Chapter 18: No backing out.

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Some people may think that having a key to someone else's house is weird and an invasion of privacy; but when you've been BFFs with the same person for 13 years and she was your brother's girlfriend for 3 of those years, "privacy" is kind of a blurry concept. Lydia was constantly walking through the Whittemore's door without any cerimonies, and this night, it was Carol who made her uninvited, yet welcome entrance in the Martin residence.
-Good evening, Carol.
-Good evening, Natalie.
-Lydia is upstairs.
-Thank you. Lyydiaaaaa!! -She called, half singing, as she made her way to her best friend's room.
-Hey, Care. Any news?
-BEAUTIFUL news, my friend.
-Hmm, you sound happy. -Lydia smiled.
-I am. I just came from the station, where I was visiting Derek.
-Oh, you were so excited for his birthday, I'm sorry it didn't work.
-Eh, it's ok... There's always next year. Anyway, we were talking, and I said I was frustrated for not being able to make him happy.
-That's not true! What did he say?
-He said I was wrong and proceeded to list the reasons why I make him happy. Then... HE SAID HE LOVED ME!
-CARE, that's amazung! You said it back, right?
-Of course I said it back! Lyds, I'm in Heaven.
-Well, I'm glad you guys are happy. Carolinne Jane Whittemore in love, in a serious relationship, who saw this coming?
-I think Alli did. Once while she was still with Scott, she told me that "soon it would be me". I obviously didn't believe her, but here we are.
-Here we are. You and Derek really fit toghether. Even your bitch face and his scowl look good toghether.
-I know, right? Such powerful vibes. And like Alli told me, I'm telling you: soon it will be you.
-Who knows... Until then, I'll pull a Carolinne and have some fun.
-Well, you can always count on Aiden to be hot.
-WHAT? I said what I said.

The next day, after Carol had finished breakfest, her dad came to talk to her, and he looked like he had good news.
-Hey dad.
-Carol, gess what.
-Does it have something to do with the case? You're making me nervous.
-Yes, it's about the case, but there's no need to be nervous. The charges were dropped, Derek and Chris are free!!
-For real. They are being let out this morning.
-Can we go there?
-I was hoping you'd ask. Go get changed, I'll wait in the car.
-Yayyyy!!! Thank you for helping.
-He didn't even need a Lawyer.
-It doesn't matter, you were willing to do whatever it took to set him free if he had needed one. Thank you.
-You're welcome, Care. -He smiled. -Go, we don't wanna be late.

-DEREK! -She called, and when he turned to her, she literally jumped in his arms. It was quite the movie scene, except that they couldn't kiss (yet). -I'm so glad it's over. -She said against his neck.
-Me too. -He smiled. -Thank you for helping, Mr. Whittemore.
-No worried. And call me David.
-Let's go, what are we waiting for? -Carol asked.
-We're waiting for officer Parrish over there to check each one of my weapons. -Chris sighed.
-Sorry, but I can't let you walk out with this. -Jordan announced while holding the cattle prod. -It's way above the legal voltage limit.
-I only use it for hunting.
-Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you could use it to jump-start a 747.
-This property belongs to me and the charges were dropped. Although I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that.
-I am. -The Sheriff arrived. -I'll take care of this, Parrish.
-Sheriff, I'm not kidding. This thing's a few watts from being a lightsaber.
-I said I'll take care of it.
-You know, Jordan, I also thought of a lightsaber the first time I saw it. -Carol told the officer.
-That thing is insane. He must be hunting monsters. -Parrish complained.
-You have no idea. -She sighed.
-Well, I guess I should go home now. -David Whittemore said. -See you home Care.
-See you.
-Will I be seeing you too, Derek?
-Uh, I don't know.
-Probably. -Carolinne grinned.
-Ok then. Bye.
-Bye, Mr. Whittemore. -Noah waved at Carol's father. -Guys I wanna shiw you something. -He led them to his office.
-What is it?
-The specialist I saw in L.A. told me the thing that every doctor says when he's trying to avoid a lawsuit: "we can't say for sure". And then I spoke with Melissa; these are brain scans. -He showed them some papers. -My wife's and Stiles'. I knew they were similar, but those are the same. Exactly the same.
-And I'm guessing this isn't possible? -Derek concluded.
-Not even remotely.
-So the trickster's still playing tricks.- Chris sighed.
-But why this trick? -Derek wondered.
-Because that motherfucker feeds on pain. -Carolinne said angrily.
-When I was in the Army, an officer told me, "if you want to defeat your enemy, don't take away their courage. You take away their hope".

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