Chapter 21: Smiles and dresses.

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Her relationship with her brother had been fixed, Formal was on Friday (and she hadn't decided who she was going with, but who cares?), she was going out with her best friends to go shopping the next day, and for the first time in so long, she felt like a normal (okay, maybe not so normal, because she had always been a little too crazy) teenager again. Except for, you know, the fact that there was an Alpha werewolf out there trying to recruit Scott to his pack and making him join some twisted revange plan.
That and well... Derek. He was there, about to kill Scott and Jackson, and then he saved them, it didn't make sense. Who would sacrifice themselves to save the people they wanted to kill?!
Actually, now that she'd stopped to think about it, there was one more thing that didn't make sense: Alan Deaton. He clearly knew what was going on, and he'd probably known it all that time. But if that was truth, then why help only now? Sure, he'd saved Scott's life and she was eternaly gratefull for that, but why not sooner?
You know what, maybe things weren't so normal after all...

Right now, their biggest concern was Allison. They knew that Peter wouldn't hesitate in using her to get Derek back. Which is why Carol had convinced Jackson to take her to the Winter Formal, and they were watching from the corner as he asked her what time to pick her up.
-Hey, don't worry, I'll still be there. -Stiles said.
-I'm still going.
-Is that such a good idea? Do you even have a date?
-Not yet.
-Do you have a suit?
-Not yet.
-Do you have a ticket to the Formal? A ride there?
-No. And no.
-So, you're gonna ride a bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to without a date, a suit, or a way in, with werewolves and werewolf hunters all out to kick your little werewolf ass.
-Well, I can solve the two first problems, guys! -Carol said.
-Duh! I'll be your date, and we'll take my motorbike!
Scott and Stiles both looked at her in surprise.
-But don't you already have, like, five invitations?
-Yes. But I was already going to decline four of them, so what's the difference really?
Scott smiled and hugged her.
-Thank you, Carolinne!
-How about all of the other problems? You know, like, the people who want to capture you?- Stiles remimded them. -Are you sure it's worth the risk?
-Yeah. You gonna help me?
-Hell yeah.
-Oh, and Stiles. -Carol remembered. -Alli and I have a little something for you...
Later, she was with Allison and Lydia at Macy's shopping.
-What's wrong? -She asked Allison. -You look kind of upset.
-Nothing's wrong, I just have a lot on my mind.
-You could smile, at least. -Lydia sugested and said: -Ever heard of the saying "Never frown. Someone could be falling in live with your smile."? Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress.
-I have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected...
-...But not as much as I'm gonna ask.
-What? What's that supposed to mean?
Allison and Carol exchanged a look and Carol's lips curled into a playful grin and Allison explained.
-It means, you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, roided-up jock you said yes to, and you're going to go with somebody else.
Allison and Carolinne both looked the same way and Lydia followed their gaze, which lead her to... Stiles.
-Him. -They both said at the same time.
Lydia couldn't contain her look of disapointment, as they watched Stiles smell a perfume and sneeze.
-Oh! Don't frown, Lydia. Someone could be falling in love with your smile. -Allison teased.
Lydia turned to Carolinne:
-You're in this too?
-Really, Care?
-Oh Lyds, he is head over heels for you! Stiles is incredibly smart, just like you, and I really think you could try this. Just for one night.
Lydia sighed and shook her head before saying:
-Fine, but just because I owe you one, Allison.
-Yes, you do. Now go!

While Lydia was making poor Stiles hold all of the dresses she wanted to try, Carolinne and Allison were picking their own dresses. Allison saw a mam through the mirror, looking at her while she held a dress.
-That's not your color. -He said. Carolinne hadn't realized that there was someone there, and when she turned arround to see whose voice was that, she saw Peter satnding there. -Sorry if that was intrusive, but considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter.
-Cause I'm pale? -Allison asked.
-Fair. -He corrected with a smile. -I mean, you can't call skin like yours pale. No skin is that perfect.
Alli smiled at the unusual compliment.
-Okay! -She chuckled.
-Trust me, I have a unique perspective on the subject. Do you mind? -He asked, taking Alli's hand and picking a dress that was behind him. Carol watched everything with furious eyes, but she had to admit... The dress really was beautiful, and it was perfect for Allison. -See? Much better. And what about you, blondie?
She forced a smile and answered:
-I don't have a specific color in mind.
He analyzed her up and down and told her:
-Try something blue. It will bring out your hair.
Well... He wasn't wrong.
-Thank you.
They heard on PA that a blue Mazda was being towed.
-What? That's my car! -Allison said and started running. Peter stayed there and whispered:
-I have to say, Scott, I continue to be impressed with your ingenuity. Just remember: you can't be everywhere all the time.
He looked back at Carolinne:
-I was serious about the blue.
-I know. I'll try it. -She told him, like he was just a stranger she'd just met at Macy's. -Thanks for the advice.
Her heartbeats were steady and her voice was sweet, but strong. Her eyes were almost innocent, except for that mischievous spark that was always there.
-You're not scared. -He stated.
-I have no reason to be. You're not going to wolf out and attack me in the middle of the store, are you?
He smiled sarcasticaly:
-No, I'm not.
-Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have dresses to try on. And you may be a psycopath but I hope you're not a pervert as well so... See you.
She walked away to the dressers and Peter stayed behind, watching her disappear through the store. Derek had been right about her; she really was sassy. Peter wouldn't mind having one of those in his pack...
-Come down, Carolinne, you're gonna be late!
She checked herself in the mirror one last time; in the end, she really did pick a blue dress. Peter had many flaws, but she had to give him credit for that one, he had an impecable taste.
The moment she showed up to walk downstais, she herad her mother saying:
-Stay there: pictures!
-Not too many, please!
-Shut up and smile. You always complain about my pictures but in the end you always like them.
Mrs. Whittemore took 10 good mimutes to take pictures of her daughter in different positions and places through the stairs and the living room.
-Now you can go.
-I still don't understand why you are going to stop by his place and not the opposite... Your brother went to pick up Allison at her house. -Carol's father said.
-Dad, this is the 21st century. I have a vehicle, he doesn't, and there is no reason to make him ride his bike all the way here.
-And you're actually going to Formal in a motorcycle?
-What's the matter? -She laughed.
-...Nothing. Have fun.
-Thanks dad. Bye guys!

Scott and her got to the school about the same moment Jackson with Allison and Stiles with Lydia.
-Okay, now we only have one problem. -She said.
-And what is it?
-How are we supposed to get you inside?
He looked at her, then at the roof and back at her, smiling and waiting for her to give her opinion.
-Oh my God, you want to...?
-Go for it, boy! I knew you had it in you!
Scott made sure nobody was looking and jumped. Carol went to meet her friends like nothing had happened, and hoped that everything woild go well. They deserved one night of peace, and Scott and Allison deserved another chance. Little did she know that the night had just begun...

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