Chapter 9: Demonic Ninjas and bodyguards.

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Once the "demonic ninjas", as the friends had named them, were gone, Ethan rushed to help Aiden and Derek did the same to Carolinne.
-You have to trigger the healing. -Isaac explained.
-How do we do that? -Ethan asked.
-What did I do to you?
-You broke my arm.
-Exactly, go ahead.

Hesitantly, Ethan broke his brother's arm and that did the trick. Aiden roared in pain but came back to his senses.
-What? What did they do to me? Where are they? -Aiden asked, confused.
-We don't know. But they leave a mark behind the victim's ear that looks like a number 5. -Allison explained.
-Now you, Derek. -Isaac gestured.
-What about me?
-Break Carol's arm.
-No way!
-I'm not gonna hurt her.
-But it's the only way to help her.
-No, it's not. Lydia and I didn't need it, Carolinne won't need it either.
-You were attacked, too? -Alice asked.
-Yes, and so was Lydia. That's why she's not here. Now, don't you guys have school or anything?
-Yeah, in about an hour. -Scott replied.
-So go.
-What? What about Carol?
-She'll be fine, leave her here.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, just go.
-Are you letting us go because of school or kicking us out? -Ethan questioned.
-I'm leaving room for interpretation.
-He's kicking us out. -Isaac clarified.
-We've been in his house the whole night. He has the right to want us out. -Alice argued.
-But Carolinne--
-Will be in good hands. Now, let's go, there's the door.
-What are you doing? -Scott asked the huntress.
-Being solidaire to a fellow T-based introvert who also doesn't like to stay around people for longer than necessary.
-Myers Briggs typology, I'll explain you on the way.
-Oh, uhm, ok.

The teens all walked out of the house and Derek mentally thanked Alice for that (he'd never thought a day would come when he'd thank a huntress for anything, but I guess life does that do you). Once they were gone, he stopped to look at Carolinne, who was laying half-conscious in his arms. He'd never seen her so... fragile. She was one of the strongest people he'd ever met, fierce and unafraid even before getting the Bite. She was basically made of steel, but now she was there looking so vulnerable with her trembling purplish lips and thin limbs. It felt out of place.

He carefully lifted her from the floor and carried her to where the heater was, the same place where Lydia had been just a few hours before.
-Thank you. -She whispered. -I'm sorry I didn't help when it was you.
-It's ok. You weren't there.
-I should have been. -She curled up further into him. Body heat wasn't something she usually liked, but now she wad taking as much of it as she could get, and Derek had a lot of it.
-You couldn't have known.
-Because I was too busy partying in your loft without your conscent.
-Well, you do owe me a date. -He smiled.
-I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but it's fair. -She chuckled. -Do you know what Alice was talking about? The Myers Briggs typology.
-No, what's that?
-It's a theory that devides people in 16 personality types based in 4 trates of their behavior and cognitive functions. You're an ISTP, and Alice is an INTP. That's what she was telling Scott, that you're both thinking-based introverts.
-Oh... Makes sense. What type are you?
-So you're basically an extrovert Alice?
-Uh, not exactly, because of the functions, but yeah, pretty much.
-Huh... Tell me more about that when you're not freezing. Are you confortable?
-I am now.
-Do you need anything?
-No, I'm good.
-And won't you be late for school?
-I have a free first period.
-Good. Then just stay here.
-For as long as I want to? -She asked.
-For as long as you want to. -He smiled and slid his hand through her long hair.

She didn't actually have much time to stay, though, because she still had to go home, shower, and get ready for school. But she stayed for as long as she could.

-The party must have been awesome if you're coming home this late. -David Whittemore said from the couch when Carolinne got home.
-Hello to you too, Dad. The party was amazing, but I'm coming home late for other reasons.
-Please don't give me details of tour sex life.
-Hey! By "other reasons" I mean demonic ninjas attacked me.
-What?! Are you ok? Why didn't anyone call us?
-I'm fine, they didn't hurt me. It's just this weird thing they do, like, they put a hand in someone's head and then the person gets super cold and they leave a mark behind our ears that looks like a number 5.
-But are you sure you're all right? Aren't you hypothermic?
-I'm fine, I promisse. I was nearly hypothermic for a few minutes, ehich is why I didn't come home earlier, but Derek took care of me.
-Oh, right. Derek, huh? He's like, five years and a half older than you, right?
-No, I like him. He can endure your pop culture references and he didn't kill you after finding out you were having a party at his house behind his back. Besides, anyone eho can keep up with your endless talking is my hero.
-This conversation just got really offensive. -She crossed her arms and her father laughed.
-Don't be like that, you know I love you. But you can be... Exhausting, sometimes.
-I just have a lot of energy.
-And right now you should spend that energy in getting ready for school. Go!
-Eh, ok, ok...

