Male marrette x curvy reader x adrien

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You are in a relationship with your childhood friends Marin and Adrien the relationship is going well  families support the relationship and friends as well. You are into perfume making and this seem to sync but with your boyfriends skills as well. Marin was a upcoming fashion designer and Adrien with musician and model they are your number one fans when you were think up new perfume smells and designs. Both males had yet to tell your their secrets from you and that was their miraculous charms and them being hero's they had been wishing to tell you but hadn't, when you all had become adults they still didn't tell you.

Y/n " ......" you had arrived at school and are sitting in class as your worked on new perfume and colon line you had been thinking about and designing for a while now.

???? " hey there beautiful"

Y/n " Marin"

Marin " hey there cutie I saw you were in the class room and also brought some breakfasts pastry for the class"

Y/n " thank you" Marin soon placed a breakfast pastry on a paper plate for you and soon looked at you, soon putting the plate down.

Y/n " thank you handsome"

Marin " so what are you working on this time love"

Y/n " oh I ha we designed some new perfume and colon bottles"

Marin " cool can I see them if you don't mind showing me your designs"

Y/n " sure" you soon showed you designs on your iPad to Marin and he soon looked shocked at what he had seen.

Marin " these are based on the hero's miraculous I'm right"

Y/n " yes I have some footage and images about their miraculous and deceit to make bottle based on them ... you don't like them do you"

Marin " no I love it they are amazing"

Alyo " hey love birds" soon alyo came walking into the room followed by some of the class, they all noticed Marin holding your ipad.

Alyo " oh can we see your designs y/n"

Y/n " sure"

Nino " wow girl you have amazing talent and you redraw the miraculous very well"

Y/n " thank you"

Adrien " hey everyone and hello princess" soon Adrien walked towards you and soon gave his usual smile he soon saw  your design as well.

Adrien " are these your new designs you were talking about last night"

Y/n " yes i got done with them this morning I still have worked on their smell yet"

Adrien " this so wonderful you should make this into you real brand it will be popular here and sell well"

Y/n " sure I have a few other collection max as well that I might make into my own brand"

Alyo " so who are your favorite hero's"

Y/n " well I like cat noir" Adrien gave Marin a look like he won something after hearing that he was your favorite hero making Marin roll his eyes at him.

Y/n " I also love lord beetle as well they are both so amazing" soon Marin had give Adrien the same look Adrien had given him, the boys were having a silent fight between each other. You and the rest of the class didn't noticed this whole situation, but the class was giving your praise for your work that made you happy.

With Adrien and Marin

Marin " I think we should tell her it been long enough and we both know each other identities"

Adrien " are you sure if we tell her it could sell bad new for us all"

Marin " I think we should tell her it been long enough and we should tell her if we wish to have a future with her"

Adrien " you are right it will get hard to make excuses when we become older we barely make enough excuse, that everyone believed fully now"

Marin " okay so we will tell her the truth and hope she will understand"

Adrien " it will good to have her know as she might be a helper toward us verse the fight against evil"

Marin " good because I'm starting to think all our excuses for leaving are starting to make her and everybody else worry"

Adrien " we will tell her first and soon those close to us"

Marin " deal" the boys and fist bumped and soon went back into the school after having a conversation about the matter that related around you. The two of them where hoping you will take the new well once they told you as they didn't want to lose you.

Later that night at your family home

Y/n " maybe a flower scent for the perfume bottle will be perfect I don't know about the colon bottle yet" soon your phone started ringing and you saw it was Marin calling your face light up with happiness.

Y/n " hey there Marin how is everything going"

Marin " umm good are you free right now"

Y/n " well yes why do you ask"

Marin " come you bedroom balcony there is something me and Adrien wish to show you right now"

Y/n " huh" the call soon ended and you soon placed your phone down and made you way toward the balcony, you soon stepped onto your balcony you were alone until you hear a tump sound behind you.

Adrien " hello my lady"

Y/n " car noir what are you doing here"

Marin " hello y/n"

Y/n " lord beetle what are you two doing here at my home"

Adrien " there is something I ... I mean wish to tell you lady"

Y/n " sure"

Marin " if we will you this information will you be secretive of it and not tell a soul until approved"

Y/n " yes I promise"

Adrien " Plaug claws out"

Kiri " tiki spots off" soon a bright light had overtaken the two hero and you soon saw their true identity it was Marin and Adrien.

Adrien " surprised like what we showed you"

Y/n " hey inside before someone heads what I have to say"

Marin " okay wait isn't your mom home"

Y/n " she away taking care of my sick grandma now come inside" the two boys soon followed you inside where they soon saw you looking at them,

Y/n " so you are lord beetle"

Marin " yes I'm"

Y/n " you are cat noir"

Adrien " yes I'm"

Y/n " wow that amazing but also worry some as well because now I know you are all not making up lies, to get away from me and our friends but very worried now for you safety"

Marin " dorm worry it will all be okay"

Y/n " are you sure"

Adrien " sure as we will ever be my lady"

Y/n " okay I will have all faith on you guys"

Marin " now why don't you show us some of your design over a good meal"

Adrien " yeah it will be a like a date and we don't have school tomorrow so we can stay up late"

Y/n " okay I will love that" that night you made food with your boyfriends and showed them your designs with color now, they even looked more beautiful then before. During that night you got to know tiki and plaug along with seeing them embarrass the who boys a well.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now