Chapter 14: Devices.

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-Isn't it a little too early to leave, Honey? -Olivia Whittemore asked her daughter when she saw Carol about to leave for school. That was on Monday, two days after the incident, and Isaac was still in the hospital.
-Scott and I are stopping by the hospital to check on Isaac.
-Oh, I see. Shouldn't he be ok by now? With supernatural healing and all.
-He should, which is one of the reasons we're so worried.
-Well, you did say some wounds take longer to heal, right?
-Right, they do.
-Then I'm sure he'll be ok. Have a nice day!
-Thanks, Mom, you too!

Once the elevator door opened for Carol, Scott, and Melissa, they saw Allison sitting on one of the chairs in the hallway, asleep. Scott gently touched her shoulder and she woke up.
-Have you been here all night?
-Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family. -She sighed. -I told them he doesn't have any.
-He's got us. -Melissa stated. -And I've got a key card. -She smiled and led them to Isaac's room. She ran her card and the door opened. -Be quick.

They walked inside and heard the steady beep of the machine connected to Isaac's heart; while they aproached him, Allison and Scott held each other's hands. The side of Isaac's face and neck were severely burned, and didn't seem to be healing.
-I thought he'd be healing by now. -Allison said.
-So did I. -Scott told her. -He and Carolinne placed their hands on his arm and their veins slowly got black.
-Is he in pain? -Allison asked.
-A lot. -Carol replied and Scott nodded. Isaac sighed in relief while the two Alphas absorbed his pain until they couldn't take it anymore.
-It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain. -Scott said.
-Did "Stiles" really do this? -Alli questioned.
-Whatever's controlling him did it. Whatever's inside him.
-Also known as Nogitsune. -Carol pointed out.
-Well, then how do we get it the hell out of him?
-We're working on it.
-For his sake and ours. Isaac's gonna get through this, Alli. He's been through worse. -Carolinne tried to comfort her.
-I know. It just kills me to know that he's in so much pain.
-Not for long. He'll be good and new before you know it.
-I hope so, Care. I really do.

At school, she was with Alice, Bea, and Daisy, updating them on what had happened.
-So they accepted that Stiles is indeed posessed? -Daisy asked.
-They did.
-Finally. -Alice soffed. -If they had started working earlier, a lot of shit could have, you know, not happened.
-Maybe not. -Beatrice said. -We still don't know how to get him rid of it.
-Well, may they learn from now on that I'm always right. -Carol shrugged. -We still have to tell Noah.
-Ooh, that will be painful. -Daisy sighed.
-It can't be worse than thinking Stiles has Claudia's illness. Ouch! What the hell?! -She covered her ears.
-What's wrong?
-Someone activated an ultrassonic emitter, one of the Argents'.
-Do you know where it's coming from?
-Uhm... The basemnet. -She started walking and the girls followed her.  Downstairs, they found Scott, Ethan, and Aiden also looking for the emiter. And whrn they finally discovered it's location, it was Stiles who was standing there, holding it. Or was it?
-Ok, I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me. I swear to God it's me.

The twins did not believe him, and attacked him.
-Wait, stop! -Scott yelled, and he and Carol quickly pulled them away from Stiles. If that was Stiles. Alice was still pointing a Taser at him, just to be sure.
-Girls, go. Please. -Carol turned to Bea and Daisy. They were not supernatural beings and they were not huntresses. They were good friends who helped with what they could, but Carolinne would die before she'd let any demon or whatever creature it was attack them. They nodded and went back upstairs.
-Call if you need anything. -Bea told her.
-It's me, guys, I swear it's me. I don't know where I've been the past two days or what I've been doing, but this is me. I promisse. You can stay. -Stiles stated.
-We'll be ok, Care. -Daisy assured.
-You know what happened at the hospital? -Scott asked him.
-I know more than that. -He picked up a piece of paper. -You see this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see all this marks in red? That's my handwriting. I know I did this, I caused the accident. And everything in this bag, it's all the stuff that could be part of something bigger.
-What the hell have you been up to? -One of the twins asked as he pulled a saw out of the bag.
-I think something worse. A lot worse.
-What the hell were you doing? -Aiden questioned as they went through the bag and checked the stuff. -Building a terminator?
-Hey guys, this is a map. -Scott stated as he picked up a sheet of paper.
-Isn't that the cross country trail?
-That's the Tate car. Where Malia Tate's family died.
-You mean that's where her father put the steel jaw traps.
-What does that mean?
-It means that all of those traps are now here. -Alice stated. -And our friends are currently running out there in P.E. class.
-Then why are we still here? Let's stop them, now!!

