't suffer for someone who wouldn't suffer for you), and she decided to stop staring at them before she snapped, but not without  looking at Derek first. She could literally feel him staring back. His eyes were like guns, filled with fury, while Carol's held a mix of despise and indufference. Stiles decided to pull Carolinne back before the tension got solid enough to break the window. -Call Scott.
-I am doing exactly that. -Alli said. -It's me. -She told him when he picked up.
-What's wrong?
-You need to get here now. Right now.
-Ok, I'm leaving now. On my way.

A few minutes later, Scott still wasn't there, and the four werewolves keot getting closer.
-Geez. -Stiles sighed as they looked through the window. -What are you doing?
-I think... -Allison started. -I think I have to call my dad.
No, but if he finds you here, you and Scott...
-I know. But what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, ok? They're here to kill Lydia.
-Alli, don't. -Carol told her.
-But what other choice do we have?
-We can fihght.
-They're werewolves.
-So am I. And you're a huntress, and I throw knives.
-Derek's an Alpha.
-And I'm a bitch. And if either your family or Derek's pack gets here, our best friend is a Dead Girl Walking, which is why we're not gonna let that happen.
-I got an idea. -Stiles said. -Just shoot one of them, Allison.
-Are you serious?
-Carol's right. We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?
-Look, they don't think we're ginna fight, so if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off. So just shoot one of them.
-Which one? -She asked, looking through the window.
-Uh... Derek. Yeah, shoot him. Preferebly in the head.
-If Scott was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can.
-I'll handle Derek. -Carolinne said. Alli and Stiles exchanged a look.
-I'm not sure that's a good idea, Carol. -Stiles tried to reason.
-I have the right to be the one that takes him down. Besides, I know just the trick to put him in the place and I'm the only one who can pull it off.

The other two looked at each other again. She did sound a lot more stable than she had earlier, so they agreed. What she had in mind was, well... Something.
-Ok, uh, just shoot one of the other three then, Allison.
-You mean two.
-No, I mean three. Where the hell is Isaac? -He questioned, peaking through the window.
Allison was getting ready to shoot an arrow when Isaac showed up behind her. He attacked her, and while he was attacking Stiles, and he was fighting with Carol when Lydia got to the living room. Luckily  he didn't notice her presence.
-What's happening?
-Get back. -Allison instructed. -Someone's trying to break in, ok? Go! Lydia, go!
Carolinne managed to knock Isaac down and stabbed him in the back while Allison went upstairs.
-Guys! It's here! -Alli warned. Erica had already gotten into the house as well and she went straight to where Allison was, but Alli tricked her into catching an arrow covered in Kanima venom. They opened the frin door and literally threw both of the Betas out, right where Derek and Boyd were standing. Scott arrived, and the other three steped outside.
-I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an Omega. You're already an Alpha of your own pack. But you know you can't beat me.
-I'm gonna tell you what I told Boyd this afternoon: I don't wanna fight, but she does. -He said, and Carol took a step foward.
-You can't beat me either. -He teased.
-Oh, but I can.
-How do you think you can do that?

Time to start, Carolinne. Put on your best evil smile and accept that you're officially earning a place in hell:
-I was just hoping we could have little talk, handsome. -She said, putting a stray of hair behind her ear and smiling at him, and she heard his heart skipping a beat.
-What? Is that supposed to be an insult? -Stiles whispered to no one in particular.
-It's an imitation. -Allison whispered back, her eyes wide. -She's speaking and acting just like my aunt. It's... Scary actually.
-I'm gonna tear you apart. -Derek threatened, not making eye contact with her.
-Promisse? -She laughed. -Ah, I love how much you hate me.
-What is wrong with you? Why are you being such a bitch today? -He questioned.
-Because I can be. -She knew she was being evil, and she knew it was low, but her best friend's life was at risk and she would do whatever was in her power to save her. And that included reaching a level of cruelty she'd thought she would never have to. -What's wrong, sweetie? You don't like compliments? -She pouted. Even her friends were surprised with how fast she'd gone from furious and explosive, to painfully cold, and now brutally cruel.
-I know what you're doing. -He said, trying to sound less shaken then he truly was. But heartbeats don't lie.
-No, you don't. You think I'm being mean just to weaken you before we get to the physical fight, but actually, I'm just stalling you until the cops get here.

Right as she finished talking, the police sirens could be heard. That and footsteps coming from the roof. They all went to see who or what was walking there, and the Kanima showed up. It hissed at them and took off.
Derek looked at Erica and Isaac.
-Get them out of here. -He told Boyd, and then Lydia came out the door. Human.
-Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on!?
Nobody knew what to say.
-It's Jackson. -Scott whispered, and Carolinne's whole world stopped, becausd this couldn't be happening. That thing was not her brother, it wasn't possible, it wasn't... He wasn't imune to the venom. But then it made sense. That's why it- why he wouldn't attack her. Because deep down, he still recognized as someone he cared about. That giant lizard... Was really her brother. And now he had 4 werewolves who wanted him dead. But they wouldn't get that. She was not going to let her brother die, no matter what it took, or who got hurt. And she would have no mercy towards those standing in her way.

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