Chapter 7: Another one, hunter, bullet.

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For the first time in a few days, Carolinne was just chilling. Doing nothing important, just laying in her bed, eating chocolate and watching Gossip Girl. Then her phone rang.
-Stiles, these calls in the middle of the night are becoming a routine, and I don't like it. So, whatever reason you have, it'd better be good enough to make me pause Serena Van Der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf.
-Hello to you too! And no, it's not good news. Mr Myers is dead.
-What? But I was there earlier, he seemed... fine. Do you know what happened? Or when?
-About an hour after their "date" started. Scott thinks that Derek killed him.
-No, he couldn't have. I was with him by that time, we'd just left the hospital.
-Oh God...
-Scott is on his way to confront Derek. Like, now.
-Shit, I have to stop him. God, I can't have one night of peace!
-You'd better hurry, he's probably half way there by now.
-Okay, I'll get there asap.
She ran to the Hale house, and in 15 minutes she was there. What she saw was not beautiful. Scott and Derek were both wolfed out attacking each other. She woudn't stand a chance agains their supernatural strenght, so there was no point in trying to separate them. So, what do you do when you have a powerful voice and want the atention of two creatures with superhearing? That's right, you shout.
They looked her in surprise, and a little pain in the ears.
She had a look of anger and threat in her face. Scott was familiar with that look, like she was shooting them with her eyes. There was no way for her to harm them, they were much stronger than her. But her self confidence and loud, steady voice were enough to make them stop.
-You boys and the art of solving everything with your fists. One of the reasons why I choose to be single.
-What are you doing here, Carolinne?- Scott was the first to talk.
-Stiles called me and told me you were here.
-But why would you try to stop me?
-Because I know that you are wrong. I was with him, Scott. We'd already left the hospital when Mr Myers died. - She explained.
Scott knew she wasn't lying. He could listen to her heartbeat, and she had no reason to lie for Derek.
-Now you. -She noded in Derek's direction- Start talking.
-I didn't kill him. Neither of us did. It's nkt your fault and it's not mine.
Scott looked really pissed. He started questioning:
Carrolinne wasn't really used to seeing Scott like that. Out of their trio, he was the calmest one.
-No, I didn't.
-You're the one who bit me!
-No, I'm not.
-I'm not the one that bit you.
Scott touched a little blood that was in his chest and started breathing heavily.
After a few seconds, he sat down.
-There's another. -He said, his breath steading.
-It's called an Alpha. It's the most dangerous of our kind. You and I, we're Betas. This thing is more powerful, more animal then either of us. My sister came here looking for him, and now I'm trying to find him. But I don't think I can do it without you.
-Why me?
-Because he's the one that bit you. You're part of his pack. It's you Scott. You're the one he wants.
-So that's what you want in return?-Carol asked.
-Shoud've stayed with the chainsaw.- Scott sighed.
-Hey, we don't run from danger! We just have to find out who it is.
-And how do we do that?
-First, principals: Simplicity! Read Marcus Aurelius: of each particular thing ask "What is it in itself? What is it's nature?" What does he do, this man you seek?
-I... I don't know!
-He chases, Scott! As Derek here just said, it's more animal than you. It works on instincts. He knows his goal, and he won't stop untill he gets it. So we're gonna give it to him. Or at least, we'll make him think that way.
-I'm going to be the bait, aren't I?
She gave him a mischievous smile in response.
-What's the plan?- Derek asked, kind of curious.
-I don't have one yet, but me and Stiles will come up with something tomorrow.
-Oh God, I'm doomed.
-Your lack of trust will not stop me. Prepare yourself, sweetheart!
She walked out of the house leaving both of the wolves slack-jawed.
Next morning she was walking in the school hall with a worried Scott.
-I can't beleive this. This is horrible.
-It's just one bad grade Scott. You'll make up to it later.
-Easy for you and your "A" to say.
She sighed.
-I can help you study. We'll get over this.
-Thank you. I'm studying with Allison later today. -He replied, but still feeling down.
-"Studying". Right.
-Hey, shut up.- He laughed.- Where are you going now?
-Free period. You?
-Econ. Meet here when class is over?

