Good valtor x curvy wife reader

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You and your husband valtor had arrived at magix as today both of you will be starting your jobs as teachers, you will be teaching at alfea college for fairies while your husband will be teaching at red tower. Valtor was a powerful wizard and his former teacher Saladin had asked him to come teach as a position had opened there at the school. Ms faragond had asked you to come teach at her school as she knew you were very skills in magic and could help her girls learn something new. So the both of you had found a house and take the jobs offers as it was better then explore all the magical worlds, and taking some time off from that part of your guys lives.

Y/n " remember please be nice to those boys they are still young"

Valtor " aww my love you make me laugh I will be good but I'm not going easy on them they need to know everything"

Y/n " ....." you rolled your eyes at your husband making me smirk and shake his head.

Valtor " have fun with your students at least we know one of us will be good teacher to the start"

Y/n " you will be good I will see you later on today I love you"

Valtor " I love you more" valtor soon kissed you goodbye as he head off towards red fountain and you towards alfea, you soon arrived there and made your way toward ms faragond office.

Ms faragond " welcome y/n it good to see you had made it"

Y/n " hello miss it has been a long time hasn't it"

Ms faragond " yes it has and it good to have one of my previous and gifted student back here"

Y/n " I'm happy to be back here to help the future generations of fairies"

Ms faragond " I'm happy to hear that the girls already have been told of your arrival here and you being their new teacher as well"

Y/n " I hope they will accept me for being a witch and fairy not that many people understand how one person, can be both at the same time"

Ms faragond " times are changing my dear they will soon understand so how that husband of yours"

Y/n " he been good he will be teaching at red fountain a favor for Saladin for helping him control his magic all these years"

Ms faragond " that good valtor is a very powerful wizard with dark and light magic, I can't wait to see what he and you will be doing now these days"

Y/n " thank you miss" ms faragond had shown you the classroom you will be teaching in this school years and the room was very massive due to what you will be teaching. You were soon setting up your classroom when you hear the door slowly open and whispering voices as well.

???? " do you see her"

???? " what dose she look like please don't tell me she like Giselle's"

???? " stop pushing me I can't see or hear what happening in the classroom"

Y/n " will you girls like to come into classroom or stay in the hall gossiping among yourselves" soon you saw some girls step into the classroom and look at you.

Y/n " welcome ladies you all most be the winx right ms faragond has told me a lot about you"

Teca " hello ma'am wait you are y/n right you were a former student here many years ago"

Y/n " yes I was a student here and now I'm a teacher here isn't that funny"

Stella " wow you are so beautiful to be a teacher here"

The girls " Stella"

Stella " sorry"

Y/n " it okay"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now