Chapter 13: Online games and Detention.

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She was with Allison at the school library the next morning.
-So you told them everything?
-All of it. I don't know if Dad was more shocked about his son being a killer machine in the form of a giant lizard or about the whole Derek thing.
-And what about your mom?
-My mom said: "Nice one, he's hot".
-No way!
-Yeah, Mrs. Whittemore is the kind of mother that teases me for being single.
-I officially love your mom.
They went to a hidden spot arround the bookshelves and discreetly handed a tablet to Scott and Stiles.
-It's everything Lydia could translate. -Alli told them. -And trust me, she was very confused.
-Yeah, and what'd you tell her? -Scott asked.
-That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures.
-I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical crearures. -Stiles said, making Carol and Scott laugh.
-Oh. Great.
-Ok, does it say how to find out who's controlling him? -Scott questioned.
-Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers. It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this south american Priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village.
-That doesn't sound very Catholic. -Carol stated.
-All right, see? So maybe it's not all that bad. -Stiles said.
-Untill the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted to. -Alli finished.
-All bad. All very, very bad.
-As a Catholic myself, I'm 100% sure that Priests are not supposed to want anybody dead. -Carol said again.
-Here's the thing, though: the Kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf, but it can't be...
-"... Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it.". -Scott completed.
-Ok, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself.
-What, Carol? Come on, your family should have realized that by now.
-You think we haven't?! My mom is a neuropsychologist, for heaven's sake! He refuses to get help, we've tried everything.
-It has something to do with his parents, right? -Allison asked.
-Yes. Mom and Dad told him eleven years ago, and he was never the same again.
-Does anybody actually know what happened to his biologica parents? -Scott asked.
-They're dead. Car crash.
-And how did Jackson react when he found out that.
-I'm not sure if he knows it.
-What? I thought your parents had told you.
-Nah, I had a friend dig it for me.
-But do you think Jackson knows?
-I have no idea.
-Lydia might know that. -Stiles sugested.
-Well, Jackson doesn't have a restraining order against me, so... I'll talk to him myself. -Alli said.
-Actually, my dad had the restraining order suspended. You know, after he found out about the whole murderous lizard thing.
-You told your parents?! -Stiles questioned.
-Aham. You're welcome.
-Still, he won't talk to us after what we did. It'll be easier if Allison tries.

She was walking trouhg the hallway later, while Allison went to find Jackson and Stiles tried in vain to get something out of Lydia, who appearently knew something. It surprised her to see that Lydia knew something but had chosen nit to tell her anything. But Carol hadn't told her anything about the supernatural either, so she couldn't be upset. When she turned arround, she saw that Erica had cornered Stiles and was threatening him. She was about to go help when Erica released him, and that's when things got interesting:
-If you're wondering about Jackson's biological parents, they're about half a mile from here. In Beacon Hills cemetery.
Why would Erica know that? Carolinne had asked Beatrice to find information about Jackson's parents about two years before, and the car accident was not the only thing she knew about.
-ERICA! -She called.
-How do you know that? -Erica just shrugged.
-Do you know how they died? -Stiles questioned.
-Maybe. If you tell me why you're so interested.
-Ha, nice try. -Carol teased. -I already know what happened, just wanted to see if you did too. And obviously the answer is yes. My real question is: how and why?
-Not gonna tell you, and... Not gonna tell you. Now, if you already know it, then why was Stiles asking Lydia? And why the sudden interest? -She asked, and Carol was about to give her the same answer she'd just recieved when Erica put the pieces toghether. -Wait... It's him, isn't it?
-What? -Stiles tried. -Who? Him who?
-The test didn't work, but it's still him. It's Jackson.
-You can't tell Derek, ok? There's a lot more to this that you don't know about. And just because you got the Alpha Bite makeover, a makeover that Carolinne helped you with, by the way, that doesn't give you a licence to go arround destroying people.
-Why not? That's all anybody ever used to do to me.
-I was never mean to you. -Carolinne defended herself.
-But your friends were when you weren't arround. You know, I used to have the worst crush in the world on you, Stiles. Yeah, you. And you never once even noticed me. Exaclty like you're not noticing noticing me right now.
The three stopped to stare at the water coming out of the boys locker before Scott and Jackson literally bursted out of it, clearly in the middle of a fight. It took all three plus Allison to separate them, Stiles and Allison holding Scott while Carol and Erica held Jackson.
-What the hell is going on? -Mr. Harris arrived. -Hey! Enough! Enough. What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down! Mr. McCall, wanna explain yourself? Stilinski!
-You dropped this. -Matt, who was there as well, gave Scott the tablet.
-You and you... Actually, all of you, detention. Three o'clock.
-We're getting detention for trying to separate a fight?!
-You're getting detention for getting in the middle of it, Miss Whittemore. I'll be waiting at the library.

So there they were, entering the library at three o'clock.
-Oh, uh, we can't be in detention toghether. -Jackson said. -I have a restraining order agains these tools.
-No, you don't! -Carolinne told him.
-I talked to dad last night and he had it canceled.
-Are you serious?!
Her response to that was her siganture mocking face which he'd always hated.

-Hey, what if it's Matt? -Stiles sugested after a few minutes of silence. -I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video, right?
-Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing.
-Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himslef.
-Stiles is right. -Carol said. -It's Matt's camera, he has easy access to the video. And it makes sense that he showed us the problem with video before someone else realized.
-So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your jeep?
-Yes. -Stiles said.
-Because... He's evil.
-You just don't like him.
-The guy... Bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face.
-Any other theories?
-Stiles, while I do agree that Matt is a potential suspect, I also have to say that the rest of your arguments are not very convincing. I mean his face is... Kind of atractive. Very atractive, actually. There's nothing wrong with it.
Suddenly, they heard Jackson groaning and rubbing his head in pain.
-You okay? -Matt questioned.
-I have to go to the bathroom.
-Are you all right? Mr. Harris asked. -Hey, you don't look so good.
-I just need to get some some water.
Jackson walked out and Mr. Harris got up to go after him.
-No one leaves their seats. -He instructed.
But of course they didn't listen. As soon as he walked out yhe door, Scott, Stiles and Carol went to talk to Erica.
-Erica, How do you know about the accident? -Carol asked her.
-My dad was the insurance investigator, and everytime he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18.
-So not only Jackson's rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18? -Stiles questioned.
-There's something so deeply wrong with that.
-I thought Carolinne had told you.
-You knew that? -Scott looked at Carol.
-I told you, I had a friend dig it for me.
-You know what? I could try to find the insurance report on my Dad's in-box. He keeps everything.
On P.A, they hear Scott being summoned to the Principal's office. He took off just a few minutes before Jackson arrived.
-Here. -Erica announced. -Passengers arrives at the hospital's doa. The estimated time of death: 9:26 P.M, June 14th, 1995.
-And Jackson's birthday really is June 15th. -Carol told them. -Eight days after mine.
When Mr. Harris got up, everyone else did as well, which made him laugh.
-Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm leaving, bu nome of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
He left, leaving them with tons of books to organize, and an evening much more tiring than any of them expected. Because it turned out that re-shelving would be the easiest of their tasks.

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