S2, Chapeter 1: No strings attached.

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"I couldn't be a monster, so I learned to be a bitch

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"I couldn't be a monster, so I learned to be a bitch."

So, a quick uptade in Carolinne's life: Derek had bitten Jackson, but so far Jackson wasn't feeling anything, much to his frustration. Lydia was still in the hospital, Scott and Allison were still dating, but in secret, because her family had forbidden them to see each other. Chris had actuallu tried the same thing with Carol, but it didn't go as he expected.
"I'm warning you, stay away from my daughter."
"That's not gonna happen."
"I'm sorry, are you testing me?"
"I most certainly am. And you can't do anything about it. Because if anything happens to me, or if I go missing and my body is found somewhere, I have witnesses who know that you want me dead. Among those witnesses we have the Sheriff's son and you're daughter. Do you really think she would ever forgive you for killing her best friend? Because I don't think so. In other words, killing me would turn your life into an even bigger mess, which is why you're not gonna do it. See you arround, Mr. Argent".
The way those hazel eyes teased him with disdain and the mocking smile on her lips were sickening, because for a fraction of a second, Chris was sure that his sister's ghost had come back to haunt him. As she walked away, she could literally smell his anger, and the whole thing felt amazing.

And then there was Derek. They didn't tell anyone about the day in the woods, or about any of the other times they had met after that; it was always the same system: some random conversation followed by some heated make-out session, but they never went further than that, and nobody had to know. Except that, when Stiles Stilinski is your friend, nothing stays hidden for long.
"So, Carolinne..."
"You know I'm a very observing person, right?"
"How could I not?"
"Well, I'm going straight to the point: you and Derek."
"Oh. That."
"What are you, exactly?"
"...Friends with benefits?"
"Uhn... Derek doesn't really look like a 'friends with benefits' kind of person."
"Why not? How else would you call a relationship between two friends who sometimes make out with no strings attached?"
"No strings attached for whom?"
She'd been thinking about that ever since. Derek and her had never really talked about that, but she'd always assumed that there wad nothing else between them. She'd never had a boyfriend, she always thought it was too formal. Carol had  never imagined herself as someone's girlfriend, and she liked it that way. And until that talk with Stiles she was sure that Derek felt the same way. But he did, she knew it. It was Derek. He wasn't a romantic person, that we all know. And Carolinne just didn't fall in love. Ever.
-What do you mean she just vanished?!
-I mean, she was in the shower and than she wasn't, and the window was open.
-So my best friend is just out there, cold alone, naked, and propably delusional?!
-Yes, Carol, I know it''s horrible, but my dad is already at the hospital and he's got everyone searching for her. I managed to sneak out with Lydia's clothes and now Scott's coming to help me. Are you joining us?
-Do you even have to ask? I'm on my way.

-This is the one she was just wearing? - Scott asked when Stiles got in the jeep. and Stiles nodded. -I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again. -Scott addeded.
-All right, just shove the thing in your face, and let's find her.
-I would help, but I still have to improve my new abilities. -Carol said.
As soon as Stiles started the engine, Allison showed up.
-What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us. -Scott warned.
-I don't care. She is my best friend, and we need to find her before they do.
-I can find her before the cops can.
-How about before my father does?
-He knows? -Stiles asked.
-Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs.
-Search party.
-It's more like a hunting party.
-Get in.
Allison joined Carol in the backseat and there they went to try and find Lydia beforw anyone else could.
-All right, but if she's turning, would they actually kill her? -Stiles asked.
-I don't know, they won't tell me anything, ok? All they say is "We'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here".
-What others?
-They won't tell me that either.
-Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on.
-Tell me about it. My father nearly shot Scott, and I don't know how they haven't tried anything with Care yet.
-I might have talked to your father about that... -Carol said.
-Just a friendly warning. -She assured.
-Oh, I'm sure it was.
-Scott, are we going the right way?-Stiles yelled.
-Take the next right. -Scott yelled back. That was the problem of talking to someone whose head was outside the window.