She'd been walking for a while, meeting a couple of friends in the halls, when she saw Jackson by his locker talking to... Derek? Approaching them she heard Jackson saying something about "buying the product". And mentally wrote down a self-reminder to have a conversation with him about that.
-Dude what are you doing here?! Seriously, you used to never leave those woods, now you're like, everywhere. -She asked, looking at Derek.
-Wait- Jackson said.-You know this guy?
-Yes, long story. Look, this isn't what you think. Oh, and You. Are. Not. Taking. Steroids.- She stated angrily, punching him lightly in the chest at each pause.
-I need to find Scott.- Derek told her.
-He's in class. It ends in 3 minutes. What happened? You look like hell.
-I'll just wait here.
-Okay then. Now, back to you.- She pulled Jackson to an empty classroom nearby- Seriously?! Steroids?!
-It's not of your buisness, Care.
-My brother's heath is much of my buisness. Come on, you're better then this. You're a Whittemore. You don't need this shit.
They just sat there for a few seconda until he said:
-Your friend Scott is taking them.
-No, he isn't. It's complicated Jackson.
-But he is hiding somethimg, and you obviously know what it is.
-Jackson... I would tell you, but it's not my secret to share. And why do you care anyway?
He didn't answer. It wasn't something he'd just talk about. What would he say? That he cared because Scott was now just as good as him or even better than him at lacrosse, and that it made him feel replaced. That he had the urge to be the best at everything, because it was the only way he could feel worthy.
The bell rang and he just walked away, leaving a worried sister behind him.

As Carolinne was on her way to where she'd parked her motorbike, right next to Scott's bike, she saw Derek throw himself in front of Stile's Jeep. Luckily, Stiles stopped in time. Scott and her exchanged a look in confusion.
-No no no no no, not here!- Scott complained.
-What on Earth even was that?
Right when she said that, Stiles walked out of the jeep, Derek satrted to lose balance, and her and Scott ran to where the whole thing was.
-What the hell? What are you doing here?
-I was shot.
-He's not looking so good, dude.-Stiles stated the obvious.
-Why arent't you healing?
-I can't. It's a different kind of bullet.
-Like a silver bullet?
-No, you idiot.
-Who shot you?- Carolinne asked.
-A huntress.- Was all he said. In his mind, he completed: "A psychotic Argent that muredered my family and happens to look like you." But he didn't say that part out loud.
-Wait wait! That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours.-Scott remembered the events of the past night.
-What? Who said 48 hours?
-The person who shot you.- Looking at Carol, he finished. -You kind of look like her.
Then suddenly, Derek's eyes started turning blue. In the middle of the parking lot.
-Guys, people are staring.- Carol said through gritted teeth.
-What are you doing? Stop that!
-That's what I'm trying to tell you. I can't.
Everyone started honking, including Jackson and Lydia that were in his Porche. And Allison from her car.
-Derek. Get up.
When Allison and Jackson stepped out of the cars and started walking towards them, Scott and Stiles hurried to try and get Derek inside the jeep. While they tried, Carol walked towards her friends to stall them.
-Carolinne? What in the world is happening? -Jackson asked angrily.
-The guy passed out. Asma attack. We were looking for Scott's old inhalor. -That was the best she could come up with.
-Wait, isn't that Derek Hale?- Allison asked.
-Yeah, that's... A long story.
-Is he okay?
-Yeah yeah, he's fine now. You guys'd better get back to your cars, I think things will get back to normal now.
-Okay then.
She went back to where the boys were. Scott was talking to Derek.
-Just follow us. -Stiles told her.
Walking back to her motorbike, she remembered a conversation she'd had with Alli earlier.
"Why are you so happy today, huh?"
"My cool aunt is in town! You ressemble her a little, actually."
And now Scott saying that the she looked like the huntress. It wasn't really har to put A and B toghether, considering Allison came from a family of hunters.
She texted her mom saying she'd be out with Stiles for the afternoon and followed the blue jeep out of the school.

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