Chapter 10: Realizations.

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Alice's room was where Isaac's old room used to be. She had turned the place into a beautiful Ravenclaw inspired bedroom.
-Hey, CJ. What's up?
-I just talked to your dad, and turns out he knows what those things are.
-For real? -Her eyes widened.
-Yes. -Carol sat by her side on the bed. -He says that they are Japanese.
-Well, we have where to start. -She grabbed her computer and started typing.
-What are you searching for?
-Japanese symbols. Let's see if we can find anything that looks like what's behind your ear.
-Hey, girls. -Flora got there with the beastiary.
-Thanks, mom. -Alice took it and her mother left. -Now, back to our research.
-Your dad told me that they aren't just attacking supernaturals, they are looking for a specific creature.
-So they mark the ones they've already checked because that's not who they're looking for.
-Look, I found something. Let me see your ear.

Carolinne showed her the mark behind her ear and she checked the computer again.
-Yep, definitely the same.
-What does it say?
-The pronouciation is "Onore". The 己 is a kanji symbol that means "self", "oneself".
-That's it?
-That's it.
-Ok, then. So... The people with the mark are themselves?
-I think so, yeah. Which means they're looking for someone who's not themselves. But that's kind of vague... Because, to be oneself is to be genuine, right? For example, Julia/Jennifer wasn't being herself.
-She was a faker. Yeah, that's what comes to mind, but it's still weird. Having a fake identity isn't something that requeires a supernatural proceedure to be uncovered. It was actually Sheriff Stilinksi who found out about her, and all he needed were some files. The Oni, they're like, scanning our souls or something.

That's when something clicked in Carol's brain, and it was a scary thought, to say the least. Scanning their souls... She'd said it as a joke, but maybe that was precisely what they were doing; maybe whoever the Oni were after had something wrong with their soul.
-CJ? Hello! -Alice snapped her out of her trance. -What are you thinking of?
-Liz... What if we're not going the right way with this? Being a faker isn'y the only way to not be yourself. Yes, Julia/Jennifer was a fraud, but do you know who else wasn't being herself?
-Regan MacNeil.
-What? Who's... OH. OH NO, you mean the Regan MacNeil?!
-Form "The Exorcist", yes.
-CJ, that's... I mean, demonic posession?
-Tell me it's impossible.
-My family hunts supernatural creatures, "impossible" is not a part of my vocabulary. But this is just... A whole new level. I've heard of Demons, but never posession.
-But it makes sense, right?
-Well, yes. And if it's true, it means that the Oni aren't the villains, they are trying to find the villain.
-And we have no idea who that is.
-I'm gonna look here what it says about Oni.
-I'm calling Bea and Daisy.

-Demonic posission?! -Daisy's eyes nearly jumped off their orbits. It had taken about 15 minutes for the girls to ge there after Carol had called them.
-It's a theory. -Carolinne said.
-Based on what? -Beatrice asked.
-A Kanji symbol and "The Exorcist".
-Those things at Derek's loft were Oni, and the mark behind Carol's ear is the Kanji symbol for "self". So we think they're looking for someone who isn't being themselves, someone posessed.
-So those guys are not the bad guys.
-Appearently they're not.
-What are they, exactly? -Daisy asked.
-They are a kind of demonic creature, and some say that they're the guardians of Hell. So, it makes absolute sense that they're looking for a demon.
-Which means we have to find that person before they cause too much damage and before the Oni can kill them.
-Precisely. -Carol sighed.
-Ok, so, what are the signs? -Beatrice started. -What could indicate that someone is posessed?
-We're not sure. All I have is a character in a movie from 1973.
-So start there. What are some traits in Regan's behavior that you think a posessed person in real life could display?
-Uhm... She was very irritable. She always looked like she was in a terrible mood  and she did things that didn't fit her usual behavior.
-Bad things, I assume.
-The thing is, we don't even know where to look. -Alice sighed.
-What about the news? We could see if there have been any attacks or crimes recently and check the record of whoever commited them. -Daisy suggested.
-That's a great idea!
-And there was Barrow, too. There were flies inside of his body, right? That's not normal.

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