Ducan x chubby girlfriend reader (TDWT)

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You and Duncan have been dating since the start of total drama inland and the relationship kept on going past total drama action and now world tour. You were happy about being on this show again with Duncan and some of your friends as well. Duncan seemed more happy about it but he wouldn't tell you why it seems like it enjoyed being away from home, and with people he liked.

Gwen " I can't believe you and Duncan are still going strong"

Y/n " yeah and I'm happy you and Trent made up but it sad he didn't make it on here"

Gwen " yeah but we been texting and email each other so it working out"

Heather " will you two stop talking about your boyfriends we have to thrive straight remember we have to win"

Cody " leave them alone heather"

Sierra" yeah leave them alone heather everyone know you have something for Al"

Heather " I not I love with Alejandro I hate him"

Everyone " sure"

Courtney " Im still saying relationship are not worth it I haven't found anyone perfect for me"

Y/n " maybe some day you will Courtney"

Gwen " may the odds be in that boys favor"

Courtney " oh hush just because you are dating mr bad boy and goth girl mr popstar"

Gwen " oh hush ms CIT"

Sierra " okay everyone let be nice we have to work together in the next challenge"

Gwen " fine" you had left first class carrying a plate of cookies there was nothing in the rules that your couldn't go see Duncan, and give him some sweeties right.

Duncan " hey there princess I was about to seek into first class to see you"

Y/n " aww you were mister"

Duncan " I hate we are not on the same team anymore but hey we get to see each more now"

Y/n " yeah but it wont be personal if my team wins or your team right"

Duncan " no" you and Duncan were sitting in the mess hall room together eating the cookies you had brought him.

Y/n " what with the face"

Duncan " it just that very time I'm with you it makes me happy"

Y/n " aww you are sweet for a bad boy"

Duncan " anything to make you happy"

Chris " aww young love the two of you are so cute"

Duncan " back off McClain you are just jealous that you have no love life"

Chris " harsh dude" Chris had walked away upset leaving you and Duncan alone again.

Y/n " hey there might be someone out there for Chris and he will meet her one day"

Duncan " do you think the true"

Y/n " maybe we i see you tomorrow good night love you"

Duncan " love you too babe"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now