Avatar books

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Hello my readers and followers I have been rewatching the avatar movie and being reading some avatar books, that they have inspired me to make my own books. There are two books I have in mind when it comes to the avatar series and fandom. One of my books is based on one shot I had published before this new I don't know which one books will come our first, but I"m going to leave the description of the stories on here and hope you all with like either one of them or both.

1 . Tsu'tey x Na'vi female

A young na'vi  baby had been abandoned in the wildness and left to fend for herself but she was welcome by chef and his tribe when they came across her. She will become the chef third daughter but life was not easy for her because most of her clan mates, as her as stranger or demon that was not wanted by her birth tribe like everyone else.  Even growing up she was able to make friends and rivals from those around her, but soon her life would become more complicated when she meets the sky people and one of them trying to join the clan. She will also deal with matters of the heart when it came to her best friend tsu'tey and the matters of her family as well.

2 . Navi abandoned child

Since airia birth she had been seen as freaks to her birth tribes and had been handed over to the humans, since that night she only eywa as a connection to her people. Even being raised by the sky people aka human she still felt alone in her life. She didn't have a family or tribe like anyone else and she felt like she didn't belong anywhere even with the humans, she was seem as a freak that only a few wanted. That will all changed when she had ran into one special tribe with Jake sully and his brother Tom. The young Na'vi child will finally get the answers she need that she has always been looking for, and belong to a tribe she had always been wishing for and learning more about herself and helping to save her people and finally becoming one of them. There will be other challenges she will see on her journey with friends, family, and enemies, love.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now