-COACH! -Stiles yelled as he got ther eith Scott in his jeep, followed by Carol on her motorbike with Alice. Scott ran to help Kira and Ethan went after Danny, since the two of them were the fastest in their class and way ahead of the others.
-Stilisnki... Woah--
-Coach, listen close.
-You have to stop them. Now! -Carol alerted.
-What? Why?
-Because there are coyote traps out here.
-We don't have time for this. -Alice said, and pulled Carol to the trail as Stiles followed them.
-SCOTT! -Stiles yelled once they foumd Scott with Kira. -STOP! Stop, stop stop! Everyone, stop!!

Confused, the other students all stopped abruptly. Stiles looked for something on the ground that could be dangerous and found what looked like a chain ring. He pulled it until the entire chain was off the floor and in the end, it was just that. A chain.
-Congratulations, Stilisnki. -Coach said, sarcastically. -You found a lengh of chain. Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on?
-Hey Coach! -Scott yelled when Finstock lifted his foot and accidentaly pulled a string. But it was too late. An arrow came out of nowhere and hit Coach in the stomach.
-...Oh crap. -Coach fell back and suddenly he was surrounded by students. Then he started screaming.
-Coach, you're not going to die. -Stiles tried.

Carolinne felt her phone vibrating and picked it up.
-Bea, now is really not--
-It's a shrapnell bomb. -Beatrice cut her.
-The things in Stiles' bag, they're for building a shrapnell bomb.
-You've gotta be kidding me.
-I'm not.
-Holy God... So the arrow in the middle of Coach's stomach is not our only problem?
-I'm sorry, the what now?!
-Someone set a trap in the running trail and Coach was the victim.
-In that case, deal with that now. Carol, William Barrow's shrapnell bomb was set at a school bus.
-I'll talk to Scott.

As soon as Beatrice hung up, her phone was ringing again, and this time it was a number she didn't know.
-Hello, who is this?
-Care, it's me.
-Derek? Whose number is this?
-It's from the station. I was arrested.
-What? Look, you're my one phone call, ok?
-Why were you arrested?!
-Katashi is dead. Argent was framed for his murder and I was there when they caught him.
-His house.
-Do I wanna know what you were doing there?
-We had a little disagreement.
-I'm sure you did. Derek, I swear I'll try to help you, ok? My Dad's a lawyer, I'll call him. But right now there's a fucking arrow in my favorite teacher's stomach and bomb about to go off in one of our buses.
-A bomb?!
-A shrapnell bomb. I'll call you later!
-Care, get out of there! Now!
-I can't, I have to help my friends.
-No, you have to not die!
-I won't go near it, I promisse. But we have to do something.

She hung up and went straight to Scott; by the look on his face, he already knew.
-We have to hurry!

Back in the station, Chris turned to Derek with a concerened look as soon as Carol hung up.
-Did you just say bomb?
-Yep. Thr Nogitsune set up a shrapnell bomb in a bus at the school.
-Like William Barrow.

In that moment, Chris was silently thankful for the fact that Allison had her two last periods free and wasn't at school anymore.

The bomb was there. On Jared's lap, to be more specific. Ken Yukimura was on thr bus with him, trying to keep him from freaking out, while they waited for officer Jordan Parrish, who'd recently been in Iraq and knew how to disarm explosives. Not that it matters, but he was also very handsome. Just an observation.
-Is something else wrong? -Daisy asked her while they waited.
-Derek was arrested.
-No way! For what?
-That Yakuza, Katashi, was murdered. Derek and Chris were framed.
-How does one frame Derek Hale and Christopher Argent for the same crime when they can barely be in the same room?
-I have no idea. And in order for it to have happened like Derek told me, they were in the same place at the same time without causing major injuries in the process.
-Is that even possible?
-As possible as demonic posession, appearently.

Finally, Parrish's voice could be heard from the Sheriff's monitor:
-It's not a bomb, Sir, but there is something in the box. -He announced. Then, he came to the bus windshield and showed them what really was in the box.
-An identification plate? -Carol mumbled confused.
-That plate was supposed to be in my desk right now. -Noah told her.
-What? Does... Does that mean...?
-Yes, Carolinne. The actual bomb is in the station.

Carol froze. Derek was at the station.

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