Chapter 19: Guns and Defibrilator.

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-You should know I'm not doing this because I have to. -Jennifer said from the backseat. -I want to. I could still run, and you wouldn't have an easy time stopping me. -But I don't want your sisiter to die.
-Then why did you poison her? -Carol asked sarcastically.
-I was only doing what I had to do.
-Shut up. -Was all Derek said.
-You need to hear the whole story, Derek. You need to know just how connected we really are.
-Stop talking.
-Woah, you really are a fan of romance novels. That was so corny. -Carol scoffed.

They arrived at the hospital, followed by Scott and Stiles.
-A beseball bat? -Carol raised a brow.
-Leave my bat alone!
-Scott! Scott! -Melissa called as they walked to Cora's room. -What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating.
-We're here for Cora.
-What, all of you? Why does Stiles have my bat?
-Mom, just trust me on this. You need to get out of here. Right now.
-The building's supposed to be clearin 30 minutes, we've got two ambulances that are coming back, one's ten minutes out, the other's twenty, Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage.
-Got it.

They got in the elevator, and Derek refused to release Jennifer's arm.
-You don't have to keep me on a leash, Derek, I'm going to help. -She complained, and then realized that all of the teenagers held a sharp gaze on her.
When they got to the basement floor and left the elevator, the lights started to flash. They found a puddle of black goo right next to an emty bed, which could only be Cora's.
-Derek, look. -Scott pointed at a trail of black droppets that led them to a closed door. They could hear muffled grunting from the inside, and suddenly it opened and Peter came sliding in his back across the floor.
-We got a problem. -He stated. -Big problem. -They followed his gaze and saw the Alpha Twins merged. All werewolves tried attacking them and all failed. They knocked Carolinne and Derek down and had Scott pinned against a wall.
-Ethan, Aiden, STOP!! -Scott yelled.
-All we want is her. -They said, refering to Jennifer. Stiles took the opportunity to get Cora out of there, and Alice shot the twins six times, causing them to fall and unmerge. And that's when they realized that Jennifer was leaving through the elevator.
-This is what you bring to a battle when you don't have supernatural powers, Stiles. -Alice offered him a gun.
-I don't even know how to use that.
-Your father is the Sheriff and you don't know how to use a gun?
-You see, until the beggining of the year, my life used to be pretty ordinary.
-I wonder why...

They ran from the twins before they could get up, and followed Stiles and Peter to a separated room.
-Where's the big guy? -Stiles asked.
-He's close. -Derek warned.
-What about Miss Blake? -To that, Scott shook his head. -What do you mean? What does that mean? Like, she's gone? Scott, are you kidding me?
-Shh, quiet! -Derek complained.
-Me, be quiet? Me, huh? Are you telling me what to do, now?! When your psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend, the second one you've dated, by the way, has got my dad somewhere tied up waiting to be ritually sacrificed?
-Stiles, they're still out there. -Scott whispered.
-And, and they want her, right? Which means now we don't have her either, so my dad and Cora ARE BOTH DEAD! -He yelled.
-Not yet.
-Enough, you, guys! God, why do men have to be so complicated?! -Carol crossed her arms.
-Arguing won't help anyone, it's a waste of out time and patience. -Alice added.
-They're right. -Scott said. -Peter, is she really dying?
-She's definitely not getting any better.
-There has to be something we can do, we have to help her.
-You can't. -Jennifer walked in. -Only I can. I can save her, and I can tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of Alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So, I'll help you, but only when't I'm out of here and safe. Only then.

Without sayimg anything, Derek knocked over a table.
-Derek, wait! -Scott stopped him.
-Damn it, Derek, we've already had that conversation! -Carolinne hissed.
-She was trying to get out!
-I was trying to keep from getting killed, you can't blame me for that.
-If you wanna show you're one of the good guys, then heal her. -Stiles pointed at Cora.
-Not until I'm safe.
-I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. -Peter said. -Let's torture her.
-Works for me. -Derek tried to get rid of Scott's grip.
-I don't usually agree with Peter, but I like that suggestion. -Carol stated.
-Yeah, I don't have anything agaist it either. -Alice joined.

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