Chapter 2: Something different

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When Carol arrived at school the next morning, she was exited. Normal people would have been tired but she woudn't describe herself as normal. Normal was boring, at least for her. She aproached Scott and Stiles and asked for an update of what had happened after she left.
-I was attacked by a wolf! - Scott promptly said.
- There have been no wolves in California for the past 60 years. - she replied.
- That's what I told him! - Stiles quickly added. Anyways, he found the body.
-WHAT? How cool!!
- I mean, how terrible...
- You are so weird.
- Whatever, when I saw it, I tripped and fell. That's when the wolf, and YES it was a wolf, bit me. And I lost my inhalor, so Stiles and I are going there to look for it after class. You joining?

In that moment Jackson and Lydia arrived, followed by the rest of Carol's friends. She joined them as they passed by and chuckled when she heard Stiles yell:
- Hey Lydia, you look... like you're tottaly going to ignore me.

Carol gave a quick "at least you tried" look before turning back to Lydia, who said:
- That was... embarassing.
- Oh c'mon Lyds, he was trying to be cute!
Lydia replied to that with a "You have to be kidding me" face and they proceeded to talk about random things on their way to the first class.
Later that day, the three of them were back in the woods. Carolinne was listening as Scott described his new superhuman reflexes and ability to hear and smell (yes, smell) things too strongly, like the mint gum in Stiles' pocket.
-So this all started with the bite? - Stiles asked him.
-What if it's like an infection, like my body is flutting with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?
-You know what, I actually think I've heard of this, it's a specific kind of infection.
-Are you serious?
-Yeah, yeah, I think it's called... Lycanthropy.
Carolinne used all of her strenght not to laugh at that.
-What is that, is that bad? - Scott asked, looking truly worried.
-Oh yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month.
-Once a month?
-Uhum, on the night of the full moon. Aooow...
To which she bursted out laughing. Scott pushed Stiles as the three laughed, and Stiles just said:
-Hey, you're one that heard a wolf howling!
-There could be something seriously wrong with me!
-I know, you're a werewolf! Raurr!
Scott sighed and smiled, and Carolinne said:
-Okay, obviously he's joking, but, if he tries to melt all the siover he can find it's because friday is a full moon.

Scott suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. He looked arround, and not only his inhalor was gone, but so was the body. He looked at Stiles and Carol, swearing that this was the place. Stiles sugested that maybe someone had moved the body, and while Scott siad that they'd better not had taken his inhalor as well, Carol spotted a man a couple feet ahead of them. He was tall, had a black leather jacket and an angry face. She patched her friends in the shoulder as he approached them.

-What are you doing here? - He asked, harshly. No replie.
-Huh? This is private property.
-Sorry man we were, you know... -Stiles tried.
-We were just looking for something, but, forget it.- It was Scott's turn to talk.
The man then threw the inhalor in Scott's direction, looking angrier each second. And that annoyed Carolinne, who looked straight at him and said:
-Hey dude, chill out!
-You transpass and I have to chill out?- He asked, eyebrows frowned and irony taking over his voice as he looked at them with dispise. -Get out of here, NOW!
-Woah, who do you think you are?! -She asked, feeling officially pissed now.
-I'm the owner of the land????
-Oh yeah? Well that doesn't give you the right to be an asshole! Here's the thing: people are not psychics, so if you want to avoid this kind of problem, do yourself AND other a favor and PUT A SIGN. -She said, voice tune just as harsh as his, hazel eyes piercing right through his green ones.
-You know what, this is nonsense. Screw you!- He yelled.
-Oh, you WISH you'd have the honor!- She said, as she walked away, an evil laugh echoing from her throat.
-Are you crazy?!- Stlies asked her, when they were further.
-Yes! Always have been, always will be.
-That was Derek Hale. He's only a few years older then us. You remeber right?
-Remember what?- Scott asked.
-His family. They all died in a fire like, ten years ago.
-I know who he is. - Carol said. -And you are wrong. The fire was actually six years ago, and not everyone died. His older sister survived and skipped town with him. And anothe man scaped, but he's been comatosed ever since.
-How do you know all that?
-Oh, Stiles, I know many things about many people.
-What does he want here?
-That, Scott, I don't know, and honestly I don't care.

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