Chapter 18: Party and dubious punch.

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-Hey, Care, now that you're alone, can I talk to you? -Stiles called her.
-Yeah, sure. What is it?
-My dad and I were looking at some old yearbooks, and we found out that everyone that the Kanima has killed was a part of the 2006 swim team. And Mr. Lahey was the Coach.
-Mastee hates the swim team and Kanima can't swim. That can't be a coincidence.
-I told Scott the same thing. So far, that's all we know, but I'll tell you if we find out anything new.
A few minutes later, she was with Allison when Jackson arrived at the party. Lydia went to talk to him and handed him a glass of punch.
-Glad you could make it. -She said.
Then she went to talk to Carolinne:
-You haven't tried the punch.
-That's because I don't like punch. -She raised a brow. Lydia was more than aware of that, they always went to parties toghether.
-But you have to try this one!
-Lyds, you know I only drink liqueur, what's the point of this?
Lydia looked kind of nervous, and it was weird. Carol knew something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out what it was.
-Your loss. -She shrugged and left.
Not much later, Carolinne concluded that not trying the punch was the best decision she could have made, because everyone around her was high on something. There were people talking to themselves and to the walls, a guy who appearently was about to make out with a plant, and Scott seemed kind of sick, but she assumed that the last one could have something to do with the full moon. She was on the edge too,
fighting to keep the human side in control. But then she heard him tell Stiles that it wadn't the full moon, it was different, and finally, a minute later Stiles tried to dodge something invisible.
-Stiles, what just happened? What were you trying to dodge?
-The bottle. -He said, panting.
-Bottle? What bottle?
-The one my dad just threw at me.
-Stiles, your dad's not even here.
-I know, but... He was. And... He was drinking.
-No, he was never here.
-He was telling me... That it was my fault.
-My mom... -He took a deep breath as a tear slipped down his face. -He said I killed her. And that now I'm killing him too.
-Stiles. -She wiped his cheek with her thumb. -Your dad would never say that. He loves you, and I know he doesn't blame you for your mom's death. And she doesn't, either. I remeber Claudia, I remember how sweet she was and how much you meant to her. She would be proud of you, just like I know your dad is. And he was not here.
He nodded slowly, taking in her words.
-Thank you.
She hugged him and when she let go, she saw Jackson, and he looked totally zoned out. He dropped his glass and stared deeply at a specific spot before his face contorted and he snapped back to reality.
-Jackson, what just happened? -She went to him.
-I, uhm... Nothing. Nothing happened.
-It didn't look like nothing.
-Well, it was nothing. I just... Have a headache, that's all.
-I'm fine, Carol.
He turned arround and left her.
-Have you seen Lydia? -Scott asked as he got to her.
-No, what happened?
-I need to find her.
-I think something's wrong with this punch.
-You think?! I just saw a guy kiss a plant.
-And I just had a hallucination.
-So did Stiles and Jackson. Wait, my phone's ringing.
-I'll find Stiles.
She found her phone and picked up.
-I need help. Scott's not picking up.
-Yeah, the music's kind of loud.
-I can hear that. Where are you, by the way?
-Lydia's party.
-Tell Scott to come and help me.
-He's not feeling very well, it'll have to be me.
-Whatever, just come!
-I'm on my way.

When she got there, Boyd and Erica were out of control and Isaac was nowhere to be seen. They managed to take down Erica, but Boyd was still trying to kill them, but Isaac arrived just in time to hold him. Appearently, Isaac had found an anchor.
-Jesus... -Carolinne sighed. -Are you guys ok?
-I'm fine. -Derek replied. -What about you?
-I'm good.
They both looked at Isaac, who was staring blankly with glowing eyes.
-I think you'll be ok now. -Derek said to Isaac while the Beta sat down. -Looks like you found an anchor.
-My father.
Carolinne and Derek exchanged a concerned look.
-Your father locked you in a freezer at the basement to punish you.
-He didn't use to.
Derek walked out of the bus and Carolinne stayed to make sure that everything was ok. Shen she got out, Derek wasn't there anymore.
No reply. But she did catch a scent: Lydia's perfume, with a hint of wolfsbane.
-That can't be good... -She whispered to herself and tried to follow the smell. It was hard at first, but she got the hand of it and it led her to the remains of the Hale House. She heard low, deep growling coming from the inside, and when she got there, she saw Lydia standing there, while Derek was laying down with his hand in the place where he'd burried Peter. Using a few mirrors, Lydia had directed the moonlight right to that spot. Suddenly, Derek's face conrtorted in pain as he grunted.
-Lydia, what the hell did you do?! -She questioned.
-I did what he told me to. What I had to.
-He? Who's "he"?
Lydia didn't have to answer that, because Peter Hale quite literally blew out of the hole in the ground.
-I heard there was a party. Don't worry, I invited myself. -He said.
Lydia walked out of the house like nothing had happened and Derek fainted, which left Carolinne alone with Peter.
-Hello, Blondie.
-What? How...?
-It's a ritual. -He explained, like it was perfectly ordinary.
-What did you do to Lydia?
-Nothing serious, just haunted her for a few days. -He shrugged.
-You threatened her, didn't you?
-That's harassment.
-Well, I was my younger version when I kissed her.
-Just a kiss, chill out. She'll be fine.
-I can't believe this... This is not happening.
-Yes, it is.
-And what about Derek? -She kneeled down where Derek was. -Will he be ok?
-He'll be just fine, and yes, he's still the Alpha. Any other questions.
-No, I... -But she did have one. -Actually, yes. Why did you bite me?
-Because I wanted you in my pack.
-Why me?
-Because you have what I look for in a pack member. You're fearless, like any good werewolf should be, you're sassy, which I personaly find attractive, you don't look dangerous, so you'll always have the surprise element, and you're smart. Wolfsbane knives and hunter allies, those were both intelligent moves. But it was that day in Macy's that I decided I'd get you. You were so calm, your hearbeats were steady, you even made sarcastic comments and you didn't give a damn to the fact that I could kill you and your friends. It was beautiful, really.
Carolinne opened her mouth but she wasn't sure what to say:
-I... Wow. I'm flattered, to be honest. But I wouldn't have joined you. I haven't even joined Derek, I don't do packs.
-Oh, right. Individualistic, I see.
-Precisely. -She hadn't even realized that he was naked until that moment. -Oh, you should probably get cleaned uo and find something to where.
-Yeah. I should. Good night.
He walked away, leaving her alone with an unconsious Derek in the ruins of the house.

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