Chapter 7: Crumbling walls.

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-I told you, I just... I walked in and I saw the jeep on top of the guy, that's all.-Carol heard Stiles talking to his father. He'd called her as soon as his fingers started working properly again. Appearently, he was at a car workshop, when the new creature, whatever the hell it was, attacked again.
-What's wrong with your hand? -The sheriff asked.
-Nothing. Can I jusy get out of here now?
-Look, if there's something you don't think you can tell me...
-You think I'm lying?
-No, of course not. I'm just worried about you. Now, if you saw someone do this, and you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure you won't say anything about it...
-I didn't see anything. At all. Can I go now?
-Sure. -His dad nodded. -But not in your jeep. We're gonna have to impound it. Sorry, kid, evidence. I'll see you at home.
-All right, well, at least make sure they wash it!
He walked to where Carolinne was.
-Do you want a ride? -She offered.
-Yeah, taking a motorcycle in the rain sounds great.
-Would you rather walk?
-...I guess not.

-Ok, so what happened? -She asked him when they got to his house. -By the way, I just texted Scott. He's on his way here.
-I touched the door and there was this weird, disgusting goo all over it. Then I got my phone, but I couldn't move my hands, and soon my whole body was paralyzed.
-So it's like a toxin...
That's when Scott arrived.
-Are you okay? -He asked Stiles.
-Yeah. You're right, it's not like you two. I mean, it's eyes were almost, like, reptilian. But there was something about them.
-What do you mean?
-You know when you see, like, a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can actually see are their eyes, and you feel like you know them, but you just can't figure out who it is?
-Are you saying you know who it is?
-No. But I think it knew me.
-Wait. -Carol said. -You think a giant reptilian recognized you?!
-That's exatly what I just say.
-I know, I just had to listen to the words coming out of my mouth. Oh man, how did my life go from what it was to this?
-I called you and Scott to come look for a dead body.
-Yeah... It's weird to think that one night changed the course of out lives forever.
Derek had spent the past long hour trying to train Erica, Isaac, and Boyd, but they kept failing. It was annoying, and he was in a bad mood, and they kept making the same mistakes over and over again.
-Does anyone wanna try not being completley predictable?
Out of the blues, Erica quickly got up and grabbed him, pulling him to a kiss, and he let her for a few seconds before pushing her back to the ground.
-That's the last time you do that.
-Why? Cause I'm not her? -She questioned, and he clenched his fists, staring angrily at the Beta. -Oops, guess I touched the weak spot.
-What makes you believe that she's a weak spot? -He asked, raising a brow at her.
-Yeah, Erica, what makes you think that?
He turned back abruptly and saw Carol standing right behind him, crossed arms and teasing eyes.
-You knew she was there. -He turned back to Erica, who was smiling at the scene.
-She's been there for the past three minutes. -Boyd told him. -You were just too focused in getting us to notice.
-He's telling the truth. -Carol stated.
-Are we done? -Isaac asked. -Cause I got about 100 bones that need a few hours to heal.
-Give them a break... They my come back renewed. -Carol said.
He looked at the three Betas and finally gave in.
-Fine! Now go before I change my mind and these 100 bones become 101.
They did as told, silently thanking Carolinne for arguing in their favor.
-What are you doing here? -He asked her when they were alone.
-I came to apolagize.
He stood there, speechless at her bluntness. Considering how things had ended up the previous night, he never expected her to come to him.
-You're right. -She continued. -I do not know what it's like not to have anyone, and if Boyd and you both believed that biting him was the best thing for both, then it's not up to me to disagree.
-Thank you. -Was all he said at first. But if she could swallow her pride, then he could too. -I'm sorry for the way I spoke. I made it sound like you were a shallow little preppy, and that's not true.
-Well, I am a little preppy.
-But you're not shallow.
They got closer by each word that came out of their mouths and eventually pressed their lips toghether, taking short spaces of time to catch their breaths, a few word being whispered in those moments:
-You are... Crazy... Insubmissive...  Stuborn... But never shallow...
-You... Are just as stuborn as I am. -She said, lifting her head as he went down kissing her neck.
-No, I'm not! -He stopped to look at her.
-You know you are. -She teased, removing the lip gloss stain in his cheek. They stayed quiet for a few seconds, just staring at each others eyes, and God, she could spend hours just getting lost in those green irises.
-What are we?
That question caught her unprepared. Part of her wanted to say "friends with bennefits", but deep down she knew it wasn't true. Not anymore. She cared more than she was willing to admit, and it was killing her inside. That was never meant to happen. Both Carol and Derek had spent years building walls, each of them for different reasons, and none of them were prepared to just let them crumble.
-I don't know. -She said, honestly. -What do you want us to be?
-I don't know. I never thought this would get so...
-Me neither. I've never had any relationship that wasn't casual.
-And I don't have a very nice past when it comes to romances.
The whole thing had fallen from heated to akward so quickly that none of them knew how to continue the conversation.
-I'm willing to try if you are. -She finally spoke. How about... You show at my place tomorrow night? My parents are going out after the game, and Jackson is going out with some guys from the team. We can watch another movie. And by "another movie" I mean my favorite movie.
-Which is...?
-The Silence of the Lambs.
He rolled his eyes, but smiled:
-Sure. I'll be there.
She turned arround and left, insecure but excited about the new opportunitie she's just thrown herself into.
-So, you are attaching the strings after all? -Allison asked at school the folloeing day.
-We're trying. I asked him to come see a movie tonight after the game.
-That's nice! What are you watching?
-The Silince of the Lambs.
-Oh. Sounds... Interesting.
-Alli, I have no idea what I'm doing! In those books and movies when people have tgat kind of talk, it's always fun and romantic, but honestly it was just akward. I was SO out of character.
They were interrupted by Stiles:
-Allison, we need you to get your family's bestiary.
-I think you mean--
-No, I mean bestiary. And Scott and you, I don't want to know what's going on in your heads.
-Ok. Uhm, can you describe this thing?
-Uh, it's probably like a book. Old, worn...
-Like, bound in leather?
-Could be. Why?
-Because I think I know just who has it. I've seen my grandfather with a book that matches your discription.
-Great! I'm gonna tell Scott!
And there he went.
-So, back to you, Carol.
-What was I saying?
-That you felt out of character.
-Right; it's just that it didn't feel natural, you know? Like, hearing those words coming out of my mouth, it was almost like my voice didn't suit them, and I felt... Bizarre. I don't know much about romance, but I know for sure that it's not supposed to be bizarre!
-No, it is not. But you are Carolinne Jane Whittemore. You don't do things like they're supposed to be done.
Carol reflected what Allison had just said:
-That's a valid point. -She stated. And once again, Stiles showed up:
-Where... does he... keep it? -He asked, panting.
-It has to be in his office. It's the only place I can think of.
He ran to talk to Scott and came back once again with his friend's old inhalor:
-You know, drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years.
-My parents check every call, email, and text message I send. Trust me, they'd find it. -Allison explained.
-All right. Can you get the book?
-Not without his keys.
That night, she was with Jackson as he got ready for the game when Danny and Jackson arrived. Danny wad holding a camera, with made Jackson furious"
-What the hell is this? Dude, I thought I could trust you.
-Relax, it's my camera, ok? He just needed to ask me some questions. -Matt said.
-Matt's the one who found it, anyway.
-Found what?
Danny took the camera and showed them the video, until he stopped at an appearently random part:
-There. -Matt pointed.
-There what?
-It's an edition point. It's been looped. Two hours' worth. -Danny explained.
-What does that mean?
-That means there's two hours of footage missing.
Jackson and Carol stood there in shock, while Danny and Matt walked away.
-This is what happens when you ask someone other than your sister to watch your video. -Carol stated.
-You think it was him?
-No, I'm kidding. I trust Danny.
-Me too. But do you trust Matt?
-I don't know him enough. But I can't think of anyone else who could have had access to the video.
-Me neither. But we have to find out what happened.

