Male winxs x cuvry mermaid fairy reader

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You had become friends with the winx when you ran into prince ash when he was home for the weekend, one you meet him the two of you become close friends and he soon had you meet his other friends. They would come to visit you that times or you would come to see them.

Ash " y/n"

Y/n " ash when did you get home"

Ash " last night and hey there guys are here as well, we were going to come see you but my mother order us to bed"

Y/n " aww the hero's of magic have a bedtime that cute"

Max " hey y/n"

Y/n " max hey"

Steller " hey you know we are here as well not these two"

Y/n " aww steller you haven't changed"

Florence " so how are things going that home for you and your ...."

Y/n " it going good as it can be my brothers and cousins are still not speaking to my uncles or father about them become traitors"

Ash " yes my father has told me that only you have visit them in jail"

Y/n " even due he joined the side of evil he still my father and I hope one day him and my uncles can become good, and redeemed themselves"

Bloo " you have done everything you can but it look like it won't be happening"

Y/n " yes I know but it to much in my kind nature to give up on them"

Max " oh come on what can be worst they haven't banished to the omega zone and you will have no chance of seeing them again"

The guys " max"

Max " sorry"

Ash " well why don't you forget that and come play some volleyball with us and forget about your family issues"

Y/n " sure" you soon had transformers back into your humans form and joined the guys from some beach volleyball, you were having a fun time out there. Soon your family issues and washed away like they were nothing but you were still feeling something awful was about to happen.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now