Chapter 122

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Destiny was woken up not long after fallen asleep

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Destiny was woken up not long after fallen asleep.

"What's wrong baby?" Destiny asks groggily.

"Sorry to wake up baby I know you are pregnant and need rest but I am so scared." Ryan says.

"It's okay baby. What's wrong? Is it Mick?" Destiny asks sitting up.

"Yes she won't stop throwing up. She's thrown up so much she's now dry heaving. I don't know what to do?" Ryan says his voice laced with worry.

"Okay baby, I will go check her temperature and will give her some zofran." Destiny says.

"Okay baby. I am sorry I am panicking but I just found my little girl, I can't loose her." Ryan says.

"Ryan relax okay. I love you, Mick loves you. We aren't going anywhere." Destiny says.

Ryan was crying and was shaking. He was a fidgety mess on a good day but now he was all over the place. Destiny pulls him in for a hug. She held him close to her rubbing his back.

"I am sorry I am just so scared." Ryan says.

Destiny pulls back looking up into his ocean blue eyes. She could see the storm brewing in them and the fear.

"Ry look at me baby. You are okay. Mick is going to be okay. Please calm down okay. I don't want you to have a panic attack or worse." Destiny says.

Ryan took a deep breath. He then hugged Destiny a little closer inhaling her scent. Finally they went and headed to Mick's room.

"Sorry he has to wake you mom." Mick says groggily.

"It's okay love bug. Can you tell me what's wrong? What hurts?" Destiny asks.

"My head and my stomach." Mick says.

"Okay let's start with your head first okay?" Destiny asks.

"Okay." Mick says.

"What's your pain level on the scale is 1-10? Also show me where exactly it hurts." Destiny says.

"Should I go get Carrie? She is a nurse and can help?" Ryan asks.

"It can't hurt baby." Destiny says wanting to put his mind at ease.

Ryan leaves to go get her.

Mick showed her where her headache was. She also said her pain level was a 8. She had just started her period a few days ago and was bloated and cramping and just nauseated.

That was when Carrie comes in. She jumped into action asking Mick questions. She then did vitals on her.

"Well?" Ryan asks.

"You don't need to take her to the hospital. He blood pressure is good, her pulse ox is good and so is her temp. I think she is suffering from a migraine triggered by her menstrual cycle." Carrie says.

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