Louis x cuvery wolf reader (2)

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You have been avoiding Louis calls for the last few days why was he calling you when he ended things, you are at the roof tending to the flowers you are in the garden club with haru but she was not here today because she had to go home to attend to a sick relative. You were watering the flowers when you heard heavy footsteps at first you thought it was legoshi or bill one of your many meat eating animal friends.

Y/n " hey ... who are you waiting you are the lion from that gangster place what are you doing here"

Inbuki " the name is inbuki young miss I have came here to speak to you about Louis my boss"

Y/n " oh great him what about him"

Inbuki " you know he really love you young lady and you are something special to him"

Y/n " then why did he end our relationship if he love me"

Inbuki " because he loves you enough to make sure you don't get hurt"

Louis " Inbuki I think I got it from here"

Inbuki " sure boss take care young lady"

Y/n " umm thank you" Inbuki soon walked away but he gave Louis a look that a father would give his child, when he know they had done something stupid.

Louis " I wanted to speak with you I had some time to think, and now we ended things was not a good thing"

Y/n " oh hood the great and powerful Louis has some regrets"

Louis " I love you y/n and being without you would make me feel horrible"

Y/n " ......."

Louis " please say something anything don't just look that me like I'm nothing" you soon slapped Louis hard on the face getting his full attention.

Y/n " you are an idiot you know a major idiot" you were now crying and Louis soon warped his arm around you as your cried on his shoulder.

Louis " yes I'm an idiot but I'm idiot who in live with you"

Y/n " fine you get a second chance but if you mess up I will make you pay"

Louis " good and if you may like it I will be coming back to school"

Y/n " good because right now you own me a lunch date"

Louis " as you wish my lady" Inbuki was watching from far away happy that it ended on a good note, he was happy his boss found someone like you.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now