-Hey, Scott!
-Carol, are you ok?
-Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know what those things wanted, but they didn't hurt me.
-We have to find out what they are. Uhm, do you have time? I needed to talk to you.
-Sure. Are Chip and Dale gonna follow you around all the time? -She asked, refering to Ethan and Aiden, who were each on one of Scott's sides.
-They think that those "demonic ninjas" are coming after me, so they decided that they want to be my body guards.
-All day. -Ethan said.
-And all night. -Aiden added.
-How lovely. -Carolinne rolled her eyes.
-But they will absolutely give us some privacy now. -Scott said through greeted teeth and stared at the twins.

Ethan and Aiden exchanged a look, deciding weather or not they should do what Scott was asking.
-You have ten minutes. -They said in unison and left.
-Are they for real? -Carol chuckled.
-They are really commited to the whole redemption thing.
-Are you gonna forgive them?
-Are you?
-Depends on them. Their trying, right?
-Anyway, what was it that you wanted to talk about?
-Oh, uhm, Stiles. I'm worried about him?
-Why? Did something happen?
-Yeah, he... He thinks he was the one who unlocked the chemestry lab and left a message telling Barrow to kill Kira.
-What? That doesn't make any sense.
-I know. He says that there was a strange key in his keyring, one that he'd never seen. At the party, Caitlyn noticed that his keys were glowing because they had chemicals. So he came here, and tried that key in the chemestry lab, and it unlocked. He also says that it wad his handwriting on the board.
-But why would he do that?
-He doesn't even remember doing it. He's been super tired these past few days, he hasn't been sleeping, he's got deep eyebags and he's been having nightmares.
-I've notices the eyebags, too... Do you think it has anything to do with the ritual?
-It has to, it's the only explanation, but that leaves us another question.
-Why isn't the same thing happening to you and Allison?
-Where's Stiles now?
-He's at the hospital, I think. I told him to get some rest or maybe see a doctor.
-Good, he should do that. We'll find out what's happening to him, and we'll fix it. We always do. But are you ok?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
-Are those things really coming for you?
-Ethan and Aiden think so. Whatever they are, they are coming for all the supernaturals.
-That includes Kira.
-Exactly, I'm taking her to my house tonight.
-You're keeping both potential targets in the same place?
-Yeah, I...
-You know what? Just go and live your love story, I'm sure you can manage it.
-Where are you going after school?
-To see If I can find anything about demonic Ninjas. Oh, and one more thing?
-Right before I passed out, I heard Isaac telling Allison that her dad's 24 hours were over. What was he talking about?
-Appearently, Mr. Argent has seen those creatures many years ago. They killed literally everyone who was on their way, only him and a man named Katashi survived. Now him, Allison, and Isaac are trying to see if they can talk to Katashi, but he's not a very sociable person.
-I hope their plan works. I'll see if I can find something on my own and I'll let you guys know. Also, don't forget to update my on Stiles, ok?
-I won't. Good luck.
-Good luck to you, too. Oh, look, there come your saviors again. See you!
-Bye, Carol.

After school, Carolinne went straight to Alice's house, which was right next to hers. She rang the doorbell and it was barely 10 seconds until Mr. Holmes answered:
-Hey Carol Jane.
-Hi, Jeffrey. Is Alice here yet?
-She just got home from school. Come in.
-Thanks. -She walked inside and he closed the door behind her. -Is she in her room?
-She is, you can go up.
-Can I ask you something?
-You and Flora have been to many different places in your missions as hunters, right? You've seen different creatures from all over the world.
-That's correct, our last trip was to Uganda.
-Ah, Lizzie told me about that. Uhm, have you ever delt with anything that resambles "demonic ninjas"?
-"Demonic Ninjas"?
-Yeah, they... They are made of some black smoke, like, they're not 100% solid. They wear black clothes and bkack masks, and their eyes glow like fireflies. Oh, and they can pull swords out of their chests and leave a mark behind the ear of the person they attack. So far, all of their victims werr supernaturals.

Jeffrey stopped for a few minutes to think of that description, and realization flashed through the blue eyes which Alice had inherited.
-They're Japanese. I'm not sure what they're called, but I think the name is "Oni". They're not randomly attacking supernaturals, they're looking for something.
-That's why they leave the mark. -She concluded. -To register that this isn't who they're looking for.
-Exactly. You'll find more in our Beastiary, I'll go get it for you and you cab check it out with Alice.
-Thanks, Jeffrey.
-You're welcome. Count on our family for anything you need.

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