Chapter 18: Lies and revelations.

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She had just finished her math homework and was getting ready for a nice Gossip Girl party with her pillow and chocolate ice cream when Stiles called. Of course he did, it had to be Stiles shaking her peace.
-What is it this time, Stiles? -She asked annoyed.
-Well hello my friend, it's nice talking to you too.
-This is the second time you get between me and Gossip Girl. What. Do. You. Want?
-Do you remember that text that Scott sent Allison but it wasn't Scott?
-That night at the school?
-Yeah, that one. Danny just tracked for me, amd this is about to get bizarre.
-Where did it come from?
-From a computer in the hospital. Melissa's computer.
-Wait, what?!
-We're going there now.
-Who's "we"?
-Me and Derek. Are you coming?
-Of course I'm going. But we'd better not miss the game.
-I'll be there in five minutes to pick you up.

He was there in exactly five minutes.
-Get in.
-Why do I always have to go in the back? It's not fair. -She said once she was in.
-Because you're the small one.
-What kind of logic is that?!
-Just drive, Stiles! -Derek said and rolled his eyes. -Hi Carolinne.
For a split second, Stiles caught a small smile in both of their faces. He kept switching his eyes from Carolinne to Derek until he asked:
-Did I miss something?
-DRIVE! -Both said at the same time.

Just when they got there, Stiles recieved a text from Scott: a picture of Allison's necklace. Stiles called him.
-Did you get the picture?
-Yeah, I did, and it looks just like the drawing.
-Hey, is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something. A, An inscription, an opening, something. -Derek said.
-No, no, the thing is flat, and no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, arround it, nothing. And where are you, Stiles? You're supposed to be here, you're first line! Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start.
-I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him... Tell him I'll be there, I'll juat be a little bit late, ok? All right, thanks.
He turned off and sighted.
-You're not gonna make it. -Derek stated.
-I know.
-And you didn't tell him about his mom either.
-Not until we find out the truth.
-Don't be so pessimistic, boys! -Carol told them. -You can do this, Stiles. Now go!
-By the way, one more thing. -Derek said.
Then Derek smashed Stiles' head agains the car dashboard.
-Oh, God! What the hell was that for?!
-YOU know what that was for. Go.
Stiles shook his head in pain.
And so he did.
-May I know what that was for? -Carol asked him with a raised brow.
-Do you have to?
He sighed.
-I was at his place when Danny went there. When he asked who I was, Stiles introduced me as his cousin Miguel.
She tried to hold her laugh as he kept talking.
-Then, when Danny asked him why did I have blood in my shirt, Stiles told him that I got horrible nose bleedings.
It was getting harder not to laugh.
-Then he made me get changed and put one of his clothes. And appearently, Danny really liked that, so Stiles decided to make me try many of his shirts. And obviously, none of them fit. So yeah... That's how Danny agreed to track the text.
In that moment she lost it. She totally bursted out laughing and she couldn't stop.
-It's not funny! -He said, but he was actually laughing a little as well.
-YES it is!!!
Her laugh was contagious. Next thing she knew, he was laughing as well, something she couldn't imagine comimg from well... Derek.
-Did I just make Sourwolf laugh? Like, actually laugh? I'm proud of myself.
-Oh, shut up.
She took a deep breath and continued.
-But I'm afraid this conversation is about to get serious.
He look at her, confused.
-And why is that?
She looked at him for a few seconds and calculated exactly what to say:
-I know you lied to Scott. I don't know how, since he can listen to your heartbeats, but you did. There is no cure. Why did you say that there was?
For a moment he considered acting like he didn't know what she was talking about, but eventually said:
-How did you find out?
-You first. Why did you lie?
-I needed him to want to do this. It was the only way to get his help. Now you: How did you fund out?
She couldn't tell him the truth. If he knew that she'd gotten help from a huntress, he'd be furious. But she couldn't lie either, because he would know.
-I have a contact.
-What contact?
-It doesn't matter. But that person also explained me about the spiral.
-What about it?
-It means revange. But you already know that, and for some reason, you kept it from us. So tell me now, what is that reason? What are you hiding from us?
-I just wanted to figure it out on my own.
-Figure what out?
-I came to talk to Peter, see if he could show me a sign, anything at all, but he couldn't move, obviously, so I'm kind of lost.
-Why would Peter know- In that moment, it all clicked in her mind. Every piece of that story found a place in the equation, and suddenly it finally made sense. -Holy shit... It's a Hale.
-I don't know it.
-But I do. God, how did I not see this?
-See what?
-The victims are not random! That's why Mr. Myers was appolagizing to you! Because he helped Kate with the arson. This is what the Alpha seeks revange for, which is why Laura wanted to find him!
He felt his head about to explode. Because that wasn't possible. Unless...
-Derek. Apart from you there is only one member of your family left. And right now, Stiles is in there with him.
He lifted his eyes at her and warned:
-Stay in the car.
-No way! -She protested.
-Don't even start, I'm going. Now hurry!!!