-What are doing here? -Carolinne questioned as they aproached the Hale house.
-She came here? You sure? -Stiles asked.
-Yeah, this is where the scent leads.
-All right, but has Lydia ever been here?
-We used to come jogging arround here. We passed by the house a few times, but I don't think she's ever been inside. -Carol told them.
-Maybe she came her on instinct, like she was looking for Derek. -Alli said, as they walked towards the house.
-You mean, looking for an Alpha. -Scott agreed.
-Wolves need a pack, right?
-Not all of them.
-I don't need a pack. -Carol said.
-But you have your own reasons to hang with Derek, don't you? -Alli asked with a smirk and Carol looked at Stiles with a raised brow.
-I might have told them. -He admitted.
-Yeah, I noticed.
-But are you, like, dating? -Scott asked.
-We're friends with benefits. -She stated.
Allison and Scott exchanged a confused look.
-If you say so...
-Anyway, could she have been drawn to an Alpha. -Allison changed subject. -Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?
-Yeah, we're stronger in packs.
-Speak for yourself. -Carol said.
-Like strengh in numbers. -Alli agreedwith Scott.
-No, like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way.
-Has that ever been proved?
-We're werwolves, Carolinne. Do you seriously want to talk about science?
-That's the same for an Alpha? -Alli questioned.
-Yeah, it'll make Derek stronger too.
-Woah, hey, look at this! -Stiles called them. -You see this? I think it's a tripwire.
Allison and Carol kneeled beside him and he pulled the wire.
-Stiles? -Scott called.
-Yeah, buddy? Oh. -They turned back to see Scott upside down, hanging by his foot.
-Next time you see a tripwire, don't trip it.
-Yeah, noted.
-Wait wait wait wait wait! Someone's coming. Hide! Go!
The three ran and hid behind trees, listening while Alli's dad talked to Scott.
-Mr. Argent.
-How are you doing?
-Good. You know. Just, hanging out. Is this one of yours? It's, uh, good. Nice design. Very constricting.
-What are you doing out here, Scott?
-Looking for my friend.
-That's right, Lydia is in your group now, isn't she? Part of the clique, is that the word you use? Or is there another way to put it? Part of your pack?
-Actually, clique sounds about right to me.
-I hope so. Cause I know she's a friend of Allison's, and one special circumstance such as yourself... One, I can handle. Not two.
-What about Carol?
-Carolinne Jane Whittemore is less of a problem if ignored. I don't bother her, she doesn't bother me.
-Of course.
-Scott, do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?
-I have a feeling I don't want to.
-A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. Cutting them in half. Takes a tremendous amount of sgrengh to cut through tissue and bones like that. Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary.
He walked away, leaving Scott there, and, God, Carol had to use all of her strengh not to use her knives, but she wouldn't do that to Alli.
-Are you okay? -Allison asked Scott once her dad was gone.
-It was just another life-threatening conversation with your dad.
-Care, Stiles, help me with this.
But their help wasn't needed. Scitt released himself with his claws.
-Thanks, but I think I think I got it.
-Coming? -Scott asked, already walking to the house.
And they did. But Lydia wasn't there, or anywhere, and eventually, they had to give up and go home.

The next morning, they heard of a grave robbery. Appearently, a liver had been taken from a corpse. Yes, a liver.
-Wait, she ate the liver?! -Scott questioned.
-No, I didn't say she ate it, I said it was missing. And you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body.
-Rumor has it that cheeks are the best.
They both stared at Carolinne with wide, slightly scared eyes.
-Hannibal Rising. I can't believe you guys have never watched it. What's your damage? You're such pillowcases.
-...Anyway. I never ate anyone's liver. Or cheeks. -Scott said.
-Yeah, right, cause when it comes ti werewolves, you're a real model of self-control. -Stiles replied sarcasticaly. And something clicked in his mind. -Actually, wait, hold on. You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you.
-What do you mean?
-I mean, like, what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?
-But I wasn't like Scott. I didn't feel anything, to be honest. Well, just power.
-You're not exactly a good example. No offense, but in 99% of the times you're the exeption to the rule.
-Fair enough. So, Scott?
-I wad drawn to... Allison.
-Okay, nothing else? Seriously?
-Nothing else mattered. But, no, that's good, though, right? Cause the night that Lydia wad bit she was with you.
-Yeah, but she was looking for Jackson.
And right in that moment, Jackson arrived. When he passed by them, Carol couldn't resist asking:
-Did you seriously have your license plate customized?
-Yeah. You hadn't seen it yet?
-No, I would have made fun of it if I had.
-I think it's cool.
-It's cringeworthy.
He shrugged and kept moving, followed by the three others. They still had a lot of work to do, but Carol wouldn't stop until they found her best friend.

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