Chapter 20: Drowning.

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Matt led her and Scott to another room.
-There. -He said. -You know, I feel sorry for you. 'Cause right now you're thinking "How are we gonna explain this when it heals?". And the sad part is you don't even realize how incredible it is that you actually are healing. 'Cause do you know what happens to everyone else when they get shot? They die.
-Is that what happened to you? -Scott questioned, but Matt just scoffed. That's when they realized what had really happened. -You drowned, didn't you?
-...He shouldn't have let them drink.
-Huh?! -Carol raises a brow, impatient.
-What? Who? Matt, what do you mean?
-LAHEY! He shouldn't have let them drink.
-Gosh, stop talking in riddles! -She rolled her eyez.
-What? Who was drinking?
-The swim team, idiots! I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know they had just won State, and Lahey, he's letting his favorites come over to have a couple drinks to celebrate. Who cares if they're 17, right?
-Were you at Isaac's?
-He had this first edition, Spider-Man, or was it Batman? And we were gonna make a trade. But then I'm over there and I hear music, and everyone's having a good time, and I see Sean. He throws Jessica in the pool and then Bennett goes in and--
-Bennett? What... The hunter?
He nodded.
-And then Camden. Isaac's jarhead brother, he grabs me. He thinks it's funny.
-They threw you in.
-I yell that I can't swim, but nobody listens. I go under and I swallow water, amd no one cares, and I see this bodies underwater. I see Jessica's got her hands down Sean's board shorts. Tucker's grabbing Kara and I'm drowning. I'm dying and they're laughing. All of a sudden, I was just... I'm lying by the pool, and Lahey's right there, right above me, and he says... He says "You tell no one. This, this is your fault! You don't know hkw to swim? What little bastard doesn't know how to swim? You say nothing, you tell no one, no one!" And I didn't. I didn't tell anyone. And I would see them at school, and they wouldn't even look at me. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, I'd gasp for breath, and my parents, they thought I was asthmatic, they even gave me an inhaler, They didn't know that every time I closed my eyes, I... I was drowning. You know about the little white light that they talk about that you see when you die? Well, I didn'r see anything. Just... Darkness. Everything was dark. But then... Then came the Argent's funeral. And everthing changed. I was taking some photos, and then, purely by accident Lahey gets in one of the photos! I look down at the screen on my camera, and I just have this unbelievable rage thar fills up inside of me, and I just, I look at him and I... I wanna see him dead. And the next day, he actually was. You know, Einstein was right: Imagination is more importabt than knowlege. It was like something out of Greek Mythology, like the Furies coming down to punish Orestes. The furies are deities of vengeance. Their tears ran of blood, and they ahd snakes for hair. If there was a crime that had gone unpunished, the Furies would do the punishment. Jackson... Is my fury. And when I saw him the next night... It was like this bond had been cemented between the two of us. I knew he had killed Lahey for me, and I knew he would do it again. So I went to Tucker's garage. I evenpaid for an oil change, and guess what? He didn't even recognize me. So, when he wasn't looking, I took a shot of him with my camera, and in a few hours, he was dead. So I took more pictures. All I had to do was take their picture, and Jackson would take their life.
He sounded like a true sociopath. His heart was completely steady, and there were tears sprinkling in his eyes. Scott seemed to almost feel sorry for him, but Carolinne, not so much.
-THAT'S IT? -She snapped. -THAT's your story? You USED MY BROTHER as a weapon in your twisted plan to murder young people because they threw you in a pool when they were just a bunch of drunk teenagers?!
-They almost killed me!
-They probably didn't even know what they were doing! They didn't recognize you, not because they ignored you, but because they hardly remembered half of what happened that night! And now you weaponized Jackson and robbed them of their future. And by the way, you didn't see "the light" because you're not dead, you idiot! -By the end, she was growlung, and her eyes were glowing. Matt opened his mouth to answer, but suddenly, all the lights were out and they heard the alarm.
-What is this? What's this? What's that? What's going on?! -Matt yelled.
-What, you're afraid of the dark too?
-We don't know what's happening either, Matt. -Scott explained, half yelling.
The windows blew up, revealing hunters who started shooting them non-stop.