When they got to Stiles, he'd been cornered by Peter and his nurse (who was also involved with the whole mess). Derek knocked her out with his elbow.
-That's not nice. -Peter scolded. -She's my nurse.
-She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people. -Derek stated. Get out of the way, you two. -He tolld Carol and Stiles.
-Oh damn. -Stiles sighed and fainted.
-You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?
Peter started walkinng towards them. Derek growled and attacked him, but Peter caught him in the air and shoved him to the wall. Stiles, who was very much awake now, kept trying to avoid being hit. Carolinne stayed alert, ready to fight back if Peter tried anything against her. Eventually Stiles managed to run away and Peter knocked Derek to the floor. He had his hand in his nephew's neck and was pressing it and dragging him trough the hallway while talking:
-My mind, my personality were literally burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct.
That being said, he droped Derek and kneeled beside his nurse. While he was taking the keys, Derek got up:
-You want forgiveness? -He punched Peter in the face and kicked him, but Peter knocked him again with his head.
-I want understanding. -He kicked Derek in the stomach and sent him a few feet in the air. -Do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years? Slowly healing, cell by cell, even more slowly coming back to consciousness... Yes, becoming an Alpha, taking that from Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that. Derek got up and tried strinking Peter again, but the Alpha powers made him to strong. He dodged every single blow and grabbed Derek's arm. He was breaking it and once he let go, he felt something pierce deeply through his skin and bent over in pain.
-What on Earth is this?
He slowly turned to see Carol standing there.
-This is what you deserve for murdering your niece.
-You think... -He was having trouble breathing. -You think a simple blade can weaken an Alpha?
-Of course not. Which is why I came prepared.
-This... This STINGS! -He yelled agrily.
-That's because it's laced with wolfsbane.
He looked at her surprised. Even in pain he showed a grinn:
-I have to say, that was a smart one.
-Tip from a friend.
He let out a chuckle.
-Oh, blondie...The first time I saw you was when Derek brought you and Scott to see me, and when my eyes met your blonde hair, hazel iris, skinny jeans and black leather jacket, all I could think of was the woman who did this to me. But I don't blame you, really, and now in this cute little dress you don't even look that much like her. But that night in the school when you stabbed me, that's when I knew you'd be a pain in my ass.
He turned back to Derek.
-I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you.
Derek was now crawling to a separated room behind a curtain, and Peter walked with dificulty right behind him. Carolinne followed them quietly and he started talking again:
-I was going to wait for the dramatic flair, but... -His face started healing from all the burn marks. -When you look this good, why wait?
Derek stared at him in a mix of anger and horror.
-Derek, you have to give me a chance to explain. Afer all, we're family.
Derek seemed to bend to that argument, and Peter realized it, so he continued:
-Let's talk Derek. Come on... I'm all the family you have left, let's just- He fell to his knees in pain.
-I would stop talking if I were you. -Carol sugested. -The more you do so, the more you struggle to breathe. And as you struggle to breathe, the knife moves in your body. And from what I can see... It's getting closer and closer to your lungs.
Peter turnes to her and then back to Derek.
-Give me a hand here, nephew... Take your friend's knife out of my back and let's have a talk just you and me. Like a family.
-Derek, don't listen to him!
-Just help me, and we'll solve this.
-No, Derek, please!
-I'm your uncle Derek
-Don't let him get to you!
-JUST STOP! -Derek finally yelled, feeling his head throb. It was too much information, too much talking, and he didn't know what to do and who to believe. He looked at Carolinne and then at Peter, coughing, having trouble to breathe, with a knife in his back. He got up, walked to where Peter was, and kneeled in front of him.
-I'm sorry Carol.
And he pulled out the knife.
-Thank you. -Peter said. -Now take your wolfsbane knife and leave. This conversations doesn't concern you.
She took the knife and looked at Peter in pure fury.
-Are you ok, honey? You're forehead is kind of red.
She turned to Derek and said:
-You can't say I didn't warn you.
She walked out and headed to the school, feeling angry and betrayed.

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