Valtor x cuvry wife reader (2)

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Today was one of days you will go see your husband valtor it seemed like it was idea by the royals and elders of magic, that it will help you get pass valtor and move on with your life as well. The company of light had said this might be good of valtor and keep him in the omega dimension of he know his wife and alive and well, along with their child as well. These days were hard for you seeing your husband locked away and you hated that it only last to a short time before the portal between the who places were closed and won't open for many months.

Y/n " ......."

Ms faragond " you don't have to worry if anything happens we will reopen the portal and come for you"

Y/n " don't worry I will be okay I can deal with my husband on my own, I don't want anyone getting hurt because of my relationship with him"

Ms faragond " as you wish" soon a portal had open and you soon took a deep breath in and out soon stepping into the portal.

Y/n " valtor" you soon spend into the cell that was holding valtor in the omega dimension, he was placed far away from anyone as valtor was powerful and could swag anyone to help him escape.

Valtor " well hello my beautiful wife"

Y/n " you seem to be doing well here valtor"

Valtor " some days are hard in this stupid place but I'm happy you are here my love" valtor soon place his hand on your face, this was one of his way of showing you love.

Valtor " you have become even more beautiful then our last visit oh I have missed having you so close"

Y/n " I ... miss you two"

Valtor " I don't blame you for leaving me here but I hate how that stupid company of light captured me"

Y/n " it was the best for the magical words many lives were going to get lost"

Valtor " that what I love about you always having they kind heart of your and care of the weak"

Y/n " ........"

Valtor " how is our baby boy has he grown I haven't seen him since you brought him as baby and toddler"

Y/n " he is doing well and seems to be gifts in magic"

Valtor " that wonderful....."

Y/n " what the matter valtor don't lie I know you are upset about something your aura is a mess"

Valtor " im here and wasting years of not being there for my son and you Im losing years with my family"

Y/n " valtor when he gets older he will come and see you but I don't want him going down the same path ..."

Valtor " the same path we did he can see you as good as you changed but me as evil villain he will, spend all his life knowing I'm a monster"

Y/n " there might be some chance he see you as a hero if you change you don't have to be what, your mother wants my love come back to me and be the valtor I once love and cared for"

Valtor " ......."

Y/n " oh Val"

Valtor " you haven't called me that you in the last time you called me that is when I found you were with child"

Y/n " it has been that long" valtor could see you were crying and soon wipped away the tears from your face as you looked at him.

Valtor " so you are teacher now teaching fairies, heroes, and witches and warlocks"

Y/n " yes I'm hope I can lead them on a path of good to many witches and warlock have ended up here, someone needs to end that"

Valtor " good I'm happy for you" valtor had brought you close to him as you hugged him he was still the love of your life and father of your child as well.

Y/n " sometime I wish I wonder what our life will be like if we hadn't fallen on a dark path of evil"

Valtor " it would be a beautiful life us and our kid but that won't happen for a while"

Y/n " oh Val"

Valtor " our time is coming to an end I'm going to miss you my love I can't wait to see again take care of our boy for me"

Y/n " bye Val I love you"

Valtor " I love you more" you soon kissed valtor one last time before you left him again you didn't know if he was true about his words but you were hoping he will change for the better, you soon were back at alfea in the greenhouse tending to some plants.

Bloom " umm professor"

Y/n " hello bloom" you son was running around looking at the plants and being a kid, you soon saw bloom standing there with Ashia.

Ashia " we have a question for you about valtor your husband"

Y/n " ask away"

Bloom " how do you still love him after all he had done"

Y/n " there was one time he as good but he was turned evil it was set in stone for him bloom , but there was times I hope he become good again"

Ashia " our dads were wondering if you could turn him good"

Y/n " I don't know he can be stubborn about his way of life so I don't think he would be become good that easily"

Bloom " what of Alexander do you worry about him valtor had some of dragon fire "

Y/n " yes I worry about him he dose have some of his father powers in him and I worry of they will come back"

Ashia " don't worry miss we will make sure they don't come back you have been there for us and we will be there for you"

Y/n " thank you girls" you were hoping your son life would be normal but know he was so powerful at such a young age, you still worried about him and everything else. You will do anything to keep your son safe from danger even if it might sacrificing yourself to keep him and everyone else you love safe from danger and harm of the evil forces out there.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now