Bonus Chapter: Unanswered questions.

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-Guys, it was SO crazy!!! Like, of all ways to die, I almost got crushed by a TREE! Isaac was the only werewolf there, and he was managing to hold it, even though he was strugling, but then the eclipse hapenned, and the whole thing almost fell in our heads, thank God Stiles showes up with A BASEBALL BAT. Seriously, I have no idea how that little bat was able to keep that from falling apart, but it did. And the stormed finally stopped out of the blues, I assume it was something you did with Jennifer, or Julia, whatever her name is. But really, I thought I was going to DIE. For the first time in my life, my weapons couldn't do anything, but STILES' BASEBALL BAT saved us.

This was the usually quiet and slightly direct Alice telling Carolinne and Jackson about how the Nemeton almost crushed all of them while the others were fighting Jennifer and Deucalion.
-Well, I'm glad you're still alive. -Jackson said, being a little shocked with the sudden outburst of energy.
-Me too. -Carol joined. -And I was the one who called you, so if you had died, it would have been my fault.
-I came because I wanted to, you didn't make me.
-Nothing happened, so let's not think about that. But what about you, Care, what do you have to tell us about the epic battle? -Jackson asked.
-Well... Don't freak out.
-This is exactly what someone says when their about to tell something that will make people freak out.
-Uh, fair enough. But prepare yourselves.
-Ok, now I'm nervous. -Alice crossed her arms. -Just tell us already.
-Well... -Carolinne closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and when she opened them, they were bright red.
-WHAT?! OH MY GOD, WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? -Alice literally jumped from where she was sitting.
-GEEZ, Carolinne! -Jackson's eyes were practically popping out of his head.
-I killed Kali. -She explained. -Julia threw tons of glass shreads at her, and we thought she was dead, but she starred moving and removing the shreads, so I ripped her heart out.
-Holy Mother... -Alice finally stopped screaming, and Carol's new extra-enhaced hearing was thankful.
-My sister is an Alpha. -Jackson stated proudly.
-Well, I may be more powerful now, but I have no intention of forming a pack, so for all that matters, I'll always be an Omega. I'm sure Scott will be a good Alpha to our friends.
-Speaking of Scott, how did he react to the fact that you killed someone?
-He wasn't really happy. And I haven't talked to him ever since.
-When will you talk to him?
-I was hoping to do it today. It's bothering me.
-You should go see him. -Jackson supported.
-Yeah, go talk to him in person. -Alice agreed.
-Absolutely. I'll go to his house later. Oh, Jackson, I wish you were here, but I have to say, you're lucky to be far from this town. Tell us, how are things going for you in London?

It was the end of the afternoon when she rang the bell at the McCall's house.
-Carol Jane, hi!
-Hey, Melissa. Uhm, is Scott home?
-Yeah, he's in his room. Come in, you can go see him.

As she walked upstairs, she tried to think of how their conversation would go.
-Hi, Scott.
-What do you want?
-I want to talk.
-You know. About Kali.
-There's nothing to talk about, you killed her, end of the story.
-No, not end of the story. Listen, when Julia got to the loft, she came through the roof, and there were lots of glass shreads in the floor. She used her power to make them levitate and threw all of them at Kali, and we thought she was dead. But she wasn't; I saw that she was alive, and she was removing some of the shreads, and if she managed to take at least half of them, she would heal enough to survive. So I knelt beside her, and I thought "it's now or never". Because we would never again have the chance to take her down and she would never stop hurting people. She killed Erica, she took part in Boyd's death, and she was going to kill Derek, I couldn't let that happen, Scott. I couldn't let her get away with those deaths, and I couldn't let her kill him.

She waited for him to say something, anything. After a few moments of silence, he finally spoke.
-It was mostly for him, though, wasn't it? I mean, I get your point, I really do, and I agree that she couldn't get away with Erica's and Boyd's deaths, but it was mostly because of Derek, wasn't it?
-I... Well, yes. And I'd do it again. But you can't judge me, when you broke the mountain ash circle, you told Julia: "Whatever you're doig to cause the storm, stop it, or I'll kill you myself". And you would have, even if you can't stand the idea of killing someone, you would have killed her then, because sometimes we do things that we could never imagine ourselves doing for the people that we care about, that we...

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