Chapter 4: It's all new.

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-STOP THIS! -Alice yelled when it was obvious that it wasn't working. -You'll kill kim!
-You have to let go, Scott! -Ethan insisted.
-I can't, ok? Because if I can't turn back, then instead of saving Malia my friends will have to find a way to bring me back as well.
-I'll do it. -Carol steped in.
-What? -He looked up as she kneeled beside him.
-If you can't come back in your own, I'll bring you back. I promisse. Now embrace the beast inside of you and beat the will to live out of these motherfuckers, because they sure as hell deserve it.
-We're right here. -Aiden crossed his arms.
-I know. -She answered and gave him her signature mocking face.

After Scott had finally been able to fight back, they put the plan in motion. Right now, they were all at the woods, when Lydia asked:
-Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?
-We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter. -Scott argued.
-Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who's actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote back into his daughter. -Isaac pointed out.
-Again with the not helping. -Stiles complained.
-Yeah, I mean, what is he even doing here? Other than being negative. -Alice asked and Carol just shrugged and Scott shook his head; those little arguments were starting to annoy him..
-Did you bring it? -Scott asked Allison and she got the pistol with the tranquilizers.

In that moment, they heard gunshots, and before they knew, Scott was on his bike.
-Wait, wait, wait, WAIT! -Stiles yelled, but he was already gone and Isaac and Allison were running after him and Liz running after them.
-I'm calling my dad. -Stiles decided.
-I'm going after them. -Carol said, and started her own bike.
-Care, wait.
-There's no time! -She took off and soon she spoted Allison and Isaac, Scott getting further and further from them.
-What is this now? A motorbike race in the woods? -Isaac asked no one in special as he and Allison stopped to breath.
-I hope she catches him. -Allison mumbled. They went back to running after more gunshots were heard.
-Isaac, wait! -She yelled, as she was getting behind.

Meanwhile, Carolinne was getting closer to Scott. She was almost catching him when a cry of pain echoed in their ears, causing Scott to fall and Carol to brake abruptly.
-What was that?! -Carol questioned as her ears throbbed.
-Isaac. -Scott panted. -What are you doing here?
-Trying to stop you. You can't just run off, we have a plan.
-I know, I just heard the gunshots and... Wait, it's Stiles.

He played the voicemail in which Stiles warned them that Malia was heading back to the car to put the doll back there. So they ran until they could see her, and kept running. Both brought out their claws and fangs, letting their eyes glow; Scott because he needed to save Malia, and Carolinne because she was ready to save Scott of he needed, even if she knew that he wouldn't need it. Because if anyone could do that, it was Scott, and even nature itself knew this, letting him rise into the True Alpha status that he deserved more than anyone. He would succeed, she had faith in him. When they arrived at the wreck and jumped over the car, Scott got ready and waited for Malia. The coyote got there, looked him in the eye, and growled at him. "It's now or never, Scott", Carol thought to herself. And he growled back, loud, powerful, and dominant, just like an Alpha should sound. It echoed through the woods and even got a reply from Isaac -who'd been caught in a coyote trapped and used that moment of strenght to get rid of it, as Alice later told Carolinne.

Once everything was in silence again, a beautiful girl was laying where the coyote had just been.
-You did it! -Carolinne cheered. -Scott, YOU DID IT!!!
-I did it. -He nodded. -Malia? -He called, and they aproached the girl who was looking at her now human body like Ariel had first looked at her legs in "The Little Mermaid".
-Who are you? -She asked.
-I'm Scott, this is Carolinne Jane. -He said as the others arrived there.
-I'm Isaac.
-Alice Elizabeth.
-And I'm Stiles. My dad's the sheriff; we're taking you back to your father.
-Why? Why are you helping me?
-Because we're a pack. -Isaac said and Lydia offered her a hand to help her get up.
-What are you? Each of you?
-Stiles is human, so is Allison, and so am I, but Allison and I are huntresses. Lydia is a banshee, Isaac is a Beta werewolf, Carolinne is an Alpha, and Scott is a True Alpha. -Liz explained.
-So, two Alphas?
-I'm not really in the pack. -Carol explained. -Neither is Alice. But we help when we can.
-Throwing some blades and shooting people... The basics. -Alice added.
-Come on. -Scott called. -Let's get you home.

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