Chapter 17: Idioms.

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-Where is she? -Scott asked Lydia as soon as he, Stiles, Allison, Carolinne and Alice got to the school that night.
-Over here.
-Lydia... -Stiles began.
-It's the same thing, same thing as the pool. -She explained. -I got in the car headimg somewhere totally different and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body.
-You found a dead body?!
-Not yet.
-"Not yet"? What do you mean "not yet"? You're supposed to call us after you find the dead body.
-Oh, no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on.
-How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body.
-Ok, so, you predicted suicides and you have a radar for dead bodies? -Alice waited for confirmation.
-Appearently yes.
-Uhm... Interesting.
-Guys! -Scott called. -I found the dead body.

They followed him and saw it: the body was hanging over the school sign.
-Stiles, I think this is the part when you call your father. -Carol stated.
-What? Why?
-Because he's the Sheriff????
-Oh! Right!

-You know something, don't you? -Carol asked Alice once they got to the Whittemore house.
-I think I might know what Lydia is.
-Really? What?
-It's called Banshee. In the Celtic mythology, especially in the Scottish and Irish folclores, they're known as the messengers from the underworld, they were originally called Bean-nighes. A Banshee is popularly known as an omen of drath. Lydia literally feels death.
-Should I tell her that?
-Not yet, I wanna confirm it.

-Idioms, analogies, metaphores, and similes, all tools the writer uses to tell their story. -Miss Blake explained in her class. As she walked by Lydia's place, she saw that the girl was drawing. -Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents.
-You and every guy I've ever dated.
-Ah. Well, that was an idiom, by the way. Idioms are something of a secret. to the people who know the languange or the culture. -Miss Blake continued. -They're phrases that only make sense if you know key words. Saying "jump the gun" is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race, or a phrase like "seeing the whole board".
-Like chess. -Stiles commented.
-That's right, Stiles. Do you play?
-Oh, no. No, my father does. Now, when does an idiom become a cliché?
-When they're overused. -Carol answered.
-Hey. -Scott whispered to Stiles, knowing that Carol would hear him. -I think I can get to Ethan. I'm pretty sure I can make him talk.
-What do you wanna do that for? -Stiles asked.
-The druids are emissaries, right? So, what id the Darach was an emissary to the Alphas?
-Ok, first of all, I cannot believe that we've gotten to the point where a sentence like "what if the Darach was an emissary to the Alphas?" actually makes sense to me.

Carol failed not to laugh at that.
-Something wrong, Carolinne? -Jennifer looked at her.
-Uh, no, sorry, I... Just remembered an idiom.
-Right... -She got back to her explanation and Stiles continued talking to Scott.
-Second of all, we're gonna have a huge problem getting to Ethan.
-What's that?
-Going through Aiden. Ever since he's been back at school, they're always toghether, how are we gonna separate them again?
-I'll handle that. -Carol whispered. -I've been wanting to find a good target for my Shurikens, anyway.
-Carolinne said that she'll handle that. Actually... -Both boys turned to look at Lydia.
-What now? -She raised a brow.
-We need you to distract Aiden.
-I'll still be close. -Carol stated. -No way I'm leaving. my best friend all alone with that troglodyte.

Listening to Lydia and Aiden making out was absoluteky revolting, and it was even more revolting to hear Aiden trying to justify Boyd's murder with the fact that Derek had "killed" Ennis. But she didn't leave her hiding spot for a moment; that is, until she saw Cora walking towards the door to where Lydia and Aiden were and draw a spiral with her claws in the foggy glass.
-Cora? Cora!
-Come away. -She mouthed. Cora hesitaded but followes her to where they knew Aiden wouldn't hear. -What are you doing?
-They killed Boyd. We want revange.
-Lyds has nothing to do with that
-She's still seeing Aiden.
-No, she's distracting him. We needed to get Ethan alone, because Scott thinks he can get him to talk.

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