Chapter 8: Glowing.

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A/N: Sorry for the late update ShaunaHughes759 this caught me in the middle of my test week. I hope you enjoy this!😊

-Oh man, I should not have done done this. -Alice stated as soon as the door to the loft opened, revealing the rave happening inside.
-Get over it! -Carol pulled her inside and the other girls followed.
-Where's the body painter? -Daisy asked and started looking for the woman.
-Right there! -Bea pointed. -Let's go.
-That's it, I'm going home. -Alice hissed when someone bumped into her as they madr their way to the body painter.
-Chill out, Liz! You're not going anywhere.
-But, people.
-Yes, people. But there's also free food, free drinks, and if you try to have fun and I'll give you "The Diary of Jack the Ripper".
-Do you promisse?
-Yes, I promisse.
-Ok! -The frown in her face was promptly replaced with a satisfied smile.
-Face or body? -The painter asked Carol when they finally reached her.
-Body, please.
-What will it be?
-Shadowhunter runes. The angelic one in the same place as Isabelle Lightwood's and the others all over my body in all collors. Oh, and make some butterflies in my shoes, please.
-Got it.

The painting didn't take as long as Carolinne had expected, and the results were amazing. The runes had been perfectly drawn and the complex shapes were glowing through her body  and the butterflies gleamed in her shoes as she moved across the place and tried to dance, not caring that she wasn't exactly a good dancer (she'd been training some moves at home) because almost everyone there was friends with her and they knew that she couldn't dance. Her feet were kind of uncormfortable, but apart from that, she was in heaven, enjoying the music, talking to everyone, and watching everuthing that was happening around her.
-And here comes a very hot girl. -She heard, and felt someone take her arm.
-Hey, Carol.
-Thanks for the compliment.
-I meant it; those runes are quite sexy.
-You're looking charming, too. Still showing off that unrealistically perfect shoulder to waist ratio, I see.
-If you want to, it can be all yours for the night.
-Oh, I'm a commited girl, now, Talbot.
-Right... Let's see for how long. -He grinned.
-What's that supposed to mean? -She raised a brow.
-You weren't born to live tied up, Carol. Hence that tattoo on your shoulder.
-It was actually my bofriend who made that. -She smiled, touching the spot on her shoulder where Derek had carved the word "Freedom" with a heated knife. -Though, he wasn't my boyfriend back then. And I'm not tied up, I like being with him.
-If you say so... Who is he, by the way? I've heard you have a boyfriend, but I don't know the name.
-Derek Hale.
-WHAT? Permanent scowl, green eyes, leather jacket?
-That one.
-No way...
-Yes way.
-Is that even legal?
-Nope, but neither is this party. Oh, and this is his loft.
-For real?!
-He doesn't look like a party kind of guy.
-He's not, he isn't here.
-He doesn't even know about it, does he?
-No... -She pressed her lips in a thin line and he laughed.
-Geez, Carol Jane... Still as crazy as always aren't you?
-Maybe a little more. Check this out. -She glowed her red Alpha eyes at him?
-HOW did THAT happen?!
-You know Deucalion's pack?
-I heard they were here.
-I killed Kali.

Brett was stunned. He'd know Carolinne for three years, during wich they'd kept a nice friendship with lots of benefits; it is safe to say that, before Derek, he'd been the guy with whom she'd had the most heated make-out sessions and the only ones that almost ended in sex. He'd always found her intense, and a little insane (in the good way), but he'd never thought she was capable of killing, let alone a powerful Alpha.
-I'm impressed.
-Thank you. -She smiled. Then, she noticed that he had zoned out, eyes locked on a very specific spot; following his gaze, she was led to where Bea was dancing lively and gracefully, collorful flowers scintillating in her fair skin. -You should go talk to her.
-Uh? I... Sorry, what?
-Beatrice. You should talk to her.
-Why would you say that?
-Seriously. You've been in love with her for months, do something about it.
-I don't know what you're talking about.
-I can listen to your heartbeats.
-...Damn it. Don't tell her.
-I won't but you should.
-You think so?
-I do.
-What if she says no?
-Then you move on. But I doubt she'll say no. Why would she? You're cool, fun, nice, excellent at flirting, and you're literally a walking greek sculpture.
-Woah, thank you. That was a hell of an ego-booster.
-You're welcome.
-You know what, I'll talk to her.
-Great. Go, then.
-Wait, now?
-Yes, now. Go!
-Good luck.

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