During the game, things were not pretty. There was a guy in the opposing team who was, like, the most enormous person Carol had ever seen.
-Come on! -Coach yelled. -Is that thing even a teenager? I wanna see a birth certuficate! -Then he sat next to Stiles and asked: -Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong?
-Eddie Obomwitz, Coach. They call him "The Abomination".
-Oh, that's cute.
Carolinne could only think of one thing: why on Earth wasn't Scott using his werewolf abilities. And it appeared as Jackson had the same thing in mind, because he approached Scott and questioned:
-McCall! What the hell are you waiting for?! This is the semi-finals. Bring that roid-head into the ground.
-Me? You're the one who said that I was a cheater.
-And that freak of nature being on the field is fair? Do something.
-I can't. Not while Allison's grandfather's here.
More injured players. She heard Alli talking to Gerard, and Stiles then nodded in her direction confirming that he had the keys. After 5 more minutes of that game, she decided to join Stiles, because if she stayed there for another second, there was a high chance she would invade the field and take that beast down by herself. Just as she was about to leave, Coach called Boyd to join, even though he wasn't part of the team, so she decided to stay a little longer and watch that, because now things would get interesting. And it was worth it, Boyd knocked the guy down in seconds.
-The bigger they are... The bigger they are! -Coach cheered, making her burst out laughing. Now, it was time to go see Stiles and find out why he was taking so long. And the carzy part of the night was just about to begin.

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