Chapter 7: Party planning and plastic shoes.

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-Oh, thank God I didn't stay there last night. -Carol said during breakfest.
-Why? -Derek asked.
-Scott's dad, Rafe, interrogated them for a long time. He's an FBI agent.
-Scott's father works for the FBI?
-And you didn't wait for the police to get there? After a guy died?
-Nope, and they didn't tell him I'd been there earlier. But Rafe knows me, he knows I was there, which is amazing because he's probably dying to interrogate me and can't do anything about it.
-I'm not a fan of police either. You know, considering I was arrested, then I had to be a fugutive for a while, then Isaac was a fugitive and I had to keep him at my house.
-It's kind of Scott's, Stiles' and my fault that you were arrested. And I don't have anything against the police, I really like Noah, actually. And Rafe isn't a bad guy either, it's just that I'd have to make excuses for being there because I can't just tell him that we found Barrow in an electrical substation because my Banshee bast friend was hearing electrical buzzing in her head.
-Makes sense. Changing subject, do you havr plans for tonight?
-Uhm... Yeah, I do. Neon Halloween party.
-Oh. Sounds... I'm not gonna say fun because I don't like parties, but it sounds like something you'll enjoy.
-Oh, I will, parties are my natural environament.
-Even with your extra-sensitive hearing?
-It's music, not random noises. And I asked Danny not to get too excited with the volume. Hey, I'm getting late, I have to go.
-See you tomorrow?
-Of course! -She kissed him and turned to leave.
-Your bag.
-Uh? OH, thank you!

Derek laughed at her distracted way of being and thought of himself before the fire. Even when he was a popular cocky teen athlete he hadn't been the biggest fan of parties; he'd go to them, but he didn't love it like Carolinne did. Too loud, too crowded, pointless. But he could perfectly picture Carol having the time of her life at these occasions. Maybe he'd join her in one of them some day, to see her trying to dance. Who knows, right?

-CLASS STARTS IN FIVE MINUTES! -Coach yelled through the megaphone that he didn't actually need. -Just because there's no POWER, don't expect there to not be school!
-That was a triple negative. Very impressive, Coach. -Stiles observed.
-Copy that.
-Ouch... -Carolinne sighed, taking her hands off her years as she saw Coach walk away.
-You're having a really hard time getting used to that, huh? -Allison chuckled.
-You should see her trying to sleep. -Liz told her, and Carol snorted. -I don't know how it's like now, but when I was staying with the Whittemores, she'd stare out the window with a murderous look everytime someone in the street made a noise.
-I have trouble sleeping, ok? -Carol defended herself and bothe huntresses laughed.
-What is your class now? -Alice asked her.
-Oh, t's Lydia's mom's first day. -Allison remembered.
-Right! I love aunt Natalie, I think she'll do great. Oh, hey Danny!
-Hey, Care. -Danny greeted and walked towards them.
-We're still up for tonight, right?
-What? No!
-No power, no party.
-Damn it!
-We'll try again next year.

In class, while Natalie was distributing papee sheets, Carol overheard her talking to Lydia and smiled at the scene:
-Sweetheart, since this is my first class and I haven't taught in five years, I just wanna remind you of one thing: try not to embarass me.
-You should've thought about that before wearing those shoes. -Mrs. Martin looked down at her feet and rolled her eyes in amusement. -Love you.
-Love you, too.
-Hey, Nat. -Carolinne greeted as the new teacher walked by her desk.
-Hi, Care.
-I like the shoes.
-Thanks. -She chuckled.

After class, Danny and the twins came looking for her.
-Hello, Care! -Danny greeted her, a little too excited.
-So, Ethan and Aiden here were telling me that Derek is out of town.
-Ok, and...?
-He's your boyfriend, right?
-And he has a loft with a lot of space.
-Can we throw the party there?

She was not expecting that. Derek would kill them, but it was their only chance to have the party. And she couldn't let them down, could she? Besides, she had an image to sustain: she was Carolinne Jane Whittemore, popular it girl, not allowing them to have the party would be terrible on her reputation. And on top af all, she was really looking foward to that party. So, could they throw the party at Derek's loft?
-Great! Can we go there now to start organizing things!
-Sure, I'll follow you there.

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