Rook blanko x curvy reader

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You had joined the Tennyson team many years ago, but it soon become you and Ben after Gwen and Kevin left. It had been you and Ben for a while now and everything was going well, Ben was still have some issues with his watch but he was taking his responsibility a bit more serious now these days. You had went home to your home planet for two weeks,to help out with some stuff leaving Ben alone with work but now you were back.

Y/n " hello max"

Max " oh y/n welcome back we have missed seeing your around"

Y/n " well I'm happy to be back sir I have missed everyone"

Max " well Ben will be here later on the day he out with your guys new team mate"

Y/n " oh we have a new team mate"

Max " yes I and the higher ups thought it will be a good idea, he name is a good fighter and smart man he is teenager as well he will fit well with the team"

Y/n " that sound amazing I can't wait to meet him, well I'm going to unpack and the orders from my home world came with me"

Max " thank you I will have a crew unload them and expect them as well" you had went about to the apartment that was given to by the plumbers, and you saw there was extra room now.

Y/n " oh so he name is rook blanko I can't wait to meet him" you soon walked into your room and started unpacking all your stuff.

???? " dude you are going to love y/n she an amazing girl, and she have some good talents as well"

???? " yes I have heard about this girl named y/n from master Tennyson I can't wait to meet her" the two males had walked into the room not paying attention to you that much.

Y/n " hey Ben"

Ben " y/n you are here" Ben had ran to you and hugged you he was happy to have you back on earth and here.

Ben " y/n I will love you to meet rook blanko our new team member"

Y/n " hello it nice to meet you rook"

Rook "it a honor to meet you y/n I have heard great thing about you I hope I can prove myself, to be a worthy teammate and friend"

Y/n " I think you are doing a amazing job so far"

Rook " thank you"

Y/n " you are revonnahgander right"

Ben " wow how did you know I didn't know that right away"

Y/n " the way he talks and looks Benny boy"

Rook " yes I'm revonnahgander I had become a plumber to see the stars and explore the galaxy"

Y/n "'that sound amazing"

Ben " y/n here come for a race of people on planet in the galaxy, that deals with healing  and many other things"

Rook " that amazing I had a few classmates at the academy that come from your home world, but they seem very different then you"

Y/n " yeah I'm smaller then everyone else there are few like me, but I'm the smallest in my family but that didn't stop me from having my own life"

Ben " her grandmother is also a friend of my grandfather lady Feyaa, she is powerful healer and spiritual guide like y/n here"

Rook " I have study the teachings of your grandmother so have all my people"

Ben " see I told you that you will like her"

Y/n " if you boys will like to see I brought some gifts from home"

Ben " I'm in I love when you bring home gifts from home"

Rook " I will love to and maybe I can learn something new about you and your people"

Y/n " sure if you have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer them"

Ben " when we are done maybe we can go out for smoothies my treat"

Y/n " I will hold you to your word Benny boy"

Rook " Benny boy"

Ben " that her nickname for me she been calling me that for years"

Rook " oh"

Y/n " well are you boys coming or no" ben and rook soon followed you as your showed them the gifts you had brought back, and you telling them stories about your time away from earth and the job. Rook seems to be getting very close towards you and he seemed to really love your company as well. Ben seem to notice this as well and decided to wait to ask his questions when the time was right.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now