They all hid under desks as everything arroumd them fell apart. They heard Gerard's voice and one of the hunters threw a granade inside the building.
Scott and Carol managed to run away from that room, dodge Jackson and go back to Stiles and Derek.
-Take him. -Derek said when she tried to help him. -Go!
-Scott's helping him, I'm helping you.
-Carolinne, go!
-I'm not leaving without you!
Scott was already going with Stiles.
-You can't stay here.
-Neither can you. I see you can alredy move, just not as fast. Come on!
-Jackson's going after them.
-But he won't come after me.
He let her help him stand, and soon he was 100% healed. They ran back to where Melissa and Noah were still trapped, just to see that Matt was already there. Melissa stared in shock as both Carol and Derek shifted and growled. To make things even worse, Jackson arrived there. He tried to attack Derek, who picked him up and threw him on a desk, then proceed to punch him.
-STOP! -Carolinne pleaded. Jackson somehow got rid of him and turned all the tables. He was now in front of Melissa's cell. Beforw he could do anything, Scott arrived and attacked him, and in the process Melissa could see that he was a werewolf as well. She stared in horror as Scott looked down and ran away. Carol and Derek were long gone by this point, hiding from Gerard, who was in the exact same hallway they'd just crossed. They were waiting for Scott and hoping that he wouldn't bump into Gerard, but that's exactly what happened, and for their surprise, Scott and Gerard had a deal. Scott had only joined the pack to give information to Gerard in exchange of something.
They waited until Gerard left and got out of there. Derek didn't say a word, and Carolinne couldn't figure if he was more hurt or angry.
-I had no idea about this. -She told him.
-I know.
-I would have never agreed with it.
-I know.
-You're not angry at me, are you?
-No. -He sighed. -I'm not.
-What are you gonna do about it?
-For now, nothing.
She stopped walking and looked at him, confused:
-What? Nothing?
-What do you suggest? -He turned to her, filled with impatience.
-Confront him!
-Not yet.
She shook her head.
-And what about Peter?
-I don't even know where he is.
-Ok, so step one is finding him.
-Knowing Peter, he'll come to us spontaneously.
-And what will we do then?
-I don't know, Carolinne!
Silence. But she wasn't done:
-And Allison?
-What about her?
-She's coming for you.
-Because I bit Victoria?
-I saved Scott's life and yours.
-But she doesn't know that.
-You haven't told her?!
-Her mom has just died, trying to justify it doesn't sound like a good idea.
-I didn't kill Victoria!
-I'm aware of it, but that's how Alli sees it. She's grieving, and Gerard must be taking advantage of it. Where are we going right now?
-I'm going home, now why you're following me is a good question.
-Because we have problems to solve.
-No, I have problems to solve. You have nothing to do with this.
-I have everything to do with this! Jackson is my brother, Allison and Lydia are my best friends, Scott betrayed me too, and you are my friend. -She was nearly yelling, and he turned to face her before she continued. -Just because we're no longer making out, doesn't mean you can push me away for good. I undersrand that you don't want to confront Scott yet, but we have other problems to solve, and we're gonna solve them toghther, because I don't care if you like it you not but we're in this toghether!
He felt like asking why. Why was she willing to team up instead of solving things on her own like she always did? Why did she care? Why was she still here? And could he trust her? Because he knew that if he ever did something that she considered wrong, she would strike right back twice as hard. But he didn't ask any of those things. They were both tired of having those conversations that always seemed to lead nowhere. They both knew that their hearts had missed a beat when she said the words "you are my friend".
-Fine. -He finally spoke.
It was usually during those after-fight conversations that they ended up kissing, but this time, they didn't. They wanted to, but what was the point? They obviously didn't fit, and it was exhausting to pretend that they did. But it hurt so much to accept it. It hurt so much to resist the breathtaking attraction that pulled every cell of their bodies in the other's direction, and it was hard to make themselves believe that their relationtip was never meant to last.
-I'll see you tomorrow, then.
She turned away and left, fighting the voices in her head that were screamimg and begging for her to stay. And he watched hopeless as the girl he'd fallen in love with disappear through the night.

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