Chapter 17: Abercrombie and Anastasia Beverly Hills.

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"Wrong. You know it was wrong."
It kept hammering inside Carolinne's head. Because it was true; it had been wrong. What were they thinking? Why had they done that?
Their relationship was full of ups and downs, ranging from "I despise you, but you're hot" to "Maybe we could try being a couple" in incredibly short periods of time. She didn't even know what she wanted anymore, and that kiss had made things even more confusing. That kiss... It hadn't been like the other times, hot and passionate. It had been gentle, and sweet. And it hadn't make any sense, it still didn't make any sense, because it had been so out of the blues, and none of them said anything after. If they were to be honest with themelves, the truth was that nothing about them made sense, everything was messed up from the day they'd met. They didn't agree in basically anything, they had beem nasty to one another more than once, and they were exactly the kind of pair that just doesn't fit. Derek was broody and introvert, while Carol was cheerful and extrovert. He was responsible, while she was inconsequent. He barely talked to people if it wasn't necessary, while she was outgoing and talkative. Derek had a sense of commitment, while Carolinne was all about freedom. He was a one-to-one kind of person while she believed that the more the better. He respected traditions (wolves live in packs) while she made her own way through life (an Omega by choice). It was doomed to be a disaster. But yet there was something that made them interested in each other. Something intense.
Scott called her that night. Just as she was about to leave the place, he told her that he was on his way to to where Derek amd the pack used to train, and that she should meet them there. Which was kind of akward, given the circumstances, but she guessed they'd just have to act like nothing had happened. And that's exactly what they did.
-I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is gonna be to hurt to heal. -Derek explained.
-I get it. We can't save Jackson. -Scott concluded.
-Yes, we can! -Carol protested.
-Well, we can't seem to kill him either. I've seen a lot of things, but I've never seen anything like this. -Derek said. -Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger.
-But how do we stop him? -Scott questioned.
-I don't know. I don't even know if we can.
-Yeah, maybe we should just let the Argents handle it.
-OVER MY DEAD BODY. -Carolinne yelled. -I will not let those murderers get anywhere near my brother.
-I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault.
-No, it's not. You couldn't have know.
-Yeah, you didn't turn him into this. I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right? -Scott reminded him.
-That's a legend in a book, it's not that simple.
-What do you mean? What are you not telling us?
-Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you? -He actually sounded offended.
-Eh, are you sure you wanna go there? Because, it's kind of a long list. -Carol said.
-Says the person who didn't tell anyone about bringing new hunters to town. -Derk replied.
-The point is, Derek, you always are keeping something from us. -Scott told him.
-Well, maybe I do it to protect you.
-Doesn't being a part of you're pack mean no more secrets?
-Carolinne's not a part of my pack.
-But I am.
-Go home, you two. Sleep, heal, make sure your friends are safe. Cause the full moon's coming. And with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one.
Scott sighed and shook his head.
-Come on, Carol.
-You can go. -She said, resting her hands in her hips, like to show that she wasn't going anywhere. He raised a brow at her.
-Did I miss something? -He asked, seeing as Carol and Derek stared at each other in what looked like a competition to see who could stay longer without blinking.
-Nah, but it's not like I'm gonna actually sleep after a night like this, considering that I have insomnia, so I'm gonna stick here for a while.
-It's really not healthy for a person with insomnia to drink as much coffee as you do.
-If Lorelai and Rory can, than I can too. But seriously, you can go.
He sighed again and left them.
-...So? -Derek looked at her.
-That's it? "Go home"?
-What did you want me say?
-You just cut the meeting in the middle, something's on your mind, and I want to know what it is.
-You're not even part of the back.
-But I am Jackson's sister, and I have the right to know.
-There's nothing to know so far. Literally, nothing! -He was yelling at the last word, angry, not at her but at how things were. Angry at the fact that this was all they had: nothing.
-Fine, then. But if you are hiding something, I will find out.
-Anything else?
-Yes! How long will we keep doing this?
-Doing what?
-You know what I'm talking about.
And he did. He was just too tired to have that talk.
-It's just as confusing for me as it is for you.
-I don't even know what it is anymore! We're friends, we fight, we make out, we watch movies, we fight again, we ignore each other, then we kiss! What's next? Because I never know if we're gonna spend the next day as coworkers, friends, or enemies, and I have no idea where we're going with this.
-Neither do I, Carolinne! I don't have the answer to these questions, and I am as lost in this as you are. One day we're here, saying that "we're willing to try" and you ask me to watch your favorite movie with you, and two days later you promisse to torture my soul and incorporate Kate Argent to haunt me.
-Because you tried to kill my best friend.
-I thought it was her.
-Even if it had been. We've already had this conversation, we're going arround in circles.
-Because we're never going to agree. Whenever we try to talk about us, it will lead back to our mistakes. You're the one who says that people can't be fixed, aren't you?
Her chin dropped as she rembered the conversation with Allison.
-You heard that.
-Alpha hearing. And you were't exactly whispering.
He lifted his head to look at her for the first time in the whole conversation as her words echoed in both of their heads.
"Just because something was once whole, doesn't mean you can put it back toghether."
-I was angry. -She said, flooded with guilt.
-Angry or not, that's what you believe. And I don't blame you for it, but it still hurts.
She couldn't argue with that. It truly was what she believed, and she couldn't even try to deny it, because he would listen to her heartbeats.
-Look, Carolinne... I... Want to be with you. But you said it yourself, you're not going to give up on your beliefs, I'm not going to give up on mine, and right now, they are both standing between us.
She stared at him, sadly. He was right. It was pointless to keep trying.
-Go home, Care, please.
She took a deep breath:
-Good night, Derek.
-I'm so excited for this!! -Carolinne was talking to Lydia as they made their way to Alli's bedroom.
-It's gonna be awesome.
-Of course it is! Your parties are always awesome, Lyds.
Lydia smiled and shrugged playfully:
-True. Allison, clear your schedule. This could take a while. -She announced, as they walked inside the room carrying lots of Macy's bags.
-How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight? -Alli laughed.
-It's my birthday party. I'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then, hmm, after-hours casual.
-...I noticed that you didn't send any invites. -Allison said.
-It's the biggest party of the year, Allison. Everyone knows.
Alli and Carol exchanged a look.
-I was wondering if maybe... This year, things, you know, might be different.
-Why would anything be different?
-Just 'cause things have been off lately. Things and people. Like Jackson.
-What do you care about Jackson? No offense, Care.
-None taken.
-Do you know if he's coming tonight? -Alli asked.
-Everyone's coming.
Carolinne would get a few people to come. It was her job as Lydia's best friend to make sure that the party didn't flop. Apart from the pack, she had already gotten some of her friends from other schools, some cousins, and obviously, Beatrice and Daisy.
-This one's American Rag. -Lydia said, taking a dress. -Hmm, I love it. For me, not you. This one's... -She got another dress. -... Material Girl. It's for you, Allison.
Then, Victoria Argent showed up.
-Mrs. Argent! What do you think of this one? -She showed a dress to Alli's mom.
-Oh, it's lovely. Allison, uh, can I grab you for a moment to talk? Just the two of us.
-Uhm, can we do it later?
-Go, Alli. -Carolinne said. -We'll wait.
-...Okay, then.
Allison left to talk to her mother while Carol and Lydia stayed in her room.
-Hey Care. -She took an Abercrombie bag and handed to Carolinne. -This is for you.
Carolinne looked at the bag with a huge smile on her face.
-Lyds! It's your birthday, I'm supposed to give you the gifts.
-And I want you to have this, and wear it at my party. Open it.

