Bts x chubby saloon girl cowboy

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It was the Wild West and a group of newcomers have arrived in medium size town where everyone knew everyone, and everyone business they came to this town to start a new life and are running a ranch. They had to stop by the town popular and only saloon to meet some of the other towns people, and learn more about this town they had moved into.

Namjoon " we can sit here"

Suga " sure"

Jimin " this place looks Interesting"

???? " hey there folks you boys seem to be new around here I never seen you all around here" the guys soon looked and saw a girl wearing a beautiful dress.

J-hope " oh hello there ma'am"

???? " the name is y/n please no ma'am"

V " well then y/n we have arrived in town a few days ago and took over the old ranch here"

Y/n " oh yes old man William ranch nice man so you all are the new owners right"

Namjoon " yes we are care to have a sit with us"

Y/n " sure I will love to .... Will you boys like to play some cards and there no money involved"

Jungkook " sure" you soon sat at the table and gave everyone some cards and soon the game started, all of you were in far away area so the conversation was easy to hear and keep going.

Jimin " so y/n what girl like you doing in a place like this"

Y/n " well you see I have been orphan since I was four so once I become seventeen I was kicked out, and came down west to start a new life here ... soon I arrived in this town and start working in this saloon and found my own place"

Suga " wow so you are one of those independent gals"

Y/n " you have a problem with that hon"

Suga " no I don't"

Y/n " that good love because I thought we might be getting on the wrong foot when I'm starting to like you newbies" the guys are amazed by your attitude and mood you made then feel welcome. Soon night had fallen and you shift had come to an end, the guys had offered to walk you home which, you all later found out was that your little place was not to far away from theirs.

Y/n " well boys it seems like we might be neighbors so that means I get to see you more then I thought"

Suga " something wrong with that love"

Y/n " no I love that idea well I will be seeing you around cuties" you soon waved goodbye to the guys and soon walked into your house.

Namjoon " well she is something special"

Jimin " I can agree on that and hey maybe we can go over there and fix something if she needs help, or stop bye for a good hello"

J-hope " I love that idea"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now