Chapter 3: Guilt.

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Carolinne and Scott were running as fast as they could, trying to find Malia; but instead of the werecoyote, they ran into Stiles, which ended in both him and Scott screaming and Carol covering her ears.
-Oh. I think I found something. -Stiles said once they'd stopped screaming.
-So did we. -Scott told him.
-And I just lost my eardrums. -Carol complained.
-Don't be dramatic.
-I'm not being dramatic, Kali's spark came with her extra-enhaced senses. Anyway, what did you find, Stiles?
-Come here, I'll show you. What did you find?
-Malia's not dead. She's been leaving as a coyote.
-In that case, what I found makes a lot more sense.

He led them back to where they had found the car and they followed him into a den.
-It's a coyote den. -He said.
-Werecoyote. -Scott corrected.
-You see this? -He took a coat. -This is Malia's. Remember, it's the same one she was wearing in the photo.
-We shouldn't be in here. -Scott said with a sad look as he took a teddy bear.
-What do you mean?
-She's not gonna come back now, we just invaded her home. Our scent is gonna be everywhere.
-Yeah, and it's disrispectful. -Carolinne pointed out, enraged that they had even considered this to be a good idea. They had no right to just go in like that.
-It's just a den. -Stiles argued.
-It's her home, her things, her privacy.
-Well, if she's not gonna come back here, where's she going to go?
-I don't know. -Scott said.
-Can you track her now? You think you got her scent?
-Maybe. But I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf, and I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back.
-The door's still open. -Stiles sighed.
-I could track her. -Carol said. -But then we find her, and what next? We need a plan.
-If I can't get to Derek, we're gonna havr to find someone else to help.
-Wait, you don't know about Derek?
-Know what?
-The Calaveras have him. Deucalion told me.
-You've talked to Deucalion?
-He showed up by my house and told me that the Calaveras had kidnapped Derek in Mexico, and that he'd hired Braeden to save him.
-Who's Breaeden?
-The girl who saved Isaac from the vault.
-And do you believe him?
-I do. God, do you have any idea how many times Lydia has had to talk some sense into me to keep me from storming to Mexico?! I haven't slept in two days.
-You knew something was wrong. -Stiles mumbled. -And we didn't believe you. We're sorry.
-It's ok, I just hope he'll be back soon.
-But if he isn't here, who'll help us?
-This is basically a crime scene, right? I think it might be a little out of my boss's league. -Scott said.
-...And more in my dad's. -Stiles concluded.
-I'll call him.

As Stiles talked to his father, Carol turned to Scott:
-What did Stiles mean by "the door's still open?".
-It was something that Deaton said. Stiles had a dream in which everyone was signaling him a riddle: "when is a door not a door?". Deaton explained that, in the ritual, we opened a door in our minds when we crossed from unconsciousness to some kind of super conciousness, and that this door is ajar. He said that we have to close it as soon as possible.
-Woah... Daisy really hit the bull's eye with this one. She used the door analogy as well, and she didn't know about Stiles' dream.
-Daisy? What did she say?
-She's done some research in that concept Kira mentioned, Bardo. She found out some things about Bardo Thödol, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and Zhitro, which is a practcice revolving around peaceful and wrathful deities. These deities visit you when you're in Bardo, which is the state between death and rebirth. Daisy thinks that when you guys came back, that was like your rebirth, but that part of your souls didn't complete it. Now, you have a door to the other side open in your minds, and if you don't close it, you'll be dragged back.
-That's not really comforting... -Scott shivered at the thought of being "dragged to the other side". -And it was right on.
-We'll fix it. We always do.

About 15 minutes later, the sheriff arrived with a team and they began to search the place.
-You're sure it was her? -Noah asked Carol and Scott, wanting comfirmation.
-We looked her right in the eyes, and they glowed just like ours. -Scott assured.
-It makes sense, dad. -Stiles said.
-But it wasn't a girl; it was a four-legged coyote, right? -Noah questioned.
-Well, ok. But yeah, see, that's the point that we don't exactly have figured out yet. -Ok, but if it was a full moon and she did change while her mom was driving, then anything could have happened. -Scott argued.
-Horrible things could have happened. Ripping, shreading, tearing things. -Stiles provided the details.
-Which is probably what caused the accident.
-Think about it, Dad, alright? They're driving, Malia starts changing, she goes out of control, the mom crashes, and everybody dies...
-Except for Malia. -Scott finished.
-She blames herself, right, goes off running into the woods and eventually becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote.
-That makes sense... In a chinese folktale! -The sheriff snapped. -Boys, this is... This is insane. Carolinne, what do you think?
-I think guilt changes people. -The girl saod after beimg quiet for too long. -In Malia's case, that changed was externalized by her being stuck in coyote form.

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