-Oh my God, Lydia, it's gorgeous!! Thank you so much

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-Oh my God, Lydia, it's gorgeous!! Thank you so much.
-You're welcome. Try to match it with red heels, it will be stunning.
When Allison came back, she looked confused.
-What's wrong?
-I don't know... She was weird. She told me that sometimes we have to make difficult choices, but that she wanted me to know that she loves me and that everything she does is for my own safety and well-being.
Carolinne's heart clenched in her chest, because that could only mean one thing: Victoria was planning to take her own life.

-Peopel actually came! -Alli observed as they arrives at Lydia's.
-I told you.
-I'm here! -Stiles showed up with a huge box.
-Wow, that's a very, very big gift.
-She deserves it.
When they rang the bell, Lydia was kind of shocked with Stiles' gift.
-Happy birthday! -The three said.
They had some trouble getting the box inside, because it was bigger than the door, bit they managed it.
-Don't forget to try the punch! -Lydia said, and walked away.
-Hey, Lyds, wait! -Carol went to her.
-Here. -She handed Lydia an Anastasia Beverly Hills bag. -Happy Birthday!
-You told me three weeks ago that you were dying to have this palette.
-Oh, Care, thank you! -Lydia hugged her.
-You're welcome.

-Jackson's not here. -Allison told Scott and Stiles when they found them.
-Very few people are here. -Stiles said.
-Maybe it's early. -Scott tried.
-Or maybe nobody else is coming, because Lydia's turned into the town wack job. Only Carolinne's friends are here. By the way, was it really necessary to invite a bunch of Devenford Prep students?
-They're my friends. What's wrong with them?
-Nothing. -Scott said. -Stiles, just because they go to a private school, doesn't mean they're snobbish.
Stiles rolled his eyes at that.
-Well, it's not enough. -Allison said. -And we have to do something because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks.
-She's completely ignored Stiles for the last ten years. -Scott reminded her.
-I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar yet. -Stiles corrected.
-We don't owe her a party.
-I do. -Carol said. -But my friends and cousins that I invires are already here, and I'm running out of resources.
-And we owe her the chance to get back to norma. -Allison said. -Shw wouldn't be that town wack job if it wasn't for us.
-I guess I could use my co-capitain status to get the lacrosse team here. -Scott agreed.
-I can think of a few more people to call. And if it's crowded enough, I'll be able to get everyone from school.
-Yeah, I also know some people.
-Stiles? That's new.
-I have my contacts, ok? We can get this thing going. Like really going.
-What people? -Allison questioned.
-I met them the other night. Let's just say they know how to party.

So, "some people" were Stiles' new friends from the gay club. And it was perfect.
-Stiles, this is AMAZING!!! I'm so proud of you!
Appearently, this night could work after all.

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