S3B, Chapter 1: A little bit of old Carolinne.

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When Carolinne got home, it was past noon.
-Hey, Mom!
-Hello, stranger. -Olivia greeted with a playful smirk.
-Stranger? That's not fair.
-You were gone all night.
-I told you where I was.
-Yes, you did, you just forgot to mention you wouldn't come back. -She chuckled.
-Yeah, uhm, that was not part of the plan, it was, uh, a "heat of the moment" decision.
-Oh, I know, and judging by how smily you are, I assume it was a very hot moment in deed. Tell me about it later, you have visitors now.
-Yes, they're in your room with Alice, arrived about 20 minutes ago.
-Ok, thanks.

She rushed upstairs to find Allison, Lydia, Beatrice and Daisy waiting for her with Alice, and they were all thirsty for gossip.
-Hello, girls.
-Alice texted us saying that you went to see Derek and didn't come back. Tells us EVERYTHING! -Daisy whooped.
-You came here and waited 20 minutes just to hear about my night with Derek?
-Yes! -All girs replied at the same time.
-Ok, ok. So, he was not happy with me after I almost left with Deucalion, so I told him that he would have done the same thing for me. But he said "it's different".
-Why would it be different? -Bea inquired.
-That's what I asked him, but he just brushed it off. He said that there were already many unanswered questions between us, so I said "fine, you start". So, we talked about a few things and he asked me if I was in love with him.
-Wait, what?! -Alice's eyes widened.
-What did you say? -Allison asked.
-I asked him if I had the right to be in love with him after pushing him away so many times. If I had the right to hope that he'd still have feelings for me.
-Of course he still had feelings for you, Care, it's written all over his face. -Lydia rolled her eyes at her BFF's obliviousness.
-What did he say? -Daisy questioned, eyes sparking with excitment.
-He didn't say anything. -Carol smiled. -He kissed me.

All girls gasped and let out excited squeals at that and Carolinne laughed at the intense fangirl noises that took care of the room.
-He told me that he never stopped having feelings for me. -She continued with a smile.
-Which was obvious. -Lydia pointed out.
-It wasn't that obvious.
-Yes, it was. -Alice said.
-Ok, maybe it was, but you know me. Amyway, back to the story, we kissed again and then clothes were being taken off, and, well, we had sex. Then again. Then again.
-Three times? No wonder why you didn't come home. -Beatrice chuckled bit her lower lip teasingly.
-You've really got the jackpot, huh, Carolinne? -Daisy grinned. -I mean, Derek Hale? He's ridiculously hot.
-Now, what we all want to know. -Alice smiled maliciously. -Is it as good as it looks?
-It's better! -Carol replied, mirroring Alice's expression.

All girls whooped at that, then proceeded to laugh for no specific reason.
-I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be talkimg about things that concern Derek's privacy and intimacy. -Allison commented, but she couldn't stop herself from grinning.
-We're sisters, we talk about everything.
-You weren't here when Daisy was starting things with her last boyfriend. -Lydia told her. -We had a meeting just to talk about him; good, bad, dirty, everything.
-And with Bea's detective abilities, we know things about that guy that he doesn't know about himself. -Carol completed.
-You girls are haunted. -They all bursted out laughing.
-Ok, ok, I have news too. -Alice annouced.
-Ooh, what ist it? -Carol asked.
-Well, you know that the ritual we had with Deaton reactivated the Nemeton, right?
-So, considering that this will attract a huge ammount of supernatural creatures here, you could use a few more hunters. So... My parents and I are moving to Beacon Hills!!!
-OH MY GOD, ALICE!!! -Carol cheered.
-Liz, that's amazing. -Bea smiled.
-But will you keep the homeschooling or are you coming to school with us? -Lydia asked.
-I'm going to school with you.
-Yayyy!! -Daisy hugged their newest classmate.

The girsl stayed there all day long, having fun with makeup, nail polish, One Direction (much for Alice's displeasure), and skincare, pretending, just for one afternoon, that they were all normal chicks with normal lives.

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