Chapter 10: Motel California (Part 1).

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Carolinne always felt sick during road trips; one of the reasons why she hated them. But on this particular night, she was feeling worse than usual, but she assumed it was because she was tired (and because the only thing worse than a car trip is a bus trip). The girls got to the room, which had two single beds and settled down. While sitting in the bed next to Carol's, Alice quickly scanned her friend's appearence; she was pale, tremblind slightly and there was a thin layer of sweat on her forhead.
-Are you alright, CJ?
-I'm fine.
-You don't look fine, you look like hell.
-I'm just nauseous, it's probably the bus, it'll get better soon.

But it didn't get better; about 15 minutes later it had only gotten worse. At this point she wasn't just nauseous anymore: her head hurt insanely and her limbs were incredibly heavy.
-You're more pale than you were before.
-I feel worse.
-You haven't eaten in a while, maybe it's that?
-It... It could be.
-I think I have cereal bars in my bag, here, let me find it.

Alice started looking through her bag and Carolinne lifted from the bed. But as she did so, the room around her started spinning, and when Alice turned arround, she was in the bathroom throwing up.
-I don't know what's happening. -She said, voice shaky?
-Do you want me to get help?
-I... Yeah, it's probably a good idea.
-Ok, why don't you take a shower and I'm going see if I can get someone?

Alice helped her up and walked out of the bathroom while Carol got undressed and started the shower. The huntress wasn't sure who to call, so she went to see Allison and Lydia.
-Girls, I need help.
-What is it? -Lydia asked worriedly.
-It's CJ, she's weird.
-Scott was acting strange too. -Alli said.
-She's not acting weird, she's sick.
-Oh my God. You mean carsick or worse?
-Worse. We thought it was just thr bust, but it's been a while since we git here and she had just thrown up when I left the room.
-There's something terribly wrong with this place. -Lydia stated. -Scott acting strange, Care sick, and what that lady told me...
-What lady? -Alice asked.
-At the reception. She said that this is the Motel with most guest suicided in the entire State of California. 198 "and counting".
-198?! -Allison was shocked.
-Yes. And we're talking 40 years. On average, that's 4.95 a year, which is... Actually expected. But who commemorates that with a framed number? Who does tgat? Who?!
-All suicides?
-Yes. Hanging, throat-cutting, pill-popping, both-barrels-of-a-shotgun-in-the-mouth suicides. Now, I don't know about you, but me, I... Did you hear that?
-Hear what? -The huntresses asked.

Lydia stayed quiet and stood up on the bed, getting closer to the ventilation duct.
-Oh my God... -She seemed worried, and suddenly she jumped back, scared.
-What is it, Lydia, what happened?
-OH my God!! Didn't you hear that?
-Hear what?
-The two people in the other room, they shot each other! We have to go there!
-We should get CJ fisrt. I'm worried about her. -Alice said.
-Ok... -Lydia's breath slowed down. -Yeah, let's, let's check on her.

They went back to the room, where Carol was laying on her bad, wet haur, and looking somewhat better.
-Care, are you ok? -Lydia asked.
-I'm better. I mean, my head's still throbbing, but I'm not nauseous anymore. My nose is kind of burning too, I think I'm getting better.
-You're not the only one that's feeling weird.
-What happened?

They explained everything to her, and she agreed with Lydia that they should go there.
-I wonder why they talk about it as some kind of accomplishments? "Most guest suicides in California". Like, what the hell?! -Allison commented.
-The extreme always seems to make an impression. -Carol said.
-It's that one! -Lydia pointed at tge room. But when they got there, it was just an empity room. There was nothing, not even beds.
-Hello?! -She found a light switch and turned it on. The room was being renovated, and the only things there were cans of paint and construction material.
-It had to be right here. It was a guy and a girl, and they sounded younger, but... They were here.
-We believe you. After everything we've been through, we believe you.

They went back to Allison's and Lydia's room, where the strawberry blonde said yet one more time.
-I'm telling you, there's something seriously wrong with this place.
-Everything about this place is seriously wrong. -Carol pointed out. -Look arround you. I think they're violating about 90% of the sanitary regulations.
-We need to leave.
-But they were suicides. -Alli stated. -Not murders. And it's nit like this place is haunted, right?
-Maybe it is. You know, I bet that couple made their suicide pact in that very room. Maybe thar's why they're renovating. Maybe they've been scraping brain matter off the wood paneling.
-I'm in no condition of getting in a car right now, Lyds. -Carolinne said.
-And we go now. The only reason we even came in this trip was to keep an eye on the guys and make sure they're safe. We just found something that could be potentially dangerous, and if we leave, then all if this was for nothing. -Alice argued. -We came this far, we can keep going.
-She's right. -Allison agreed. -And if there is something wrong here, let's find out.

The girls went back to the reception, hoping to ask her if she knew anything about a couple killing each other recently. But when they got there, she was gone.
-Well, there goes that plan.
-Didn't you say the sign said 198? -Alli questioned. The other three looked at the sign, and it said 201.
-It was 198, I swear to God it was 198!
-Ok, what does that mean? That there's been 3 more suicides?
-Or that 3 more are about to happen. You know what, I'm texting Stiles.
-Last time I saw Scott act like that was during a full moon. -Allison said.
-Yeah, I know. He was definitely a little iff with me too. -Stiles0 vending machine.
-You took down the hospital vending machine. -Carol pointed out.
-Ok, that was an accident! -Stiles defended himself as the girls laughed.
-But seriously, it has to be the motel! Either we ger out of here right now or someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism ASAP. -Lydia said, getting a Bible from the drawer.
-I'm pretty sure you need a Priest for that. -Alice stated.
-I'm telling you, these werewolves will gi crazy and kill us!
-Hey, I'm not going crazy! I just have a headache. -Carol complained.
-What if it's not just the Motel? -Stiles suggested. -The number in the office went up by three, right?
-You mean like three sacrifices? -Alli asked.
-What if this time it's three werwolves?
-Scott, Isaac, and Boyd.
-Maybe they were meant to come.
-But I'm a werewolf too. And there's also Ethan.
-Yeah, but maybe The Darach only wats them. I mean, why Heather, of all vurgins out there? And maybe we're not here by coincidence.
-Exactly! So can we get the hell out of here right now? Please? -Lydia freaked out.
-Wait, hang on, let me see this. -He took the bible from her hands. Inside, there was a folded piece of paper.
-What is that? -Alli and Carol questioned.
-"28-year-old man hangs himself at the inafmous Glen Capri."
-Healthy. -Alice said. -See if there are more.

They shook the Bible and searched through tge pages, finding many other pieces of newspapers in the process.
-No, look at these 2. They both mention room 217. -Lydia pointed out. -These are propably all of the suicides that happened in this room.
-So, if every room has a Bible...
-There could be articles in all the rooms.
-That's a beautiful thing, most places leave a mint under the pillow, this one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occurred.
-What if the room next door has something about the couple? -Lydia suggested. With that, they all rushed through the door and headed towards said room. Needless to say, the following hours would be a lot creeppier than they could expect.
To be continued.

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